Configuring LDAP with AEM 6 configuring-ldap-with-aem
LDAP (the L ightweight D irectory A ccess P rotocol) is used for accessing centralized directory services. This helps reduce the effort required to manage user accounts as they can be accessed by multiple applications. One such LDAP server is Active Directory. LDAP is often used to achieve Single Sign On which allows a user to access multiple applications after logging in once.
User accounts can be synchronized between the LDAP server and the repository, with LDAP account details being saved in the repository. This allows the accounts to be assigned to repository groups for allocating the required permissions and privileges.
The repository uses LDAP authentication to authenticate such users, with credentials being passed to the LDAP server for validation, which is required before allowing access to the repository. To improve performance, successfully validated credentials can be cached by the repository, with an expiry timeout to ensure that revalidation does occur after an appropriate period.
When an account is removed from the LDAP server validation is no longer granted and so access to the repository is denied. Details of LDAP accounts that are saved in the repository can also be purged.
Use of such accounts is transparent to your users, they see no difference between user and group accounts created from LDAP and those created solely in the repository.
In AEM 6, LDAP support comes with a new implementation that requires a different type of configuration than with previous versions.
All LDAP configurations are now available as OSGi configurations. They can be configured via the Web Management console at:https://serveraddress:4502/system/console/configMgr
In order to have LDAP working with AEM, you need to create three OSGi configurations:
- An LDAP Identity Provider (IDP).
- A Sync Handler.
- An External Login Module.
Configuring The LDAP Identity Provider configuring-the-ldap-identity-provider
The LDAP Identity Provider is used to define how users are retrieved from the LDAP server.
It can be found in the management console under the Apache Jackrabbit Oak LDAP Identity Provider name.
The following configuration options are available for the LDAP Identity Provider:
Configuring The Synchronization Handler configuring-the-synchronization-handler
The synchronization handler will define how the Indentity Provider users and groups will be synchronized with the repository.
It is located under the Apache Jackrabbit Oak Default Sync Handler name in the management console.
The following configurations options are available for the Synchronization Handler:
The external login module the-external-login-module
The external login module is located under the Apache Jackrabbit Oak External Login Module under the management console.
Its job is to define which Identity Provider and Sync Handler to use, effectively binding the two modules.
The following configuration options are available:
Configure LDAP over SSL configure-ldap-over-ssl
AEM 6 can be configured to authenticate with LDAP over SSL by following the below procedure:
Check the Use SSL or Use TLS checkboxes when configuring the LDAP Identity Provider.
Configure the Sync Handler and the External Login module according to your setup.
Install the SSL certificates in your Java VM if needed. This can be done by using keytool:
keytool -import -alias localCA -file <certificate location> -keystore <keystore location>
Test the connection to the LDAP server.
Creating SSL certificates creating-ssl-certificates
Self signed certificates can be used when configuring AEM to authenticate with LDAP via SSL. Below is an example of a working procedure for generating certificates for use with AEM.
Make sure you have a SSL library installed and working. This procedure will use OpenSSL as an example.
Create a customized OpenSSL configuration (cnf) file. This can be done by copying the default **openssl.cnf **configuration file and customizing it. On UNIX systems, it is usually located at
Proceed to creating the CA root key by running the below command in a terminal:
code language-none openssl genpkey -algorithm [public key algorithm] -out certificatefile.key -pkeyopt [public key algorithm option]
Next, create a new self signed certificate:
openssl req -new -x509 -days [number of days for certification] -key certificatefile.key -out root-ca.crt -config CA/openssl.cnf
Inspect the newly generated certificate to make sure everything is in order:
openssl x509 -noout -text -in root-ca.crt
Make sure that all folders specified in the certificate configuration (.cnf) file exist. If not, create them.
Create a random seed, by running, for example:
openssl rand -out private/.rand 8192
Move the created .pem files to the locations configured in the .cnf file.
Finally, add the certificate to the Java keystore.
Enabling debug logging enabling-debug-logging
Debug logging can be enabled for both the LDAP Identity Provider and the External Login Module in order to troubleshoot connection issues.
In order to enable debug logging, you need to:
- Go to the Web Management Console.
- Find 鈥淎pache Sling Logging Logger Configuration鈥 and create two loggers with the follwoing options:
Log level: Debug
Log File logs/ldap.log
Message Pattern: {0,date,dd.MM.yyyy HHss.SSS} *{4}* {2}
Log level: Debug
Log File: logs/external.log
Message Pattern: {0,date,dd.MM.yyyy HHss.SSS} *{4}* {2}
A Word on Group Affiliation a-word-on-group-affiliation
Users synchronized through LDAP can be part of different groups in AEM. These groups can be external LDAP groups that will be added to AEM as part of the synchronization process, but they can also be groups that are added separately and are not part of the original LDAP group affiliation scheme.
In most cases, these can be groups that are added by a local AEM administrator or by any other identity provider.
If a user is removed from a group on the LDAP server, the change will also be reflected on the AEM side upon synchronization. However, all the other group affiliations of the user that were not added by LDAP will remain in place.
AEM detects and handles the purging of users from external groups by making use of the rep:externalId
property. This property is added automatically to any user or group that is synchronized by the Synchronization Handler and it contains information on the originating identity provider.
For more information, see Apache Oak documentation on .
Known issues known-issues
If you plan on using LDAP over SSL, make sure the certificates you are using are created without the Netscape comment option. If this option is enabled, authentication will fail with a SSL Handshake error.