
Acrobat Accessibility series

Acrobat Accessibility series Image

In this six-part on-demand webinar series, go from the basics of Accessibility to a deep-dive of tagging your PDF files. Each session includes practice files to follow along.

Introduction to PDF Accessibility

Introduction to PDF Accessibility

In this on-demand session, learn what it means to make a PDF accessible, how to set up Acrobat Pro to work on PDFs for accessibility, and the conversion process from a source document to a PDF

Remediating an inaccessible PDF

Remediating an inaccessible PDF

In this on-demand session, learn the workflow to convert a Word document and fixing some basic tagging issues using the Acrobat Pro tools shown in the introduction webinar

Complex tables

Complex tables

This on-demand session addresses one of the more common and challenging issues in remediating a PDF for accessibility--complex tables

Scanned documents & complex ists

Scanned documents & complex lists

This on-demand session addresses the more complex issues people frequently run into such as scanned documents and complex lists

Adding form fields to a tagged PDF

Adding form fields to a tagged PDF

This on-demand session focuses on adding form fields to a previously tagged PDF

Adding form fields to an untagged PDF

Adding form Fields to an untagged PDF

This on-demand session goes deeper into creating manual form fields and additional form field properties
