
InteractiveVideoViewer interactivevideoviewer

JavaScript API reference for Interactive Video Viewer.


Constructor, creates an Interactive Video Viewer instance.

Parameters section-4fb77a645fdd45b3aaa5079c31e3bb05


{object} optional JSON configuration object, allows all the viewer settings to pass to the constructor to avoid calling individual setter methods. Contains the following properties:

  • containerId - {String} ID of the DOM container (normally a DIV ) into which the viewer is inserted. By the time this method is called, it is not necessary to have the container element created. However, the container must exist when init() is run.


  • params - {Object} JSON object with viewer configuration parameters where the property name is either viewer-specific configuration option or SDK modifier, and the value of that property is a corresponding settings value.


  • handlers - {Object} JSON object with viewer event callbacks, where the property name is the name of supported viewer event and the property value is a JavaScript function reference to appropriate callback.


    See Event callbacksfor more information about viewer events.

  • localizedTexts - {Object} JSON object with localization data. Optional.

    See Localization of user interface elementsfor more information.

    See also the Viewer SDK User Guide and the example for more information about the object's content.

Returns section-1d3cf85bc7cc4dfe9670e038d02b9101


Example section-9e9332aa86b74a5fb321375c03fdc5b3

var interactiveVideoViewer = new s7viewers.InteractiveVideoViewer({
 "initComplete":function() {
  console.log("init complete");
"VideoPlayer.ERROR":"Your Browser does not support HTML5 Video tag or the video cannot be played."
"VideoPlayer.ERROR":"Votre navigateur ne prend pas en charge la vid茅o HTML5 tag ou la vid茅o ne peuvent pas 锚tre lus."