
Streamline Authentication: Migrating from Service Account (JWT) to OAuth Server-to-Server Credentials

This webinar will guide attendees through migrating from the deprecated Service Account (JWT) credentials to the new OAuth Server-to-Server credentials. As the Service Account (JWT) credentials will cease to function after January 27, 2025, it’s crucial for developers and organizations to understand the migration process to avoid potential service disruptions. The webinar will also highlight the benefits of OAuth Server-to-Server credentials and how to ensure a zero-downtime migration.

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Yes. You have to share the slides again. Marco.

Hey. Good morning. See a couple of people coming in. We’ll give it just a minute to allow people time to join.

Yes. The meeting will be recorded. You’ll have a link available at the end of it.

And I think on that note, maybe I’ll just get started with the introduction, and, people can review the recording if they come in a couple minutes late. So, Yeah. Good morning all. Welcome to the 51ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ Ultimate Success webinar on migrating from service account JWT to auth server to server credentials.

Marco, next slide please.

Okay. We’ll start with introductions. My name is Jeff home quest. I am a senior field engineer, with 51ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ Ultimate Success. I joined 51ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ in 2021. Specialize in ABM. I’ve been implementing ABM since about 2015. Also with me, who will be presenting today is Marco. Marco, if you want to give a couple sentence, a direct, introduction. Yeah, absolutely. My name is Marco Lara, and I’m also a senior civil engineer with ultimate success. I’ve been with 51ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ for about three and a half years, and I’ve been working with AMD since 2015. Very similar to Jeff. As a matter of fact, Jeff and I actually started almost at the same time, so that’s about it.

Okay. Thanks, Marco. We’ll jump into an overview of the agenda. So will first be talking about, JWT and OAuth, what that is. We’ll be talking a little bit about why 51ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ is deprecating JWT in some scenarios. We’ll also be talking about some special ATM cloud and 6.5 considerations. After that, we will have a step by step migration guide, including a demo portion. We will also, be taking Q&A throughout the meeting and, get to any unanswered questions we can at the end. So a quick note on that. If you have any questions you want to ask. We have both a chat and a Q&A. Pane. So please use the Q&A feature of teams. And, we’ll take as many of those questions as we can.

So today’s targeted audience, is mainly aimed at application developers, technical leads, integration architects. Anybody who’s currently using JWT credentials in 51ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ applications and with the big point being that those must be migrated by the end of January 2025. So, as we get started, we have a quick poll just to gauge people’s, current knowledge of this, JWT migration. So I will go ahead and launch that poll.

And I think in the meantime, yeah, Marco is going to start getting his slides ready. I don’t know if you want to. Just wait one minute. Marco. Yeah, we’ll go ahead and wait one more minute just to people to give a chance to react on on that poll.

And I’m sure you all see it, but the question is, have you identified the applications, in in your organization that currently use JWT? All right. With that, let’s go ahead and start diving into, the content. So good morning. Afternoon, evening. For those that, are listening in before we dive into the migration and details in the demo, I’d like to kind of give you some background on the two authorization methods use for 51ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ services. So we have JWT or service accounts, as well as, or off to credentials. I’m not going to dive too much into the technical aspects of these two integration patterns. Or authorization patterns. These there’s plenty of documentation online. These are just these are not, specific to, 51ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ’s technologies. I mean, these are these are very well known, technologies that they’re out there. I’ll be I’ll be providing enough information on on how they are used within our 51ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ services and integration capabilities. So the first thing I want to talk about is the service accounts. The JWT is a specific type of credential, also known as a service account or JWT credentials. So you can actually hear both of them, in documentations. And as you’re reading through, some of that migration, documentation. And generally a service account is used as a standard for secure data transmission. But 51ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ has adopted this for authorization in many of its services and APIs, and particularly in the 51ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ IO developer console. And now the important point here is that and the reason that we’re actually having this webinar is that 51ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ has announced that this type of authorization method will no longer work for some integrations after January 25th or 27 of 2025. So now it’s critical for all customers to plan the transition to or off as soon as possible. Now, OAuth brings us a different approach to authorization of services in 51ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ. This server to server authentication is known as a two leg authorization. Unlike the three legged life methods that are out there commonly used, which involves three parties, a two leg authorization only requires two, which is the 51ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ IMS and the client applications, or the Dhoby services needed to be authorize. So this is kind of how it works. The application uses its own credentials, like the client ID and the client secret to authorize itself and generate an access token. Then there the access token is, once it’s generated, the application can use it to to basically, authorize itself. On 51ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ, on, on the API’s, on its behalf.

