Join 51ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ’s Business Advisors, Cynthia Chang and Carly Gaver, for Part 3 of our Marketo Maturity webinar series on driving business growth with Marketo’s reporting tools. In our final webinar of the series, we discuss how to use Marketo’s reporting capabilities to help you mature in your use of Marketo. We start with tips on how you can leverage Marketo’s native features and reporting to monitor your instance performance. Then we walk through how to navigate Marketo’s basic and advanced reporting to deliver accurate, impactful metrics that enhance your decision-making process and help achieve your business objectives. Don’t miss this opportunity to maximize the potential of your marketing reporting and analytics. As always, we answer your questions live during the Q&A session!
Maturity Part 3 is part three of the Marketo Maturity series, focusing on driving growth with reporting. As a recap,
Awesome. So welcome everyone to our panel on locus. Today our fabulous presenters, Cynthia and Carly will be going through part three of our Marketo Maturity series and how to drive growth with reporting. So we’ve designed our webinars to be interactive, and we do encourage you to ask questions in the questions box throughout the presentation. It kind of floats around depending on what you were in. So you type them in there and we’ve set aside the last ten minutes or so for Q&A, and we’re going to do our best to answer as many of those as we can for you. I do also want to quickly mention a couple of housekeeping items before we get started. We are presenting in 51ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ Connect today and we are live, but do not worry, the session is being recorded and can be viewed on demand and shared with other members of your team at a later time. So you’re going to get a recording of today’s event in an email from us tomorrow afternoon. I would also like to point out that at the top of your screen, there’s a black bar with an icon of a hand on it.
There you can drop down and find different actions that you can utilize throughout the presentation. So if you like what you see, you can applaud. You can laugh. You can like so on. But we would love to see your engagement throughout the event. So definitely encourage you to utilize that feature. And then on the next screen there is a handout available for download about our presenters. Put together a bunch of resources for you, so be sure to download that and take it with you on your way out. There’s also the recordings for parts one and two in case you missed those. So be sure to grab that. And then as we’re closing out the webinar, there’s a couple of survey questions that are going to be at the bottom of your screen. If you could take an extra minute to answer those. We would greatly appreciate it. So with that, I’d like to introduce myself. My name is Alana Cohen and I’m the senior digital event manager for our Customer Success Strategy team here at 51ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ. I’ve been with 51ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ for a little over six years now, and spent a majority of those years organizing and hosting these events for our customers. And then prior to my time on this team, I spent about two years working with 51ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ’s Advertising Cloud customers. And then before coming to 51ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ, I spent many years a different advertising and media agencies around New York. But I’m excited to be here now hosting events like this for you guys, our customers. So if you have any questions about today’s event, about 51ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ Connect or any comments or anything, feel free to reach out to me. So with that, I’d like to hand it over to Cynthia to introduce herself.
You’re on mute, Cynthia. Thank you. Always do that. Thank you. Hi. My name is Cynthia Chang, and I’m a member of the library team at 51ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ. My team provides advisory services to customers and our text strategy and market organization. Our team also produce content like blogs and webinars like this to help you learn more about using Marketo. I’ve been in this role for about two years now. Prior to this role, I spent about six years in all the way consulting working with Marketo customers. And before that I was also a marketo customer, just like many of you. I was the admin for the Market Insights. Excited to be here today for our final episode of the Maturity Series. I’m going to hand over to Carly. Sounds good. Thank you. Hi everyone. My name is Carly. Gave her, I am also on our business advisory team here at 51ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ. I was previously a part of our consulting org. But I have only been with 51ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ for about three years. It feels like a lot longer and kind of a long, a lot shorter. But before that, I spent the majority of my career in the digital marketing space. So I’ve had a lot of digital roles in digital marketing and marketing automation. And was also a former Marketo customer myself. So, I’ve definitely, you know, seen a lot, but I certainly haven’t seen it all. But very excited to talk to you guys today about part three of our series. As Alana mentioned, there are links to the recordings for part one and part two if you missed them. So, yeah, we’re excited to chat with you guys today.
Awesome. Well, thank you, ladies for introducing yourself. Let’s go ahead and get started. Alright. I’m going to hand it right over to for Carly to go through our agenda. Awesome. Thank you Alana. All right everyone, so, so welcome to part three. As we’ve said, this is our final webinar in the three part Marketo Maturity series.
We’re going to kick things off with a series recap. So we’ve done this. We did this in part two. So we’re just going to kind of do a quick overview of the Marketo maturity, roadmap and just kind of talk about what that framework looks like. We’ll also touch on what we’ve covered so far. So whether you, you know, we’re able to attend parts one and part two or just part one. And we’re just going to do a quick recap of what we covered. And then we’ll we’ll dig into part three. So for part three we’ve got some key focus areas we’re going to chat about. And then we’ve outlined some common questions. So we’re going to go through those. Questions and talk about. How we can use the native features and reporting in Marketo to help answer those questions. We’ve saved some time for a quick demo, and then we will also, open up the floor for for questions.
