
Clientlibs for Communities Components clientlibs-for-communities-components

AEM 6.4 has reached the end of extended support and this documentation is no longer updated. For further details, see our . Find the supported versions here.

Introduction introduction

This section of the documentation describes how to add client-side libraries (clientlibs) to a page for Communities components.

For basic information, visit:

Why Clientlibs are Required why-clientlibs-are-required

Clientlibs are required for the proper functioning (JavaScript) and styling (CSS) of a component.

When there exists a community function for a feature, all necessary components and configurations, including the required clientlibs, will be present in the community site. Only if additional components are to be available to authors would additonal clientlibs need to be added.

When the required clientlibs are missing, adding a Communities component to a page could result in javascript errors as well as an unexpected appearance.

Example: Placed Reviews without Clientlibs example-placed-reviews-without-clientlibs


Example: Placed Reviews with Clientlibs example-placed-reviews-with-clientlibs


Identifying Required Clientlibs identifying-required-clientlibs

The essential feature information for developers identifies the required clientlibs.

In addition, from an AEM instance, browsing to the Community Components Guide provides access to a listing of clientlib categories required for a component.

For example, at the very top of the the required clientlibs listed are

  • cq.ckeditor
  • cq.social.hbs.reviews


Adding Required Clientlibs adding-required-clientlibs

When it is desired to add a Communities component to a page, it will be necessary to add the required clientlibs for the component if not already present.

Use CRXDE|Lite to modify an existing clientlibslist for a community site page.

To add a clientlib for a community site using CRXDE Lite:

  • Browse to

  • Locate the clientlibslist node for the page on which you wish to add the component

    • /content/sites/sample/en/page/jcr:content/clientlibslist
  • With clientlibslist node selected

    • Locate the String[] property scg:requiredClientLibs

    • Select its Value to access the String array dialog

      • Scroll down if necessary

      • Select + to enter a new client library

        • Repeat to add more client libraries
      • Select OK

    • Select Save All

If the site is not a community site, the existance or location of the client libraries in use for the site would need to be discovered.

Using the Getting Started with AEM Communities example, where site-name is engage, this is how the clientliblist would appear if adding the reviews component:

