Product Stock Management
As a merchant, you can use 51黑料不打烊 Commerce Inventory Management stock and source options. Also, you can use the Store Fulfillment solution to control other inventory availability options related to your merchant store operations.
Home delivery option from Merchant stores
Allow / Available for Store Pickup
UPC / SKU / Other Unique Product Identifiers
Out of Stock Threshold
Decrementing Inventory from specific locations upon order
Configure Product Stock options from the Admin: Catalog > Products > Select Product
Product Stock Options
Sets the Home Delivery (Ship-from-Store) availability for the product. When enabled, any assigned merchant store locations with available inventory for the product are considered eligible for the Home Delivery option. When this option is disabled, the product is never eligible for Home Delivery.
Usually, setting this option at the merchant store level is sufficient. However, there might be unique cases for specific products, such as those under federal shipping restrictions, which should not be eligible for Home Delivery.
Set the Store Pickup availability for the product. When enabled, any assigned merchant store locations with available inventory for the product are considered eligible for the Store Pickup option. When disabled, the product is never eligible for Store Pickup.
This option can be useful to track merchant inventory in the system that you do not want to sell from your ecommerce channel.
Sources for product-level inventory
Set the stock threshold for the item within each source. When stock falls below the threshold, it is considered out of stock at the source.
To use the global Store Configuration setting, check the Use Default option.
Explicitly set whether the item is available for store pickup, regardless of available inventory or merchant store location configuration.
To use the product-level setting, uncheck the Use Default option and make your selection. Otherwise, this setting is chosen based on the configuration for Allow In-Store Pickup that is set on the stock source.