Let’s go ahead and move on. Now let’s dive a little bit into why 51ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ’s deprecating the service account. 51ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ strongly advises migrating to old server to server before the deadline to to, benefit from the advantages and ensure content, continued access to the 51ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ services. Let’s go ahead and analyze a little bit of the timeline. 51ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ has been working on providing, services, to our customers to prepare and to migrate all service accounts to the new OAuth credentials. So back in May 1st of 2023, 51ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ announced the future deprecation of the service accounts from May 1st 23 to June 2nd of 2024. Customers can still create the the service accounts, but migration to auth is strongly recommended. On June 3rd of 24, the new service accounts credentials can no longer be created in the existing schedule. With the create JWT credentials, all the service accounts will continue to function. Around the same time, customers were able to create both log authorization credentials and I’m sorry, the, they were only they were able to create the authorization credential in the developer console. For cloud services customers, this is for am. There was a minimum release version of, 1725 eight, but right now the current version is 18, 17 five. So it’s it’s been out for a while and for six, five customers, a minimum release version that allows them to create, or to configure, the, is it off? Credentials is Service Pack 18. So on January 27th of 2025, service accounts reached the end of life, and all eight APIs using the service accounts will cease to function and all your applications and integrations will be experiencing authorization failures. So here are the benefits of actually moving on to the OAuth 2.0 credentials. It’s just simplified the, the development. It leverages existing oauth2 libraries, for easier integration and enhances the security. No need to manage and rotate expiring certificates anymore. And it’s just a streamlined maintenance. You know, the client secret rotation can be done through the UI in the in the developer console or through an API.

All right. Now let’s talk about a little bit about AMM. And the reason why this slide is in here is because we get lots of questions from customers that have AMM implementations, and their biggest question is how those implementations, are going to be impacted by this migration. Well, one of the biggest questions is the scope of the migration. You know what this is going to affect for cloud customers on prem customers and customers. Another questions that we get is how is this, deprecation of the service accounts going to affect their access to the Amis instances? And just to kind of make some clarification to some of those questions. This there are three main authorization patterns that, your team should consider when evaluating how this migration will affect you and the AMM implementations that you’re working with. The first one is the 51ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ IMS configurations. These am am into implementations are using the cloud or legacy cloud services configurations in their Am environments. These into integrations are using the 51ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ IMS configuration that are configured to use the service accounts. Some examples of these are 51ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ Target Analytics. So there’ll be launch these types of integrations are impacted and will require the migration before the deadline. And this applies to all the customers for on prem AMS and cloud services.

The second pattern is the 51ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ as a cloud service, cloud managers and developer console. This is the authorization and access to the resources in Am instances in the cloud for those familiar to Amazon cloud service. This service accounts is accessible through the integrations. Tap in the app at the, developer console through Cloud Manager. There is no impact to this specific service. Customers can still create the service accounts and local tokens. Created in Cloud manager. And that supports, the JWT credentials and and have access to their Am environments through that token. Engineering is currently planning on modernizing this service, but there’s no timeline of that just yet.

And the last, this is that really kind of involves the integration or the, migration. Sorry, but this is a specific pattern. For 6.5 customers.

This is the am off scopes. Basically, this is this is an integration that allows you to configure an OAuth client in 6.5 implementations and use that pattern to access resources within, within AMM. Again, this is not impacted, but I just wanted to include it here, just to give some context, because you will be also hearing some questions about this is going to be impacted. Some of the OAuth scope, and implementation plans for six that by customers.