So let’s kick things off with a quick recap of parts one and two. So throughout our series, we’ve defined Marketo maturity as an organization’s ability to use and manage Marketo to drive marketing and business outcomes. We also introduced the best practice framework for Marketo maturity as the Crawl Walk run approach. So for those of you who were around for parts one and two, this should look very familiar. Now let’s talk about what we’ve covered in those, in those first two series.
So for part one, we discussed items related to the crawl phase. So the crawl phase is really heavily focused on laying the foundation of your Marketo instance and ultimately setting the stage for future success in the tool. So in this part of the series, we talked about instance configuration and best practices for ensuring your emails can reach your prospects and customers. So focusing on deliverability, we discussed the Marketo database and data management best practices.
We talked about platform governance, and how you can keep your instance organized and easy to navigate. And then lastly, we talked about the power of Marketo program templates in making sure your users can build and launch programs.
Then for part two, we shifted to topics that were more aligned to the walk phase. So looking for opportunities to increase efficiencies and optimize and expand our usage. In this webinar, we talked about ways to use data management to target your audience. We talked about the native CRM integration or the native CRM sync and helping you leverage that integration with more confidence. And then lastly, we talked about ways you can optimize both your programs and your smart campaigns.
So here we are in part three. So today we’re going to focus on the run phase which is where we really start to scale and improve. So we’re going to talk about ways you can use native features and mark basic and robust reporting capabilities to actively monitor your instance and also ensure it’s at maximum efficiency. And then we’re also going to talk about looking ways you can you can draw actionable insights using that reporting that will help you mature your marketing automation strategy and ultimately your overall growth in the tool.
So as I mentioned, today’s focus is on scalability and growth in the tool. So in order to ensure that your Marketo instance is set up for long term success, we want to make sure it’s set up for maximum efficiency. And we do this by focusing on three key areas.
The first area is monitor. So the act of monitoring your Marketo instance is essentially keeping a continuous watch on how it’s performing. So looking at things like deliverability are a very heavy focus here. Also looking at the health and size of your database, you also want to consider overall program and campaign activity as well. The next key focus area is audit. So when we think about ways to audit our system, we should be thinking about, you know, who has access to our instance, what permissions they may have and understanding what adjustments may need to be made.
We also want to look at our CRM sync to maximize the native integration. And lastly, we probably would want to audit the overall instance speed to identify areas we can improve or perhaps free up bandwidth within the system.
And then the last key focus area here is reporting. So reporting is where we’re really starting to look at the numbers behind our instances performance. And ultimately identifying ways we can apply again those actionable insights to our strategy and also our Marketo roadmap. So in keeping those three key focus areas in mind, we’ve identified some very common questions we’re going to talk through today to help you better manage an efficient and scalable Marketo instance.
So first we’re going to start with the basic management and monitoring of your instance. So how are your emails performing. How are your programs and campaigns performing.
Next we’re going to look at instance performance. So so what do you do if your instance is is running slow? And also how can you manage the CRM sync and how can you identify issues within that sync.
And then lastly, we’re going to look at ways you can audit user behavior. As well as how to better manage your database.
So before we go any further, I think, Alana, we all question. We do. All right, I am. You should see on your screen poll question here. What areas are you monitoring in your Marketo instance? Email performance program activities, database hydrate, hygiene, CRM sync. Or maybe you’re not sure this is multi-select so you can pick more than one. If that is what you guys are monitoring. So everyone should also be able to see the results. And it’s a real mixed bag here. But a largest majority is email performance. I think that was kind of what we were expecting, but yeah, good split between them all here and nobody is not sure which is what we love to see.
All right. I’m going to pop back over to you. I’m right. Awesome. All right. So I’m actually going to pass it over to, Cynthia to kick things off with our first question.
Cynthia. I remember to unmute myself. Yes. So, I think Holly, not surprisingly, the email performance seems to be top of mind for most of us who send emails for Marketo. So let’s dive into some tools. The best practice, to monitor them.
So I’m sure everyone has seen or use the email performance report. This report will show email performance by each individual email asset. As you can see, it’s going by email name. You can set the time for the email were sent. Or you can select which which specific email you want to include on the report. So why should you look for for the metrics? In general, our team ability team suggests that for more 98 to 99% average the ability greater than 20% open rate meetings for your click to open ratio and for unsubscribe rate, you want to keep it to less than point 2% or as low as possible. Of course. You also want to look for any outliers on the report. So any emails? That was special low metrics or high bounce rate, high unsubscribe rates. Those are the area to look out for the outliers. So you can kind of investigate those emails then and it’s audience. You want to know why those people are subscribing who are subscribing. Why. There are high bounce rate. So we want to kind of review the email sent and the audience to look into what happened. A pro tip I’ll offer here. And I feel like a lot of people don’t really use this feature, is that you can ask less to the email performance report so we can drill down to your audience to, specifics of the audience to see their engagement with the email. So, for example, I can add a filter in my small list that says, I only want to look at, gmail population to see their engagement rate, with my email. So, so you can understand can you achieve a birdie and engagement rate for that Gmail audience? If you are a more visual person, email insight, is, a tool that offers dashboard format reporting, but you can actually export the, the report or the dashboard to Excel to show the rolled data behind it or PDF or PowerPoint in that matter. So you can actually export this beautiful video to a PowerPoint slide and pop it into your quarterly reporting, to kind of show your email performance metrics. You can also add custom dimensions as additional filters to filter the data on the dashboard. The custom dimensions, or really based on your segmentation and program tags. Single Marketo instance. So it is really important, when you decide, how to set up a segmentation, model and the program text in your Marketo instance.
If you have access to all events an reports, this module provides you, many stock reports for event email analysis, including great reporting for email. Click activity to show you on average which days or times of the week your email get the more, the most clicks. You also get the ability to create custom email analysis.
So, the custom email analysis feature is really powerful. In addition to like the typical email metrics that we see in the basic email performance report in your Marketo Analytics, this report allows you to bring additional email attributes into the email analysis report. For example, you can see email subject line and stamping address, or you can see which email template that email is using. So you can review that everybody for a specific time domain or what, using a specific template.
You can also layering program information so you can see for which program or channel the email send is coming from. You can also use almost any attributes in your Marketo database. Simply you could use company name or account name so you can see how many or which accounts, which account will send the emails, and the engagement rate for those specific accounts. You can also sync custom fields from your Marketo instance to add to this report. To help you slice and dice your email performance. Theta this email, this event and alert another report is a, add on product. If you’re interested in learning more about this feature, there should be a form on the right hand side and you can fill it out to get more information.
All right. So next talk about how we can track and monitoring our programs and smart campaigns. If you are following our Marketo Best practice, you want to make sure each of your marketing activity is represented as a program in Marketo and use And under each program you will have small campaigns to execute the automations specific to that activity.
Each program should have, would have a set of statuses that indicate the, the progression of its members in the program. The status is this, is defined in the of an area. So you want to, work with your admin to ensure the status accurately represent the journey. A person should go through your program on a screen. Here we have an example of a webinar which has the typical statuses a person would go through in a webinar program, such as register and tend attended on, implement program status. Really your best friend when it comes to monitoring how people are progressing in your program, in the program, in your program at Home tab, you can quickly see a summary of how many people are in each of those statuses.
You can also create a program performance report, which by default will show you all the programs in your instance and their performance. Or you can either hand select the programs you want to include, on the reports, or you can filter by program channel or program tab. This is why it’s important to make sure you tag your program appropriately so you can filter them more easily. This report, when you set up the report, you can have the report include program status columns to give you more, what detail information? The way Marketo tracks your program performance is by first understanding how many total members are in your program. Because this represents your program’s total reach, Marketo also needs to understand how many people reach your program, score or objective these are. You want to set membership in the program and this is the basis for calculating program success percentage and multi-touch attribution.
To understand your program’s lead generation capacity, Marketo also calculate the number and percentage of the new names acquired by the program in order to calculate first touch attribution. So it is very important to make sure that you have smart campaigns in each of your program to track success and acquisition membership to enable the proper reporting.
So if you are tracking both success and new acquisition in your Marketo programs, you will be able to see, data in the native Attribution dashboard. This dashboard is included for all Marketo customers in your Marketo instance, and comes with two standard attribution models First Touch and Multi-Touch. That’s based on your, problem performance tracking.
If you need additional attribution reporting feature, Marketo measure is a, is a pay add on product that offers multiple attribution models, including custom model and its own set of dashboards. It also offers comprehensive online and offline tracking for both marketing and sales activity. So if you’re interested in learning more about, about this, and, attribution product, you can also fill out a form on the right hand side to get more information.
All right. So we’ve talk about emails and programs monitoring. Let’s talk about monitoring your smart campaigns. Smart campaigns where all your automation happens. You can use the results tab to audit all activity for the smart campaign. Many people often overlook this feature, but it’s a simple yet powerful auditing tool to see what went wrong. You can look for any skipped flow step, and I’m going to take a flow step of skipped or sync failures. It also shows you all the email sent deliver click activity. If you’re sending email in the in your market name, you can filter it by activity type or in short order activity by specific person. So you can see all the activity happened to the person. You can also export the list to Excel for additional sorting and filtering.
