
Configure email communications

The Mail Sending Settings give you the ability to route returned email or replies to email to a specific address. If your store is running on an SMTP or Windows server, you can verify the host and port settings.

Security Notice All merchants should immediately set their mail sending configuration to protect against a recently identified potential remote code execution exploit. Until this issue is resolved, it is highly recommended that you avoid using Sendmail for email communications. In the Mail Sending Settings, make sure that Set Return Path is set to No.

For a detailed list of the configuration settings, see Mail Sending Settings in the Configuration Reference.

Configure email communications

  1. On the Admin sidebar, go to Stores > Settings > Configuration.

  2. In the left panel, expand Advanced and choose System.

  3. Expand Expansion selector the Mail Sending Settings section and do the following:

    Advanced configuration - mail sending settings {width="600" modal="regular"}

    • If necessary, set Disable Email Communications to No.

    • For Transport, choose the transport type for email communications from the store: Sendmail or SMTP

    • If running on an SMTP or Windows server, verify the following settings:

      • Host - localhost or other

      • Port (25) - 25 or other

    • For Set Return Path, choose one of the following options:

      • No - (Recommended security measure) Routes returned email to the default store email address.
      • Yes - Routes returned email to the default store email address.
      • Specified - Routes returned email to the email address specified in Return Path Email.
    • If running on an SMTP server, configure the connection:

      • Username - Enter the login user name for the SMTP server.
      • Password - Enter the password for the SMTP server login.
      • Auth - Choose the authentication type for the SMTP server connection: NONE , PLAIN, or LOGIN
      • SSL - Choose the verification type for the server security certificate: SSL or TLS

      Advanced configuration - mail sending settings {width="600" modal="regular"}

  4. In the left panel, expand Sales and choose Sales Emails.

  5. Expand Expansion selector the General Settings section.

  6. Set Asynchronous sending to Enable.

    Sales configuration - email general settings {width="600" modal="regular"}

    For a detailed list of the configuration settings, see General Settings in the Configuration Reference.

  7. When complete, click Save Config.
