
Guest Orders

While reviewing your orders, if you notice that many customer\_id values are null or do not have a value to join back to the customers table, this is indicative that your store allows guest orders. This means that your customers table is most likely not inclusive of all of your customers.

This topic discusses the impact guest orders have on your data and what options you have to properly account for guest orders in your Commerce Intelligence Data Warehouse.

Impact of guest orders on data

In the typical commerce database, there is an orders table that joins to a customers table. Every row on the orders table has a customer\_id column that is unique to one row on the customers table.

  • If all customers are registered and guest orders are not allowed, this means that every record in the orders table has a value in the customer\_id column. As a result, every order joins back to the customers table.

  • If guest orders are allowed, this means that some orders do not have a value in the customer\_id column. Only registered customers are given a value for the customer\_id column on the orders table. Customers who are not registered receive a NULL (or blank) value for this column. As a result, not all order records have matching records in the customers table.

    note note
    To identify the unique individual that made the order, there needs to be another unique user attribute beside customer\_id attached to an order. Typically, customer鈥檚 email address is used.

How to account for guest orders in Data Warehouse setup

Typically, the Sales Engineer that implements your account takes guest orders into consideration when building the foundation of your Data Warehouse.

The most optimal way to account for guest orders is to base all customer-level metrics on the orders table. This setup uses a unique customer ID that all customers have, including guests (normally customer email is used). This ignores registration data from the customers table. With this option, only customers who have made at least one purchase are included in customer-level reports. Registered users who have not yet made one purchase are not included. With this option, your New customer metric is based on the customer鈥檚 first order date in the orders table.

You may notice that the Customers we count filter set in this type of setup has a filter for Customer's order number = 1.

In a situation without guest orders, each customer exists as a unique row in the customer table (see Image 1). A metric such as New customers can simply count the id of this table based on created\_at date to understand New customers based on registration date.

In a guest orders setup where all customer metrics are based on the orders table to account for guest orders, you must ensure that you are not counting customers twice. If you count the id of the orders table, you are counting every order. If instead you count the id on the orders table and use a filter, Customer's order number = 1, then you are going to count each unique customer only one time. This is applicable for all customer level metrics such as Customer's lifetime revenue or Customer's lifetime number of orders.

You can see above that there are null customer\_ids in the orders table. If you use the customer\_email to identify unique customers, you can see that erin@test.com has placed three (3) orders. Therefore, you can build a New customers metric on your orders table based on the following conditions:

  • Operation table = orders
  • Operation column = id
  • Operation = count
  • Timestamp = Customer's first order date
  • Filter = Customer's we count (where Customer's order number = 1)