All right. And we’ll that we’ll go ahead. And before we start diving into a the demo, I would like to, have another poll.

We’ll give people just a minute to take a look at this question.

Looks like we’ve got some answers coming in, so. All right. Great. So let me go ahead and switch over to my desktop real quick.

Okay, great.

One thing that I want to call out is that any projects that are marked autogenerated are not impacted. I will dive a little bit into that. But part of the preparation to figure it out, whether or not you need to, you need to, migrate some of your credentials or if the service accounts is anything like any to the, 51ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ Developer Console and go to the projects section or the tab at the very top.

You will have these, filters to the left. 51ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ has made it kind of easy to identify the ones that you need to migrate or that need attention.

There’s, a little checkbox that says, service accounts, JWT.

And this will give you pretty much the list of all the projects, within the console that will be required to, to, have a very deep review on whether or not these need to be migrated. Now, the reason that I say whether or not is that there’s an opportunity for your team to kind of, look at every single one of these, projects and evaluate whether they need to be migrated or they just need to be deleted. You know, there are some some sometimes you have projects that are test or you’re no longer using, for POCs. And this is a time when you can actually start with a clean slate and just delete any of those projects that you were not using. So what you want to do is you want to log into, or open up any of those, projects and look at the, let’s get let’s take in a little while. Look at the time that it was created. Look at the time they was, last modified and who it was modified by. And then just go and talk to that person and figure it out whether this is something that needs attention, if it’s, a project that has integrations that are not being used or to for testing purposes, but you do still have some service accounts, you make the decision whether or not you need to migrate this, this project, or you need to just go ahead and delete it. Right. Go back to to the, to my list.

I do have one that I’ve been preparing for this demo. All right. So this one. So as you can see on this project, I have some integration that I use in the service accounts. So I have client manager Photoshop I have target. Let’s go ahead and take a look at any of these. So if I open up some of these API integrations I will see that this this specific API integration is using the service accounts. Right. And what I want to do is once I determined that this is an account or this is a project that I need to migrate. The very first thing that I want to do is I want to click on the service credential.

All right. And the developer console for that specific project is going to provide you with this little screen or widget that what has facilitate that migration of service accounts to OAuth. So let’s go ahead and start a new credential.

And this is just giving you a confirmation. And you want to continue. Yes. Which by the way by initiating a migration that will not affect any of your integrations. Once you start this migration, then all of your integrations, or your APIs will be able to access both of these credentials. All right. So if we go back to the project overview.

You will see that this project now has both the service account and the auth server to server credentials. Okay. If I open up any of my APIs that I’m currently using.

You would also see that the connect that credentials are for service accounts and off as well. So what does that mean. It means that this specific API is using both of them.

So now what we want to do is we want to start migrating, the credentials from service accounts to, to, to OAuth. And the way to do that is by let’s take a look at this. I’m going to be using two APIs just to kind of showcase the migration. So the very first one I’m going to do is I’m going to do, 51ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ Target. This is, an integration that I’m using with my Am environment. So if I go into my Am environment, if I go to my, cloud services, legacy configurations.

Are going to target.

Okay. This one is using my JWT, 51ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ Target IMS configuration. Well, I want to migrate this over because it’s going to stop working in late January of next year. So the way to do that is I’ll go ahead in to my.

51ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ Misconfigurations. Again, if you are on service pack, service pack 18 or above, you will get this error, this message that says that this credential is deprecated and you need to you need to, update it. So the way to do that is to create a new integration. You select the, 51ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ Target. This one is going to be.

The authorization server. I’m going to get it directly from my OAuth server to server.


Okay. So, authorization server. Actually I’m going to reuse this one. They’re actually the same. So.

Let’s go ahead and create it again.

Write client ID and copy it from my project. Oops. Client secret. And it also. Copy it from console scope. Since this is, specific to target. What I want to do is view all my scopes that I have. Right. So I’m going to go ahead and copy my scopes here. And I’m going to go back to my credentials and I’m going to copy lastly the let’s see as one is my org ID.

