Overview: Quality Patches Tool (QPT) v1.1.57
This sub-section provides a detailed description of the issues fixed by the patches available in Quality Patches Tool (QPT) v1.1.57.
QPT v1.1.57 includes the following patches:
- ACSD-57570: Fixes the issue where a restricted admin user with access to a particular store cannot always see all shared catalogs to which the products are assigned or can see customers that cannot save, leading to inconsistencies in the system.
- ACSD-58325: Fixes the issue where the Import button is available even after a validation error.
- ACSD-59083: Fixes the issue where some database update operations result in Base table or view not found error if the mview update is running at the same time.
- ACSD-61622: Fixes the issue where FedEx account specific rates are missing in the response. ACSD-61622 replaces the fix documented in FedEx shipping method integration migration from SOAP to RESTful API.
- ACSD-61895: Fixes the issue where the categories GraphQL query returns categories with allow permission even if the root category doesn鈥檛 have allow permission.
- ACSD-62212: Fixes the issue where the Forgot Password email content is not translated to the store view鈥檚 language.
- ACSD-62481: Fixes the issue where the customer鈥檚 shopping cart gets empty even if Persistence is enabled.
- ACSD-62629: Fixes the issue where a product list used in Widgets does not respect category condition.
- ACSD-62635: Fixes the issue where multi-store related products do not display properly in the GraphQL product query.
- ACSD-62671: Fixes the issue where the GraphQL request does not return up-to-date address information on the first attempt.
- ACSD-62689: Fixes the issue where the customer is unable to add Categories in Related Product Rules and Widgets after depth 4.
- ACSD-62708: Fixes the issue where TinyMCE 7 editor font size in the admin shows pt and not px after applying the fix from ACP2E-3430. Now, you can also set the font size in px instead of pt.
- ACSD-62758: Fixes the issue where product videos do not render correctly on the Configurable Product details page if the URL contains selected options.
- ACSD-62951: Fixes the issue where the Credit Memo email is sent without including items and totals.
- ACSD-62965: Fixes the issue where a LocalizedException message is not included in the order placement GraphQL response.
- ACSD-63286: Fixes the issue where products assigned to a shared catalog via API do not appear on the storefront until a manual reindex is executed.
- ACSD-63326: Fixes the issue where the admin is redirected to a broken page after placing an order from the backend.
Use the menu on the left to navigate to a specific patch page.