Another often overlooked area is the activity log on the person right? This is where you have all the information about what happened to that person. It could be any database to change any, symposium activity and historical submission, any webpage visit, any email activities. You can filter by activity type and use this, the quick find feature to search for specific keywords or activities.
This is also where we play the detective work to understand, the sequence of events that happened to what person record.
Next, I’m going to hand over to Colleen to cover more about auditing and monitoring your instance.
Sounds good. Thank you. All right, so for this one. So we’ve all been there, right? Our instance is running slower than expected and it causes all sorts of downstream downstream impacts. So what can you do in this scenario. So first things first let’s talk about why this happens. So these are some of the most common issues. The first is campaign backlog. So if you have multiple processes that are stacking on top of each other this can cause a backlog. We also often see customers having too many trigger campaigns. So Marketo does have a default function that deactivates those trigger campaigns after they’ve been idle for six months. So this can help, of course, but if that campaign triggers even one record, the six month waiting period will start over. And this can absolutely cause a snowball effect. So as a best practice, we want to monitor our smart campaigns and identify opportunities to turn trigger campaigns into recurring batch campaigns.
It’s also important to mention that you may have archived a program that has trigger campaigns in it, so you’ll want to make sure you’re always deactivating those campaigns before you archive the programs, because that does not happen automatically.
Another common cause is inefficient smart lists. So this is usually because of smart list complexity and just the sheer volume of leads. So we did talk about smart List best practices in part two. But the key takeaway here is that the more complex your smart list filters are, the longer they’re going to take to process. So we want to make sure we’re following those best practices to ensure we’re asking Marketo to identify the right audience in the most efficient manner. And then in terms of volume of leads, obviously, the more leads we have, the more time it takes for them to run through campaigns, right. So here it’s recommended that we implement best practices for identifying our malleable records and then properly flagging records that we should not be emailing or purging the system from bad data when it’s appropriate. So this will help ensure that we don’t have unnecessary records running through campaigns that would take more time to process.
So in thinking about those first two bullet points, what’s the best way to monitor campaign backlog and see if you have too many trigger campaigns? This is where campaign inspector comes in. So this shows you the active trigger campaigns or recurring batch campaigns that you have in your Marketo instance. So if you’re in your marketing activities within your Marketo Marketo instance, there should be a campaign inspector tab up on the top.
So with campaign Inspector, you can filter by various categories such as trigger campaigns, recurring batch campaigns, and valid campaigns. You can also use the search bar at the bottom to search for specific campaigns, and you can even export those results. So a very powerful tool. Now if you don’t see campaign inspector, these are just some quick instructions on how to enable that. You’ll have to have admin admin access to your instance. But if you navigate to the admin section on the left nav, you’ll find, treasure chest that’s usually at the bottom. And then just find the Campaign Inspector section, click edit and then enable the feature.
All right. So now let’s talk about ways you can build an efficient list. So if you joined us for part two as I mentioned before we talked about smart list best practices. So this is a bit of a of a side angle to that. But it’s generally recommended to keep your smart lists as targeted as possible to ensure optimal performance. So if a smart list includes a large number of people, it can impact system performance and ultimately the efficiency of your campaigns.
So the first thing is using precision. So is is better than starts with, which is better than contains.
Next order matters. So think most specific be less specific. So essentially whatever filter will cut down your query the most. Put that first. This allows the system to process the least amount of records each time it assesses a new filter.
Also be strategic. So this is one of my pro tips. So nested smart lists as a rule should be avoided which is what you’re seeing here. So we’re adding a member of Smart List within another smart list. But if you’re going to use them I would recommend putting them last. This will help it run against the smallest data set and ultimately, you know, prevent it from slowing down the instance.
And then a bonus pro tip and I mentioned this before, a cleaner database means less volume overall. So it’s important to regularly regularly purge or remove any inactive or non marketable records from your database to decrease the total volume of leads that are running through your campaigns.
All right. So let’s shift now to the sink. So this is a question we hear all the time. How do I manage my CRM sink. Or how do I identify issues with my sink.
So one very simple place to start is to check the sink errors tab in the admin section.
