
AEM Forms JEE Patch Installer aem-forms-jee-patch-installer

AEM 6.4 has reached the end of extended support and this documentation is no longer updated. For further details, see our . Find the supported versions here.
for more information or to obtain the patch.

About the patch installer about-the-patch-installer

The AEM 6.4 Forms JEE patch installer includes all fixed issues for all components of AEM 6.4 Forms JEE available until the release of this patch. See the latest Cumulative Fix Pack Release Notes for a complete list of fixed issues.

Prerequisites to installing the patch prerequisites-to-installing-the-patch

  • AEM 6.4 Forms

Installing and configuring the patch installing-and-configuring-the-patch

  1. Take a backup of the <AEM_forms_root>/deploy folder. It is required if you decide to uninstall the quick fix.

  2. Stop your application server.

  3. Extract the patch installer archive file to your hard drive.

  4. In the directory named according to the operating system that you are using:

    • Windows
      Navigate to the appropriate directory on the installation media or folder on your hard disk where you copied the installer, and double-click the aemforms64_cfp_install.exe file.

      • (Windows 32-bit) Windows\Disk1\InstData\VM
      • (Windows 64-bit) Windows_64Bit\ Disk1\InstData\VM
    • Linux, Solaris, AIX
      Navigate to the appropriate directory, and from a command prompt, type ./aem64_cfp_install.bin.

      • (Linux) Linux/Disk1/InstData/NoVM

      • (Solaris) Solaris/Disk1/InstData/NoVM

      • (AIX)

        code language-none

    This launches an install wizard that guides you through the installation.

  5. On the Introduction panel, click Next.

  6. On the Choose Install Folder screen, verify that the default location displayed is correct for your existing installation, or click Browse to select the alternate folder where AEM forms is installed, and click Next.

  7. Read the Quick Fix Patch Summary information and click Next.

  8. Read the Pre-Installation Summary information and click Install.

  9. When the installation is complete, click Next to apply the quick fix updates to your installed files.

  10. [Windows only] Perform one of the following steps:

    • Deselect the Start Configuration Manager option before you click Done. Run Configuration Manager later by using the ConfigurationManager.bat file located in [aem-forms root]\configurationManager\bin. Using ConfigurationManager.bat helps you avoid manually updating name of axis.jar name in .lax files

    • Deselect the Start Configuration Manager option before you click Done. Before running configuration manager using ConfigurationManager.exe or ConfigurationManager_IPv6.exe, navigate to <AEMForms_Install_Dir>\configurationManager\bin directory and update axis.jar to axis- in the following files:

      • ConfigurationManager.lax
      • ConfigurationManager_IPv6.lax
  11. (Unix-based only) The Start Configuration Manager check box is selected by default. Click Done to run the Configuration Manager.

    To run Configuration Manager later, deselect the Start Configuration Manager option before you click Done. You can start Configuration Manager later using the appropriate script in the [AEM_forms_root]/configurationManager/bin directory.

  12. Depending on your application server, choose one of the following documents and follow the instructions in the Configuring and Deploying AEM forms section.

  13. (JBoss only) After installing the patch and configuring the server, delete tmp and work directories of JBoss application server.

Post-deployment configurations post-deployment-configurations

SAML configurations saml-configurations

If you had SAML authentication configured and facing issues with large IDP metadata, do the following after installing the patch:

  1. Set the following system property in your application server:

  2. Restart the server.

  3. Delete existing SAML auth providers and add them again for existing domains as described in SAML settings.

Impacted Modules impacted-modules

  • Document Services
  • Document Security
  • Foundation JEE
  • PDFG Service