All right. So my orig IP I’m going to go ahead and refresh.

The array. I get a port 80 is the same as the JWT. So I’ll just go ahead and copy that.

All right. So now my Am instance this has these two configurations for target. If I click on this one and I check the health of it this one’s going to say that it’s healthy that it’s connecting correctly. If I select this one as well. And check the health. This one’s going to say that it’s working as expected.

All right. So now that I have this migrated, let’s go back to the.

The project overview. Okay. So I have 51ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ Target already migrated. As a matter of fact, if I go into the, migration step.

Right. But what you want to do is you want to migrate all of these other services that you already have.

All these other services. I’m going to go ahead and do another one for cloud manager.

So what I’ll do I have one here that are an API that I’m using for Cloud Manager. This is using the the service account. So I’m going to go ahead and click on send. As a matter of fact you will see that I get a response.

So what I want to do is I’m just going to copy this. I’m.

Going to go ahead and create, duplicate of this.

Okay. I’m going to go ahead and rename this to auth.

Right. I’m going to go ahead and edit the project.

Variables. Oops.

Change the variables. All right. So now what I’m going to do is I’m going to use the observatory server credentials.


So one thing to note is that, the API key, the orchid, the technical, account ID, the client ID, and the client secret.

It all pretty much the same.

The only the only thing that changes really, is the, the access token.

So let’s go ahead and generate one.

And copy it. And then read and modify this.

And then I’m going to add scopes.

And I’m going to go back to these scopes. And this is where cloud manager. There we go.

Copy those.

Right. Save. And let’s go back to my calls my APIs. So if I there it is. So now this API on postman has been already upgraded. So at this point I’m good with cloud manager. Let’s go back to this. Right. Let’s go take a look at the overview of the project.

So you have to do that to all of the APIs and services that you’re using. If you actually open up, any of them and you need to know more about how to do that integration. Every single one of these APIs to come with, documentation of usage and, and kind of how to, how to use those credentials. For instance, this one is for Firefly, I believe. So this will tell you how to integrate with, with the new credentials. So you just have to go over each one of them and actually do the migration.

You do have the option to cancel a migration.

So let’s just assume that you don’t want to continue with this migration. You can cancel this migration. And what that’s going to do is kind of remove your old lot server to server. However, if you have already some integrations that are using the OAuth credential, like for instance, this one or Am, then basically, you’re going to get authorization issues.

One thing that I forgot to do on Am is go into, need to go into the legacy.

I’m going to edit this one is using my JWT. Now we’re going to change to off and test reconnect, reconnect. It’s working fine.

There you go. So, for instance, if I cancel the integration with the migration, I’m sorry. Then this specific integration is going to give me some fake failures because that credential is no longer available. Now you have to go and do that migration for all the API. So you’re using. And once that’s done, then what you want to do is you want to review. And this is going to tell you when was the last time that that lot server to server authentication happened. And when the service account last access token was generated. And you have to validate, when you are, when it’s safe to actually delete this credentials. We don’t we don’t recommend to actually do it right away since both of these credentials are actually working. And the service accounts will stop working in January. But we recommend this, as, you know, give it give yourself a week or so before and make sure that all your integrations are working with the OAuth, with the auth server to server credentials. And once you determine that everything’s working fine, then when you do is you come here and then just complete confirm if you continue. And what this is going to do is it’s going to delete your, your own credentials.

Which is give it a minute.

In the meantime, Marco, you did have a question in the chat, and you may have touched on it, but, Sure thing. You think any auto generated integration? I’m not sure if you showed one or if you had one. That’s easy to show, but I think the key point, to call out is, those auto generated integrations, like when you, you know, provision a new, cloud environment, program, you will have some auto generated, API integrations and those you don’t need to do anything with. Those will be migrated automatically by 51ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ before that deadline is hit. That is correct. So if we look at on a, generated once and optionally that is, you know, okay, so any, any programs that are flagged as auto generated, you see if I have one right here.