Let’s think about common issues. So the first this is probably I think the most common one. Definitely the most important permissions. So when you connect your Marketo instance with your CRM, the Marketo sync user has to have the proper permissions to access the field or the record that you’re trying to sync. So if the permissions are off, the sync could fail. So you’ll want to work with your CRM admin to make sure that you update those permissions. There’s also field validation. So in CRM you can set a field to have validation rules, which means that the CRM will only accept certain values or formats for that field. So if Marketo attempts to send data values that don’t conform to the validation rules, the system will throw an error. So think like mismatched values, right? So like a form submission. And for country if someone submits you period is period when the CRM requires that value equal United States.
Next is apex CPU limit. So this occurs most commonly with older or very complex Salesforce orgs. But essentially this happens when something is causing Salesforce to use up too much processing power. And it therefore can’t process the incoming data. So there’s a lot of reasons why this can happen. But most often it’s because you sent too many records. And Salesforce has too many triggers to process all of that data. So it creates a backlog. And then the last one here is change in picklist values. So this is when the picklist value in a CRM field has been changed. So as an admin you should receive a notification when that occurs. So you’ll just want to make sure that your workflows and your Marketo forms are aligned to whatever those changes are.
And then what do you do if you need to further investigate? So the most important thing here is alignment between marketing ops and sales ops together, you guys can review the sync user permissions to make sure you know everything is is set up properly. You can also review the validation rules. A pro tip here is executable campaigns can help. So you can use executable campaigns to ensure that records go through a data management program like data normalization. Before they sync to CRM. So that will help prevent, some of those issues from occurring in the first place.
You’ll also want to review the CRM workflows together. So a couple important pieces to focus on here is talking about best practices for scheduling CRM updates and workflows. So we often recommend that you run them in batches. Space them out, schedule them at off peak hours, and then you’ll also want to make sure that your sales ops or your Salesforce admin is aware of the system mod stamp field and how it impacts Marketo. So we did talk about this in part two. But essentially any update to this field signals to Marketo that the record has been updated and therefore includes it in the next cycle. So if you imagine a very large update to Salesforce, if that system mod stamp field is updated, it can cause a very large backlog in your data.
All right, let’s shift again. So how do I audit user access and assess platform governance.
So first things first you want to check the users and roles. So this is going to be in the admin panel in the admin section. So you want to see who has access to your Marketo instance. You want to make sure that all the users should in fact have access. Right. There could be turnover in the team. Maybe someone has switched roles. So make sure that everyone who has access need access, and then you also want to make sure they have the right permissions. It’s fairly easy to audit the list of users. You can check when they were first added as a user and then also when they last logged in.
You can also use audit trail. So audit trail gives you the ability to obtain a complete history. I believe it’s six months worth of changes made within your Marketo instance. So admins can, can access this, by clicking on Audit trail in the admin panel. And you can filter these results by, date range, by asset type, by actions. But you can also, filter it by specific user. So if you want to review what a user has done within the system, this would be the way to do it.
Now to check to see if your users are applying governance best practices like naming conventions, you can use just a standard program performance report. So as you can see in this example, some programs seem to be following a strong naming convention while others do not. And these inconsistencies can cause all sorts of issues. So this would be a great opportunity to potentially re-enable your users on your governance rules and assure ensure everyone is aligned.
Also, with the Program Performance Report, you can also check to see how well your Marketo users are leveraging those program statuses. So this works when you have one, channel selected.
And then you check that box that says show program status columns. So in this example, you can see that these Marketo users don’t appear to be leveraging the program status correctly. There should be a smart campaign to track those within the program. So again, another great opportunity to, you know, re-enable your users. Or perhaps readjust your processes.
All right. I’m going to pass it back over to Cynthia.
First remember to unmute myself. You’re going to tell you right. Thank you. Callie. Our next topic is all about data. But before we continue, let’s start with a poll question or question. Yeah.
So we’ve got our poll up on the screen. Everyone should see it. The question is, are you currently utilizing People Performance Report? Yes. No. Or maybe you are not sure? I’m going to leave this up for a second. That’s we’re still getting years. Hi.
All right. So it’s almost. We are a 5050 split here with a couple of people. Not sure. So I will end this column. We’ll jump back into the slides. Thank you. Alana. All right. It’s great to see that some of you, are indeed utilizing people performance report. And actually, many of you actually asked about a use case for people Performance report in a fashion question. I do feel that this report is often underutilized by many marketers. So, I really want to show you the different use cases, how you can leverage this report, in kind of helping with, managing the data. In part one of the webinar series, we actually show you how you can use the People Performance report to monitor your database growth trend by grouping people by the time when they were created. So you can kind of see, the time for a month over month, your the database for trends.
Next, the in addition, you can also drill down on the people performance report to see more details. So in this example I’m a screenshot I want to drill down to see both those records that were created in January. How are they getting into my Marketo base? Whether it’s for listing for or for Salesforce Sync. So I can choose to group people by original source date, which is my own definition of where people are coming into the instance. And of course, if you, you can also group people by your own the source definition in your Marketo instance, if you are tracking those.
