
Returns attribute

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The returns attributes are used to store information that is needed during the product return process. The default attributes include the condition of the returned product, the reason for the return, and a field that indicates how the return was resolved. The process to create a returns attribute is similar to creating a customer attribute.

Admin - Returns attributes {width="700" modal="regular"}

Create a returns attribute

  1. On the Admin sidebar, go to Stores > Attributes > Returns.

  2. In the upper-right corner, click Add New Attribute.

    New Return - attribute properties {width="600" modal="regular"}

Define the properties

  1. To identify the attribute during data entry, set the Default Label.

  2. For Attribute Code, enter a code that identifies the attribute within the system.

  3. To determine the type of input control that is used for data entry, set Input Type to one of the following:

    • Text Field
    • Text Area
    • Dropdown
    • Yes/No
    • File
    • Image File
  4. To make the field a required item, set Values Required to Yes.

  5. To assign an initial value to the field, enter a Default Value.

  6. To validate the data entered into the field for accuracy before the record is saved, set Input Validation to one of the following:

    • None
    • Alphanumeric
    • Alphanumeric with Space
    • Numeric Only
    • Alpha Only
    • URL
    • Email
  7. For the Text Field and Text Area input types, enter the Minimum Text Length and Maximum Text Length.

  8. To apply a preprocessing filter, set Input/Output Filter to one of the following:

    • None
    • Strip HTML Tags
    • Escape HTML Entities
  9. To make the attribute visible to customers, set Show on Storefront to Yes in the Storefront Properties section.

  10. (Optional) For Sort Order, enter a number to determine where this attribute appears relative to the others in the same part of the page. (0 = first, 1 = second, 2 = third, and so on.)

Manage the labels/options

  1. In the left panel, choose Manage Labels/Options.

  2. In the Manage Titles (Size, Color, etc.) section, enter the label for each store view.

    Manage labels {width="600" modal="regular"}

  3. If the Input Type for the attribute is Dropdown, manage the options in the Manage Options (Values of Your Attribute) section.

    • To add an option, click Add Option and enter the label for Admin and each store view.
    • To make an option the selected default, choose Is Default.
    • To remove an option, click Delete.
  4. To save changes, click Save Attribute.
