Set up a Mixed Media Set Viewer Preset setting-up-a-mixed-media-set-viewer-preset
Mixed Media Set Viewer Presets determine the style, behavior, and look of your main viewer. When configuring a preset, you specify which other viewers you want to appear inside the Mixed Media Viewer. For example, if you鈥檝e included an Image Set in your Mixed Media Set, specify an Image Set Viewer Preset for the Mixed Media Set Viewer.
You can choose to include all or some community features in the Mixed Media Set Viewer. The Embed feature adds a link to the viewer that lets users copy the code required to display the viewer in an external page (such as a blog, Web site, or social networking site). The Link feature provides the URL to the viewer, so users can link back to this viewer. The Visit feature provides a link to the Web site you specify.
On the Global Navigation bar, go to Setup > Viewer Presets.
On the Viewer Presets page, do one of the following:
- To create a preset, select Add. In the Add Viewer Preset dialog box, choose a platform. Then click Mixed Media Set Viewer > Add.
- To edit a Mixed Media Set Viewer Preset, select it, then select Edit.
On the Configuration Viewer page, type a name in the Preset Name box for the Mixed Media Set Viewer Preset.
Specify Tabs or No Tabs. Tabs separate items by type, such as videos, swatches, and Spin Sets. When you specify no tabs, all items appear in a row under the Preview window.
In the Name box, type a name for the viewer you want to add.
For example, if you are adding a Swatch Set to your Mixed Media Set, type
Swatch Set A
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From the Viewer menu, select the type of asset you want to view, such as Swatch Sets.
From the Preset menu, select a preset for the chosen asset type.
For example, if you are adding a Swatch Set, select SwatchSet1-Colors.
Select Add.
The new Viewer preset appears in the list.
Repeat steps 6: 9 for all the Viewer presets you want to add.
To edit the preset list, do any of the following:
- To delete a preset from the list, select it, and then select Delete.
- To reorder presets in the list, select a preset, and then select the blue Up or Down arrow.
To add community features (Embed, Link, Visit) to the viewer, specify options for any of the following:
Email: Select On to enable an Email button in the viewer. When users select the Email button while viewing the set, an email containing the link to the set opens.
Embed: Select Live. In the Embed Button Label box, type the name you want displayed in the viewer for the Embed button. If desired, select Browse to locate and select a custom skin for the button.
Link: Select Live. In the Link Button Label box, type the name you want displayed in the viewer for the Link button. If desired, select Browse to locate and select a custom skin for the button.
Visit: Select Live. In the Visit Button Label box, type the name you want displayed in the viewer for the Visit button. In the Visit URL box, type the URL to the Web site that you want to open when the link is selected.
Specify other options as desired. To see a description of an option, select the Info Tip icon next to the option.
The Preview page displays the viewer as you update and change settings.
Select Save.