You can create, you can create before subscription or subscribe to any analytic reporting. Marketo to get to get updates on a daily, weekly or monthly basis. You can also subtract people who are not Marketo users as the report recipient because you can attach Excel file for you all have Marketo.
There are many use cases to the people performance report. For example, you can use it to inspect with data. You can group people by specific attributes to find data variations for your data management effort. In this example, I can see I have different what I call people by state. I can see I have different format for state value. I have like the I have let me see. I have Texas filled out and I have Texas, so I have a couple different versions of the state value, which I might want to create data management to normalize the values.
In this next example, actually I think I clicked twice. But yeah, in this next example I’m grouping people by the source, which reveals that I have records with empty values. I can again use a drill down feature to show me what those, email addresses are with empty value, and then I can export the list to Excel so I can investigate or, you know, upload those, lists.
To. To my instance to kind of make sure I backfill the data.
You might already be familiar with smart lists. I hope you are, smart lists or dynamic database queries. They often can start with a report as well, because they give you both the count and the names of people who fit your query criteria. So, for example, you can query, who will tell about, you know, in the last 30 days, in my instance, who set up for the newsletter, etc. basically, smart lists allow you to kind of ask any questions to Marketo based on the available filters in your instance, and then Marketo is the result will return the people that, fit that criteria that you question. You can also subscribe to the Smart List to receive updated list on a daily, weekly, monthly basis. And again, you can add Marketo users as recipients because, you can import Excel report for people who don’t have access to Mark at all.
So, we can also add Smart List to People Performance Report custom columns to customize your report further. In this example, I can add an existing smart list such as the, Assistant Smart list. So these are kind of a stock smart list if you will. In everybody’s instance, if you go to your, database section of Marketo, there’s, there is a folder for assistance, smart lists. Those are all kind of out of box database queries. There is some email address which are the invalid email addresses in your database. It is possible to look at just unsubscribe people. So they are a list of stock reports that you can look at smallest reports and you can choose to add them to to the People Performance report for further review. I can also include my own custom, spotless, that I created for, people who would deliver email in the last 30 days.
And then so when I run that report, you see, you can see on the screen on a screenshot, the right, the left hand side here, I can see people who were created in the database week by week or week over week. And how many of them are possible duplicates, how many would deliver emails and how many email addresses already? Pop ups, which makes them invalid in my kettle. And again, I can drill down to show the specific email addresses and understand which category that belong to.
In addition to the Smart List custom column, you can also attach up a 2D column to the People Performance Report. You can show opportunity data associated to the grouping of people. You can, select which specific opportunity data to display on the report. In this example, reporting, how many people in my data base in each industry and then the total opportunity data associate to each, to each industry, in case you can already tell, the People Performance Report is probably one of my, they will report. In my opinion, this is like the best hidden secret it can be so powerful and can do so much, yet it is often underutilized. So now let me see.
That. Yeah, let’s jump into, the instance so I can show you how to configure and customize, people performance report in a live demo. Let me just select my screen. Sure.
I think I’m showing a marketo instance. This is my demo of the. All right, perfect signing the demo instance.
So to get to most of the analyst reports, I want to come over to the analytics tab. And so this will give me all the reporting modules that I have access to in my instance, this revenue explorer is actually the events and the look that we talked about earlier. But let’s start with the People Performance Report. So I’m I’m going to click on this report the first, right after I launch this report, the first place I want to go to is the setup tab. So this allows me to group people by their created day. So, this this is going since I don’t have a lot of data, I’m going to look at people, that’s created all time. But for you, you might want to look at last six months. That’s three months. That’s cool. Right? Etc… You can have different time frame selections or you can customize the time frame. And if I were to group people by their created day, that’s how we get to see create ads. And you can depending on the time and selection, you can show them by days, by weeks, by month. I’m going to show them by month and let. Me. Move my auto filters one out. So if I were to run this report, I’ll see people created month over month. But keep in mind this is the demo instance of data doesn’t really make a lot of sense. You’ll make a lot more sense in your own instance. As you can see, kind of, month over month or whatever time frame you select it and the data, and the lead generation, growth. Rate. So let’s go back. I am going to now look at people by state.
And then this will show you all the variation, the state values that I have. And then as I can see already, I have different values for Texas. Texas. So this is definitely tell me, hey, I have a lot of data management ever. I need to, I need to, implement in my instance. So next, let’s show that group People by industry.
