
Application Create and Configuration Actions application-create-and-configuration-actions

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Creating an On-Demand Application creating-an-on-demand-application

Creating an app is often the first step towards creating and managing AEM Mobile On-Demand content, and is often performed at the AEM Administrator level. It represents a content shell, viewable on mobile devices, ready to display author created content such as articles, images, collections, etc.

The details of your app can be viewed in the Dashboard or AEM Mobile Control Center.

The Dashboard is a series of useful tiles which give an overview of the app鈥檚 content, metadata, and AEM Mobile On-Demand connection status.
See AEM Mobile Application Dashboard for details.

To create an on-demand app:

  1. Select Mobile from the side rail.
  2. Select Apps from the Navigation.
  3. Click Create and select App from the drop down.
  4. Choose the Mobile app template and click Next.
  5. Enter app properties such as Title, Name, Description.
  6. Click Next.
  7. If known, enter cloud config details, otherwise click Create.
  8. Click Done to view your new AEM Mobile app in the catalog.


This process lets you create an app instance in AEM.

Using App Templates using-app-templates

App templates provide an easy way to leverage existing designs created by devlopers, used for the creation of new apps within AEM.

What is an app template? Think of it as a collection of page templates and components that represent a baseline or foundation of an app.
When creating a new app based on the template of another app, you will get an app that has a starting point representative of the app in which it was created from.

You must have an existing mobile app template (or an app installed that has an app template) to make use of this feature.

The Next Step the-next-step

Once you create an On-Demand app from the application dashboard, the next step is to associate your app to the cloud configuration.

See Associating your app to the Cloud Configuration for more details.

Getting Ahead getting-ahead

Once you are familiar with creating an on-demand application and thus associating that app to a cloud configuration, see Content Management Actions.

Content Management Actions involes creation and management of following content:

To learn about the roles and responsibilities of an Administrator and Developer, see the resources below:
