
Granite Operations - User and Group Administration granite-operations-user-and-group-administration

AEM 6.4 has reached the end of extended support and this documentation is no longer updated. For further details, see our . Find the supported versions here.

As Granite incorporates the CRX Repository implementation of the JCR API Specification it has its own user and group administration.

These accounts are the underlying basis of the AEM accounts and any account changes made with the Granite administration will be reflected if/when the accounts are accessed from the AEM Users console (e.g. http://localhost:4502/useradmin). From the AEM Users console you can also manage the privileges and other AEM specifics.

Granite user and group administration consoles are both available from the Tools console of the touch-optimized UI:


Choosing either Users or Groups from the Tools console will open the appropriate console. In both you can take action either by using the clickbox and then actions from the toolbar, or by opening the account details via the link under Name.

  • User Administration


    The Users console lists:

    • the user name
    • the user login name (account name)
    • any title that the account has been given
  • Group Administration


    The Groups console lists:

    • the group name
    • the group description
    • the number of users/groups in the group

User Administration user-administration

Adding a New User adding-a-new-user

  1. Use the Add User icon:

  2. The Create User form will open:


    Here you can enter the user details for the account (most are standard and self-explanatory):

    • ID

      This is the unique identification for the user account. It is mandatory and cannot contain spaces.

    • Email Address

    • Password

      A password is mandatory.

    • Retype Password

      This is mandatory as it is required for confirmation of the password.

    • First Name

    • Last Name

    • Phone Number

    • Job Title

    • Street

    • Mobile

    • City

    • Postal Code

    • Country

    • State

    • Title

    • Gender

    • About

    • Account Settings

      • Status
        You can flag the account as either active or inactive.
    • Photo

      Here you can upload a photo to use as an avatar.

      Accepted file types: .jpg .png .tif .gif

      Preferred size: 240x240px

    • Add User to Groups

      Use the selection drop-down to select groups that the user should be a member of. Once selected, use the X by the name to deselect before saving.

    • Groups

      A list of group(s) that the user is currently a member of. Use the X by the name to deselect before saving.

  3. When you have defined the user account use:

    • Cancel to abort the registration.
    • Save to complete the registration. Creation of the user account will be confirmed with a message.

Editing an Existing User editing-an-existing-user

  1. Access the user details from the link under the user name in the Users console.

  2. You can now edit the details as in Adding a New User.

  3. Access the user details from the link under the user name in the Users console.

  4. You can now edit the details as in Adding a New User.

Changing the Password for an Existing User changing-the-password-for-an-existing-user

  1. Access the user details from the link under the user name in the Users console.

  2. You can now edit the details as in Adding a New User. Under Account Settings there is a link for Change Password.


  3. The Change Password dialog will open. Enter and retype the new password, together with your password. Use OK to confirm the changes.


    An message will confirm that the password has been changed.

Quick Group Assignment quick-group-assignment

  1. Use the clickbox to flag one or more users.

  2. Use the Groups icon:

    To open the group selection drop down:


  3. In the selection box you can select or deselect groups to which the user account should belong.

  4. When you have assigned, or unassigned, the groups as required use:

    • Cancel to abort the changes
    • Save to confirm the changes

Deleting Existing User Details deleting-existing-user-details

  1. Use the clickbox to flag one or more users.

  2. Use the Delete icon to delete the user details:

  3. You will be asked to confirm the deletion, then a message will confirm that the actual deletion has taken place.

Group Administration group-administration

Adding a New Group adding-a-new-group

  1. Use the Add Group icon:

  2. The Create Group form will open:


    Here you can enter the group details:

    • ID

      This is a unique identifier for the group. This is mandatory and cannot contain spaces.

    • Name

      A name for the group; it will be shown in the Groups console.

    • Description

      A description of the group.

    • Add Members to Group

      Use the selection drop-down to select user(s) to add to the group. Once selected, use the X by the name to deselect before saving.

    • Group Members

      A list of user(s) in the group. Use the X by the name to deselect before saving.

  3. When you have defined the group, use:

    • Cancel to abort the registration.
    • Save to complete the registration. Creation of the group will be confirmed with a message.

Editing an Existing Group editing-an-existing-group

  1. Access the group details from the link under the group name in the Groups console.

  2. You can now edit and save the details as in Adding a New Group.

Copying an Existing Group copying-an-existing-group

  1. Use the clickbox to flag a group.

  2. Use the Copy icon to copy the group details:

  3. The Edit Group Settings form will be opened.

    The group ID will be the same as the original, but prefixed with Copy of. You must edit this as the ID cannot contain spaces. All other details will be the same as the original.

    You can now edit and save the details as in Adding a New Group.

Deleting an Existing Group deleting-an-existing-group

  1. Use the clickbox to flag one or more groups.

  2. Use the Delete icon to delete the group details:

  3. You will be asked to confirm the deletion, then a message will confirm that the actual deletion has taken place.