All right. And I’m actually going to add, the opportunity information. So the opportunity column is going to by default it’s always hidden. I’m just going to click show. So now I’m going to see the database. The people in my database by industry. And I can always see I have all empty values that I to fix by to see absolute data. There are a lot of data on this report, so maybe I’m just going to simplify this report. Oops okay. So I like that I’m going to just show the total opportunity and total appreciation month. So just so it’s you less is more sometimes. So I can see each industry.
The number of total opportunities in the industry and the opportunity amount and the energy sector or industry seems to have the highest opportunity. Looks like, the highest total number of opportunity opportunity amount. So I’m going to drill down to see I’m curious to see what company, what account. They come from together to drill down.
And now this shows me they both of them actually like the opportunity actually concentrated on this one account.
So that’s a different view.
So in so so I’m going to highlight opportunity data. I want to add custom columns, smart list columns. So as we mentioned before you can add any auto box system small list. Until the report is your custom column. So I’m going to see I want to add possible to cancel. You should have this auto box system smallest in your instance. But then I also have a mql list that I’m answering. So I’m want to see of the people in the various industry that I have.
So I could see that, consulting for example, I have total six people, six records in my consulting the street, five of them are on my annual Amc+. One is possible to at them one unsubscribe. So let’s drill down to see who they are. Going to give them my email address this time. It drill down.
And now I get a list of email address. And then I could see which one is, which ones possible to look at. It looks like the last one is post unsubscribe and and possible to look at and not me, but the rest of my email list. So if I want to I can export this. So excel so I can get that, the list of email address that I could use.
All right. So I think this is pretty good for the, I just want to show you how you can customize and custom column and opportunity information, to leverage more reporting feature for your people performance report. I think I maybe we have a couple more minutes.
I want to show you, actually, let’s show you this. The advanced panel link allows you to do a lot of email, email analysis so I can click this lunch, but I already have one open here. So once you launch the module, I want to show you some the staff reports. So if you go to the standard reports these are actually just out of box. That report that in the instance. So let’s take a look at click activity Secret because I think that’s pretty cool. And this is actually that the one that I showed in the slides earlier. I have one that’s already loaded here. So it looks like and again this is going to be based on the email activity in your own instance. So the data is going to be specifically instance. And in my demo instance it looks like I have the I have the highest concentration on my click activity that is on Thursday around like somewhere like around mid morning to noon and also like Wednesday and Friday is doing pretty good too. I have a little click activity. So if I go back let’s look at another staff report. We can look at click on distribution.
And again I have it open already. So similarly in this click time distribution. This tells me that as we saw earlier the secret is very similar from mid-morning to like noon and then kind of early afternoon. This is kind of how the distribution of my click activity might click time. So you click like this report will inform you what is the best day or time to kind of send your email, your email campaign.
All right. Let’s go back to another staff report to actually show you. So there are a lot of color picker the data the front of stock report you can load. And it’s already using, the data that’s in your instance, relating to your email activity, I’m going to show you this email performance detail report. This is very powerful is how you can really type anything you want. So when you first launch this report, this looks pretty similar to the email performance. In the analytic reporting Mark kettle, you see the email name and kind of the typical durability metrics. However, this report gave me a lot more detail. So I can say if I type in email, I get a lot of different email. Attributes that I can add report. So for example, I can actually see what is the subject line that was used for each email.
Let’s remove this and then I can com company because I want to see what company two did I send to for each of the email. I can also, what job title did I send to engage with the company? Oops. I can do that. And it tells me kind of for each email, what account that I sent to what job titles, people, job title people, receive the email.
Let me remove this from a report and I can actually reverse this. I can group it by company first. Like I want to see for each account, each company, each account what emails were sent. So this really allows you to kind of slice and dice, your email and alike in different ways.
Really powerful tool. So I think this concludes our demo.
Let’s jump into Q&A. Two more. Thank you is going at the app. That was fabulous. Even have time to squeeze a few extra things in there.
All right. So, let’s turn our cameras back.
We’ll just wait for another second for. Okay. There we go. All right, so we did get a bunch of questions. I’m going to start, with this first one. What is a go to market? A report that you rely on in your day to day, market out usage. Yeah. So I could take this one. So I think we talked about, I think it was the first thing we talked about, but the email performance report is probably going to be your go to for just day to day. You know, monitoring your emails, monitoring your deliverability. And then also monitoring your CRM sync. You can look at the the sync errors tab and the admin panel. There’s obviously lots of reports available in Marketo, but I think those two in terms of like your day to day operations, those who are probably going to be the ones that you want to keep eyes on the most.
Awesome. Great. Thank you. All right, I’m going to jump over to one that just came in.
