
Government loan application with multiple unknown signers

Learn how a web form is used for a complex government loan application workflow that involves multiple unknown participants. These forms can be embedded into a website or sent as a link in an email. They can also be filled out on any device, in any location, speeding up processes and service delivery.

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Learn how web farms can not only transform outdated manual processes, but also increase engagement. This example showcases how web farms can be created by federal government agencies to automate complex workflows with unknown signers, providing a positive experience to both employees and citizens. The workflow starts with a local farmer in the fictitious city of Contoso who needs to apply for a direct farm operating loan with a local USDA FSA branch. Direct farm operating loans are used to help farmers start and maintain their farms by funding the purchase of livestock, seed, and equipment. In this case, both the farmer and business partner are looking to expand their farm, so they’re looking to fund the purchase of livestock and equipment. The Contoso USDA FSA office uses Acrobat Sign web forms for their loan applications. The farmers can access the form they need directly from the USDA FSA website using any device at any location, which speeds up the process and service delivery. The farmer has already started the process of applying for this loan by completing the online form from their mobile phone. They sign the form, completing their portion of the loan application. As co-owner of the farm, the farmer also needs their partner to sign off on this loan application. To do this, they simply add the co-owner’s email, which ensures that the form is forwarded once the first farmer completes the signing process. The signature process is complete once the first farmer verifies their identity. Now let’s go ahead and take a look at the co-owner’s experience. They receive an email notification that their signature is required for the loan application. The co-owner can review the application by selecting the link in the email. They add their information only to the section where it’s necessary, and then they can complete their portion of the process by signing the application. Next, let’s take a look at the City of Contoso’s local farm loan manager’s experience with this web form. The loan manager is the designated countersigner for all local USDA FSA loan applications. And once a participant or participants completes the loan application, the loan manager receives an email notification that their signature is required for approval. They can use the Acrobat Sign Integration with Outlook to check the status of an application. And then directly from Outlook, they can quickly see who has signed an agreement and who still needs to sign. They can quickly review the loan application and confirm the approval with their signature. Web forms can not only be used to digitize complex paper workflows, but also improve engagement to both employees and citizens.