
[LIMITED AVAILABILITY]{class="badge informative" title="Restricted to Campaign Standard migrated users"}

Creating a service with APIs creating-a-service-api

Services creation is performed with a POST request on the service resource.

If you want to create the service with specific attributes, add them into the payload. Otherwise, the new service will be created with default ones.

Sample request

Sample POST request to create a service with specific attributes.

-X POST https://mc.adobe.io/<ORGANIZATION>/campaign/profileAndServices/service/ \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN>' \
-H 'Cache-Control: no-cache' \
-H 'X-Api-Key: <API_KEY>'
-d {
-d "label": "My newsletter",
-d "messageType": "email",
-d "name": "email_newsletter",
-d "start": "2019-10-06"
-d }

It returns the newly created service with the updated attributes.

    "PKey": "<PKEY>",
    "builtIn": false,
    "created": "2019-09-26 12:00:37.005Z",
    "href": "https://mc.adobe.io/<ORGANIZATION>/profileAndServices/service/@NLscZuVHxdVu9rPftvrMWFfR1zRIxQGswSOmGLrK09JTF_iWhB0JCUHEndA_vvy__k9mzOYa5NVkcWDcrK8qGh0wygahX9kRcD44kiWWSEceShn3",
    "label": "My newsletter",