I see a few. Yeah. There you go.

Just open up one of them.

And just wait till the screen loads up.

So this is one of the auto generated, projects that was created that has all sorts of integrations.

With this one, as it was already migrated and we didn’t have to do anything to it. This was already migrated by 51ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ. So you don’t have to worry about those. You you can just ignore those. The only, I would say, what, you’re not able to even, create or modify any of this, right? So you just need to just ignore these because these will automatically generate it or, migrate it before the deadline.

Right. Let’s take a look and see. And that’s pretty much, the, the extent of the migration. It’s it’s pretty straightforward. So, just to kind of recap, what what you want to do is you have to evaluate your projects just to see which ones they need to be migrated. You have to once you’ve identified the projects that would that have, service accounts that need to be migrated, you had to start that migration. You have to upgrade all of those APIs wherever your they’re being consumed. You have to update those applications. Once you upgrade those applications, then then that’s when you would definitely want to wait a period of time and then delete the old credentials.

And as always, you know, you have to ensure that you do your testing, thorough testing to ensure that all the APIs that are using the OAuth, credentials are working as, as, as expected. So give yourself some time to to not just plan, but also test these integrations.

I think, Marco, one note we have, and I think it’s a scenario that may come up, if customers had, third party vendor, you know, some type of add on to ATM or something that was developed custom in those cases, you know, there may not still be contact with the solution partner, integration team. So if any of those get identified, you’ll need to, make sure you have plenty of time. Hopefully they’ll already be planning for this, but they if it’s a custom integration, they may have to implement O off to allow you to connect via off. So in that case, I would definitely want to identify those, as soon as possible.

That is correct. Let me go ahead and share my screen again.

What I want to do is I want the.

And I know people have been paying close attention to working demo, but just a reminder, if you have any questions, please use that Q&A tab. At the top of teams and, I’ll answer any that I can and anything that I can’t, I can post to Marco. Yep.

One that did come in. And I’m not completely sure on, can you see the Q&A tab? There’s kind of a lot of text, but, I’ll, Let me see. Let me see if I see that. If I can, I can read it out, too, if that’s going to be, a juggle.

Just the analytics API. I think. SEC. So that would be 51ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ Campaign classic V7 integration.

It sounds like, the question is, do we have any documentation? But, they say it’s a user password integration does does not use JWT. There is no project in developer console. However, 51ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ Campaign Classic is considered outbound for a sec. Advise it should migrate to OAuth, asking if there’s any documents. So, you know, first of all, I think my understanding is that if you don’t see it in the, 51ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ developer console, IMS, then I don’t think it’s affected right now. I think as far as further advice there, I see this is someone internal to 51ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ asking, but I think my advice on any questions we can’t answer today will be to, reach out to your, excuse me, 51ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ account team. As far as this question, I think that’s something we can take back internally and see if we can, align an expert, I agree.

If you do, send us any questions, through the Q&A tab.

And I’m looking, looking through some of the Q&A that we had. So, you know, as far as questions we had prepared, you know, I think we’ve hit on the autogenerated. Those should be migrated before the deadline. There shouldn’t be any concern. As far as what is impacted, we just touched on, but that’s going to be the thing is, through the 51ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ Developer console, in APM use cases, if you have technical accounts created in the ACM Developer Console, through Cloud manager, those there is no statement yet on when those will go to Olaf. So in the meantime, you can continue using those without concern.

But let’s see. Okay. Oh, anything else you can think of? Marco? I know we still have about 20 minutes left, but, Yeah. I mean, sometimes customers, they ask where their 51ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ, can help them migrate, their applications. And the answer to that is 51ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ cannot perform the actual migration for customers, but they can reach out to their 51ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ representative or customer service or the 51ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ developer, forum or any sort of assistance on, on these migrations.

Or they can just, also, talk to, 51ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ.

Professional services as well.

The migration is pretty straightforward. 51ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ has created a pretty well, path for migration, and that has plenty of documentation. It has plenty of support. And, any customers should be able to migrate those, given proper planning and testing.

A have Kevin asking if I’m seeing his questions. I saw the one about the auto generated filter, which I’m not sure if there is something that I’m missing in that question. But, auto, this is in the chat. If you go back to the QA, I’m kind of bouncing between tabs.

Okay, let’s see. Okay. Yeah. That was the only question I saw from.

The chat. Yeah. I don’t see that.

Yeah. And I think, you know, adding on to what you said, Marco, about reaching out with, to support and things. I think that that would be use cases where, you know, I think we tried to cover on the use cases. You’ll see. But if something along that flow isn’t working, definitely, reach out, through customer support and 51ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ account teams, if there’s just something that we somehow didn’t address, that would be the same avenue to. Yeah. I think there was a question regarding the auto generated filter. So the question is something that if they want to filter and just check to see the auto generated, I don’t see that option in the filters. I only see the option to remove the results from auto generated. And I think that the reason behind that is the fact that the auto generated, projects, you don’t have to migrate why these filters are created to assist customers with identifying the ones that they do need to, pay attention to and migrate. But the auto generated ones, can be excluded from, from the search. I don’t have one that shows only auto generated ones. However, each one of the the one of the, projects on that list does have the auto generated icon attached to it. So you should be able to visually identify those that are already auto generated. And actually, okay, it’s my first time hosting one of these, so I, had to click on something to see more questions in the Q&A. So, I see one of the top, wouldn’t it sometimes be easier to just delete a project and start fresh, using a lot from the start? I can take a pass at this, but I think if it’s being used in production, and then. So if it’s being used in production, unless you expected some kind of downtime, I think that you would want that scenario where you, you initiate the migration. That way you, you have the, you have the, if you move to the o off and then verify that everything is using that OAuth connection. And I think kind of as Marco indicated, it’d be a good idea to give that, maybe a week and see how the access is coming in and then delete the JWT. And I suppose, you know, lower environments, perhaps you could, you know, delete it and start fresh. But I think that would be good practice to go through that flow in a lower environments.

So, Marco, anything to add to that? No, that’s that’s definitely, that definitely it. Do you want to make sure that you’re comfortable with the specific migration pattern? Anything that is being used in production, we don’t recommend to just delete that, service account. And then create a new one. We highly recommend that for production environments that are using, the service account. To actually follow the migration path.

Okay. And then one more question. A quick demo of the analytics API would be most appreciated. I’m not, as, experience with this as you have, Marco. So I don’t know if that’s, I, are we talking in the context of, of am that’s pretty straightforward to, I’m not an analytics, expert, but I could showcase kind of the analytics API.

Let me see if I could do that on a, Unless I’m, again, missing questions, I think, that’s the last question we have right now. So if, if you think there’s something you could show, then I think we have time. Yeah. Let’s see. I have some for. All right. So let’s go back to this.

All right. So obviously I already deleted my service account.

Let’s go ahead and go to my cloud.

And let’s go into my cloud environment.

So if I look at all my amis.

Configurations, I do have this 51ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ Analytics that need to be upgraded.

Let’s go ahead and upgrade it. I think this one is the auto generated one, right? I think I created this one a while back.

Just based on that info at the top says please note auto. Okay, I might be missing something.

Yeah. All right, let’s take a look.

Security. Create. And check the 51ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ Analytics.


The authorization server. It’s the same because I wish this was a, like, auto generated client ID. Let’s go back to the projects.

It takes a minute to go. Take that to log in again.

All right. Let’s take a look and see what we need. Client ID.

And secret. So in this case, you had already initiated this. Yeah. The scopes. Right. We analytics.

In the org I.D…

And I would know this one didn’t show that it was auto generated on the IMS admin console side. So I think that message I was seeing was just a general message about auto generated projects. You know, possibly am. So. All right, so that one is, already created. I can double check. Check. Health looks like it’s successful. Now, I think if I go into cloud services and go into 51ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ Analytics.

