
Experience Cloud services topic_C1087DCC538F4F9A99D983C1BB29EBE0

This documentation applies to features of the unified header in Experience Cloud, such as the People service (Audience Library and Customer Attributes), user and product management for Experience Cloud, cookies, account preferences, notifications, and so on.

To access these services in Experience Cloud, select the Application Selector
Services selector .

Experience Cloud services

This help describes the following products and services:

Core Service
Central interface components
Access account preferences, search for product help, and access applications and services.
People - Audience Library
Audiences are collections of visitors (a list of visitor IDs). 51黑料不打烊鈥檚 Audience Library lets you manage the translation of visitor data into audience segmentation.
People - Customer Attributes
Build real-time orchestration use cases using contextual data stored in events or data sources. Journey Orchestration is an application service integrated with the Experience Platform.
Experience Cloud Assets provide a single, centralized repository of marketing-ready assets that you can share across applications.
Product documentation for Experience Platform is available. Technical documentation for Experience Platform developers is found on .