I think regarding your demo, Cynthia, are these reports available to everyone that you were just sharing? So the report I show for the People performance report that is available to everyone because that’s the, an alert reporting section in Marketo. The the second portion where I jumping to, like, the hybrid and all that that is in the urban spy and Alex. So that is the Adam product. But it is super powerful. So I really highly recommend if you have access or you could get access to that tool. It is going to be super beneficial for it, especially if you guys need to do a lot of different, email analysis to slice and dice your data or, it does more than email else’s. Of course, there’s also, lifecycle of model modeling and tracking. It kind of tells you which program contributes to, your, contribute most to moving people to your stage, etc., etc… So there’s a lot more, of course, today, just for the demo purposes, I just show you a few that’s related to email performance because I know that a couple might. And then that’s kind of what people, you know, monitor the most. Right.
Yes. That’s what we saw in our poll. All right. So that also answered another question about the add on advanced AI analytics tools. So thank you for that. We did have another question that came in earlier from Ingrid. It was answered directly, but figured everyone else could use the information as well. Any recommendations for duplicate management? The extra records can also slow things down and create complex with email. Deliver deliverability when the records belong to different segments. Yeah, so duplicates are tricky. I can, so there I, I wrote an article on the deduplication strategy. I think around this time last year. Duplicates are tricky, right? Because we want to solve them at the root. You can go into Marketo and you can dissect them, you know, until you’re blue in the face, but without figuring out where they’re coming from and how they’re getting into Marketo, they’re probably just going to keep coming back in. So identifying the source for those duplicate records is the number one line of defense. From there you can start to solve them. You can do it manually right. You can you can merge those records in CRM. You can also merge them in Marketo. We also do have an auto merge.
I guess it’s a package, that we offer through our professional services. So if you have a very, very large set of duplicate records, you can partner with our professional services team to resolve that as well.
Awesome. I did reply, to all for a link to that article that you were just mentioning. So I think you should be available for everyone to see. Okay, we’ve got time for a couple more. How do we set up attribution report? Yeah, we shot a little bit of, NPI report screenshot on today’s webinar. But there’s also a webinar, this link, dedicated to NPI reporting, as well as blog articles, for more greater attribution data reporting, you probably want to use tools like Marketo metric. So, let’s see if we can post a link to that. Actually it’s included in the handout. I’m sorry. Yeah. So we did include that in the handout. So yeah, we did a previous webinar on just specific NPI dashboard report, attribution dashboard reporting. Again this is the dashboard that’s included for everyone. You already have it in your instance. You have access to it. So if you’re just providing Marketo with the appropriate data, you will see results on your, dashboard.
Yes. Thank you. It is in the handout. Also, someone just asked how to get access to the previous webinars. That is also in the handout, which is a white paper. It should be on your screen. The little pod says white paper Marketo and local 1010. You can grab that download it and that’s yours to take with you. It has links to the webinar Cynthia just mentioned, as well as parts one and two of this series. A couple of other resources and things in there as well. So be sure to grab that. And that has, links for the previous partners.
All right. I think we’ve got time for one more. What are the must have to report to report effectively? Lifecycle stages. Oh, that’s a that’s a good one.
So to report effectively on lifecycle stages, the first piece is lifecycle strategy. Right. So with that strategy you’d want to have very clearly defined lifecycle stages. And also understand within each of those lifecycle stages how you would use the system to define them. So what is the system criteria. From there you can build a lifecycle management program, to, you know, to move people through the lifecycle. So there’s also, you know, the opportunity to leverage advanced journey analytics, which is one of our add ons. So that will give you some additional reporting capabilities as well as the visual modeler. So you can pair that with the lifecycle management program to really build, you know, a full lifecycle reporting, capabilities. Awesome. Lots of options out there.
Thank you ladies. All right. We actually are about to be at time here. So I do want to quickly wrap us up today. On this screen, there’s a couple of web links for you in the top left corner with links to our past, all of our past. Marketo and Locais, recordings on Experience League, as well as link to our upcoming events and past recordings as well. We have that white paper for you to grab. Don’t forget to download that. And, fill out those survey questions. The bottom third. Let me open those polls for you. And then you also have one more opportunity to let us know if you would like more information on advanced API Analytics or Marketo measure on the form on the screen, which we talked about earlier in the presentation. So, if you do have a question that is specific to your account or one that we weren’t able to get to today, please reach out to your solution account manager. And if you’re not sure who that is, you can reach out to me and I can put you in touch with the correct person. So final reminder that you will receive a recording of today’s event in an email from us in 24 hours. And, that’s all that we have for you today. So thank you again to Cynthia and Carly for today’s fabulous presentation. Thank you everyone for joining, and we hope you all have a great day, and we look forward to seeing you at one of our upcoming events. Thanks everyone.