
Add Content - Products

Use the Products content type to add a list of products to the Page Builder stage, using either a grid or carousel layout. Use the Add Content - Block tool to place the block on the Page Builder stage and then place a product list within the block. Or, you can add the product list directly in a row on a page.

The product carousel provides a powerful and engaging way to show off your products. To get the most out of it, the following guidelines are recommended:

  • Add product carousels directly to page-width containers like rows, tabs, or one-column layouts. Using page-width layouts ensure the best responsive display of your products. Page Builder reduces the number of products shown depending on the width of the page, not the width of the container.

  • Do not add a product carousel to a narrow column. As mentioned, Page Builder, by default, determines the number of products to display based on the page width, not the column width.

  • If you want your product carousel to auto-scroll continuously, set both Autoplay and Infinite Loop to Yes. If Autoplay is set to Yes but Infinite Loop is set to No, auto-scrolling stops at the end of your products list.

  • Set the Carousel Mode to Continuous to highlight, center, and scroll one product at a time within the carousel. The other products are visible in the list, but transparent in order to highlight the centered product.

    Product list in continuous carousel mode {width="600"}

  • To show and scroll up to five products at a time within the carousel, keep the Carousel Mode set to Default.

    Product list in default carousel mode {width="600"}

The following instructions show how to add a Products list to a block. You can then use a widget to place the block at a specific location on any page in your store.

If you are making significant changes to Page Builder content, it is recommended that you increase the Admin Session Lifetime to prevent the session from timing out while you work.

Products toolbox

Move icon {width="25"}
Moves the products container and its content to another position on the stage.
Settings icon {width="25"}
Opens the Edit Products page, where you can choose the products list and change the properties of the container.
Hide icon {width="25"}
Hides the current products container and its content.
Show icon {width="25"}
Shows the hidden products container and its content.
Duplicate icon {width="25"}
Makes a copy of the products container and its content.
Remove icon {width="25"}
Deletes the products container and its content from the stage.
Hidden elements are stored in the database and invisible to customers. However, these elements are visible to search engines and other bots that crawl your site. They are also returned as part of the content if requested through an API call with an attribute of invisibility, unless you remove them from the stage.

Create a products list block

  1. On the Admin sidebar, go to Content > Elements > Blocks.

  2. Click Add New Block.

  3. Enter the Block Title and Identifier.

  4. Choose the Store View where the block is to be available.

  5. Scroll down and click Edit with Page Builder or inside the content preview area to open the Page Builder workspace.

  6. In the Page Builder panel, expand Add Content and drag a Products placeholder to the stage.

    Add Products content type {width="600" modal="regular"}

Configure the products list container

Hover over the empty Products container to display the toolbox and click the Settings ( Settings icon {width="20"} ) icon.

Products Toolbox {width="500" modal="regular"}

Complete the Settings according to the following sections:


  1. To determine how the products list is displayed on the page, choose one of the appearance types:

    table 0-row-2 1-row-2 2-row-2 layout-auto
    Type Description
    Product Grid Displays the products within a grid that shows five products per row (by default), with as many rows as are required to display the number entered in the Number of Products to Display setting.
    Product Carousel Displays the products within a carousel (also known as a slider). The carousel shows up to five products per slide.

    Responsiveness Alert: When you select this appearance, it is best to add the Products content type directly to a row, tab, or one-column layout where it is responsive, showing fewer products per side on smaller screens. If you add it to content types that are narrower than the width of the page (such as a narrow column), the carousel displays more products per slide than the container allows, regardless of the screen size.

    Product appearance {width="300"}

    If you choose the product carousel, you must also configure the Carousel Settings.

  2. For Select Products By, choose the method for product selection:

    You can select your products by category, SKU, or condition. These options are mutually exclusive. For example, you cannot select the Category option, use the Category selector, then switch over to the Condition option to add some conditions. Your products are selected based only on what you set for one of these three options.

    • Category - Choose this option to display products using a selected category.

      Product selection by category {width="500"}

      When selected, this option provides a Category selector. Click the arrow and drill down to choose the category of products to display. For example, in the Commerce sample data, drilling in and selecting the Women > Tops > Tees displays all products for that category.

      Selecting a catalog category {width="500"}

    • SKU - Choose this option to display products using one or more SKUs

      When selected, this option provides a Product SKUs text box where you must enter a comma-separated list of SKUs to display.

      Product selection by SKU {width="500"}

    • Condition - Choose this option to display products according to one or more conditions that you define.

      When selected, there are tools available to add conditions to your products selection. For example, you could select only products with a Gender set to Unisex.

      Product selection by condition {width="500"}

      note note
      Selecting the Category or SKU option provides the Sort By option of Position. With this sort option, the products appear in the same order that they appear in your catalog.
      For the Category option, sorting by position displays the products in the same order that they appear in your catalog. For the SKU option, sorting by position displays the products in the order that you enter them in the Product SKUs textbox.
  3. For Sort By, choose the sort order for the products in the list:

    table 0-row-2 1-row-2 2-row-2 3-row-2 4-row-2 5-row-2 6-row-2 7-row-2 8-row-2 9-row-2 10-row-2 11-row-2 layout-auto
    Option Description
    Position (for Category and SKU options only) When you select the Category option, the Position displays products in the same order as their position in the catalog. When you select the SKU option, the Position displays products in the same order as the SKUs within the Product SKUs textbox.
    Newest products first Sorts products by the date that they were added to the catalog, displaying the products with the most recent entry dates first.
    Oldest products first Sorts products by the date that they were added to the catalog, displaying the products with the oldest entry dates first.
    Name: A - Z Sorts products in alphabetical order.
    Name: Z - A Sorts products in reverse alphabetical order.
    SKU: ascending Sorts products by SKU in alphanumeric order.
    SKU: descending Sorts products by SKU in reverse alphanumeric order.
    Stock: low stock first Sorts products from the lowest to the highest available stock.
    Stock: high stock first Sorts products from the highest to the lowest available stock.
    Price: high to low Sorts products from highest to lowest price.
    Price: low to high Sorts products from lowest to highest price.