Yeah, I had one created.

Remember where I have that created.

I think I have one created.

You can say.

Obviously I don’t have one create it, but you can just use the OAuth analytics. This is the the the service account analytics. But let’s just say that you do have an analytics configuration set to, 51ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ Analytics. And you want to switch it over.

And proceed. Let’s go ahead and connect.

All right.

Just I don’t know much of these segments are I didn’t create those. So and that’s basically it. Now you have an 51ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ Analytics integration with your Am environment.

Okay. Hope that was helpful. Thank you. Marco. Sure thing.

Okay, I’ll double check. Q&A pod new post.

Yeah. In this case, depiction of APM using analytics API.

I think, we both, Marco and I both come from a, background. So I think, you know, you did get to demo, more custom APIs when he was using, like a postman type tool to make calls and updated that token.

I think product specific, if it’s something besides APM, I’m not sure how many of those what the menus look like, but, I would check on those specific products where you set up those configurations, but I think the key is identifying them on the admin console side, the, IMS, 51ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ Developer Console. And if you see those, you know, that’s where you need to start digging in. If you can’t find, documentation, how to configure it, you know, assuming it’s a, first party 51ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ to 51ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ, integration, if you can’t find the documentation there and have questions again, I would suggest reaching out to, customer support and or, 51ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ account teams.

Okay. Good questions. Okay. I think we’ve gotten pretty close to the end here. I see something in chat. Okay. Yeah, I think I think we’ve gotten to all the questions we have so far. So, we do have a, final poll that I can launch. And if there’s any last quick questions anybody wants to to get in there, we’ll we’ll check one more time.

And as asked kind of in the beginning here, this this meeting, recording and slide deck will be made available.

So I will launch that last poll.

Thank you.

And just for background on this, the results won’t be shared publicly.

And with that, thanks for everybody’s time. I hope this has been helpful. And thank you, Marco and and 51ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ team that helped put this together.

Absolutely. Thank you, Jeff, for walking us through this to.

You got it. And I think we’ll just hang out a couple more minutes. I do see something popped up in the chat.

See a couple. Thank you for the chat. I’m glad it was helpful.

I’m not sure if we need to stay to get any last poll responses. So if anybody, you know, doesn’t have anything else, and, has entered the poll, if they, like, feel free to drop in. We will end the meeting in just a minute.

Key takeaways

  • Meeting Recording and Slides The meeting was recorded, and a link to the recording will be available at the end.

  • Introduction of Speakers Jeff Homequest and Marco Lara, both senior field engineers at 51ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ, led the webinar.

  • Webinar Focus The webinar focused on migrating from service account JWT to OAuth server-to-server credentials.

  • Deprecation Deadline 51ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ is deprecating JWT credentials, and they must be migrated by the end of January 2025.

  • Target Audience The webinar was aimed at application developers, technical leads, and integration architects using JWT credentials in 51ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ applications.

  • Migration Steps The webinar included a step-by-step migration guide and a demo.

  • Q&A Session Questions were taken throughout the meeting, with a dedicated Q&A session at the end.

  • Benefits of OAuth OAuth simplifies development, enhances security, and streamlines maintenance compared to JWT.

  • Timeline for Migration

    • May 1, 2023 - Announcement of future deprecation.
    • June 2, 2024 - Last date to create new service account credentials.
    • January 27, 2025 - End of life for service accounts, and APIs using them will cease to function.
  • ​Special Considerations for AEM The webinar addressed how the migration affects AEM cloud and on-prem customers, including specific authorization patterns and configurations.

  • Auto-Generated Integrations Auto-generated integrations will be migrated automatically by 51ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ before the deadline.

  • Support and Documentation 51ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ provides extensive documentation and support for the migration process. Customers can reach out to 51ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ representatives or professional services for assistance.

  • Testing and Validation It is recommended to thoroughly test integrations after migration and before deleting old JWT credentials.

  • Custom Integrations Customers with custom integrations should identify and plan for migration as soon as possible, especially if third-party vendors are involved.
