
Moderate product reviews

For Commerce product reviews, a submitted product review must be approved before it can be displayed. This ensures that reviews are appropriate for public display your store. A submitted review is in a Pending status until it is approved or rejected.

View product reviews in the Admin

To view all reviews for a specific product in the Admin, do the following:

  1. On the Admin sidebar, go to Catalog > Products.

  2. Find the product that you want to view and click Edit in the Action column.

  3. On the product page, scroll down and expand Expansion selector the Product Reviews section.

    In this grid, you can also change the specific review by clicking the Edit link in the Action column.

Update status for reviews

  1. On the Admin sidebar, go to Marketing > User Content > Pending Reviews or All Reviews.

  2. In the list, click a pending review to view the details and edit if necessary.

  3. Change the Status according to your assessment:

    • To approve a pending review, select Approved.

    • To reject a review, select Not Approved. Unapproved reviews disappear from the list of Pending Reviews page.

    note note
    Reviews with the Pending and Not Approved statuses are not displayed on the storefront.
  4. If applicable, set the Visibility of a product review for appearing in different store views.

  5. If needed, change the values for Detailed Rating, Nickname, and Summary of Review.

    To change the store view where a review is available, choose the needed store view in the Visibility column.

    Edit review page {width="600" modal="regular"}

  6. When complete, click Save Review.

Batch update

You can update or delete multiple reviews at the same time:

  1. On the Admin sidebar, go to Marketing > User Content > All Reviews.

  2. Select the reviews that you want to update.

  3. Use the Action selector at the top-left corner to apply an action.

  4. Click Submit

Delete a product review

  1. On the Admin sidebar, go to Marketing > User Content > All Reviews.

  2. Find the product review to be deleted and open it in edit mode.

  3. In the menu bar, click Delete Review button.

  4. To confirm the action, click OK.

Button bar

Returns to the Reviews page without saving changes
Delete Review
Deletes the review
Resets any unsaved changes in the review form to their previous values
Opens the previous review
Opens the next review
Save and Previous
Saves current changes and opens the previous review. This button is displayed if there are other reviews.
Save and Next
Saves the current changes and opens the next view. This button is displayed if there are other reviews.
Save Review
Saves changes and closes the review edit page