    Product sorting options {width="300"}

  4. Enter the Number of Products to Display in the carousel or grid.

    Values can be from 1 to 999. The default is 5 for a grid and 20 for a carousel.

    note note
    Some products in the Category, SKU, or Condition settings may not appear in your products grid or carousel. For example, disabled products, products marked as not visible, out-of-stock products, and products assigned to another website are not displayed.
    note important
    Prices for configurable, grouped, and bundled (dynamic price) products are undefined in the Admin. Therefore, these products are not displayed in the Preview if the products are filtered by price. These products cannot be ordered correctly in the Preview if ordered by price.
  1. To determine how the products are displayed within the carousel, choose the Carousel Mode:

    table 0-row-2 1-row-2 2-row-2 layout-auto
    Option Description
    Default The carousel displays five products per slide by default and responsively reduces that number as needed.
    Continuous The carousel displays five products per slide by default (with half of a product on the right and left), but centers and scrolls one product at a time in an infinite loop. Products to the right and left of the centered product are dimmed so that the center product is highlighted.

    If you switch between these two modes, the other carousel settings are retained, except for the Infinite Loop setting, which is always set to Yes in Continuous mode and the field is disabled.

    Carousel Settings {width="600" modal="regular"}

  2. If needed, set the Autoplay option to Yes.

    When autoplay is enabled, the carousel begins scrolling automatically when the page loads. If you leave the default setting (No), the customer must click the slide navigation (dots or arrows) to display each slide in sequence.

    If you enable this feature, enter Autoplay Speed to specify the delay in milliseconds between each slide. The default value is 4000 (4 seconds).

  3. If needed, set the Infinite Loop option to Yes.

    When infinite loop is enabled, the slide show replays indefinitely while the page is open. If you leave the default setting (No), the slide show plays only once.

    note note
    If you set Infinite Loop to No and Autoplay set to Yes, the autoplay stops at the end of the number of products to be displayed.
  4. If needed, set the Show Arrows option to Yes.

    When this option is enabled, each slide includes next and previous navigation arrows on the left and right side. If you leave the default setting (No), the slides do not display navigation arrows.

  5. If needed, set the Show Dots option to No.

    When set to the default setting (Yes), navigation dots appear at the bottom of the carousel slider. If you disable this setting, the carousel slider does not display navigation dots.


  1. To control the positioning of the Products list within the parent container, choose the Alignment:

    table 0-row-2 1-row-2 2-row-2 3-row-2 4-row-2 layout-auto
    Option Description
    Default Applies the alignment default setting that is specified in the style sheet of the current theme.
    Left Aligns the list along the left border of the parent container, with allowance for any padding that is specified.
    Center Aligns the list in the center of the parent container, with allowance for any padding that is specified.
    Right Aligns the list along the right border of the parent container, with allowance for any padding that is specified.
  2. Set the Border style that is applied to all four sides of the Products container:

    table 0-row-2 1-row-2 2-row-2 3-row-2 4-row-2 5-row-2 6-row-2 7-row-2 8-row-2 9-row-2 10-row-2 layout-auto
    Option Description
    Default Applies the default border style that is specified by the associated style sheet.
    None Does not provide any visible indication of the container borders.
    Dotted The container border appears as a dotted line.
    Dashed The container border appears as a dashed line.
    Solid The container border appears as a solid line.
    Double The container border appears as a double line.
    Groove The container border appears as a grooved line.
    Ridge The container border appears as a ridged line.
    Inset The container border appears as an inset line.
    Outset The container border appears as an outset line.
  3. If you set a border style other than None, complete the border display options:

    table 0-row-2 1-row-2 2-row-2 3-row-2 layout-auto
    Option Description
    Border Color Specify the color by choosing a swatch, clicking the color picker, or by entering a valid color name or equivalent hexadecimal value.
    Border Width Enter the number of pixels for the border line width.
    Border Radius Enter the number of pixels to define the size of the radius that is used to round each corner of the border.
  4. (Optional) Specify the names of CSS classes from the current style sheet to apply to the container.

    Separate multiple class names with a space.

  5. Enter values, in pixels, for the Margins and Padding to determine the outer margins and inner padding of the Products container.

    Enter the corresponding values in the diagram.

    table 0-row-2 1-row-2 2-row-2
    Container area Description
    Margins The amount of blank space that is applied to the outside edge of all sides of the container. Options: Top / Right / Bottom / Left
    Padding The amount of blank space that is applied to the inside edge of all sides of the container. Options: Top / Right / Bottom / Left

Save and preview on the stage

In the upper-right corner, click Save to apply the settings and return to the Page Builder workspace.

If you configured a product carousel, it should look similar to the following example:

Product carousel on the stage {width="600"}

You can now use a widget to place this block wherever you want it to appear in the store. Or, you can use Add Content - Block to add the block to an existing page, tab, or block.
