
Newsletter templates

You can create as many newsletter templates as you need for different purposes. You might send a weekly product update, a monthly newsletter, or annual holiday newsletter. Newsletter templates can be prepared with HTML markup, or as plain text. Unlike HTML, plain text newsletters contain no images, rich text, or formatted links. In the grid, the Template Type column indicates whether a template is HTML聽or text.

Newsletter templates - add to newsletter queue {width="700" modal="regular"}

Create a newsletter template

  1. On the Admin sidebar, go to Marketing > Communications > Newsletter Template.

  2. To add a template, click Add New Template.

  3. Complete the template settings:

    • For Template Name, enter name for internal reference.

    • For Template Subject, describe the purpose of the newsletter.

    • For Sender Name, enter the name of the person who is to appear as the sender of the newsletter.

    • For Sender Email, enter the email address of the newsletter sender.

    Newsletter template information {width="600" modal="regular"}

    • For Template Content, click Show / Hide Editor to display the WYSIWYG editor and update the content as needed.

      To learn more, see Using the Editor.

      note note
      Do not remove the unsubscribe link at the bottom of the template content. In some jurisdictions, the link is required by law.
    • For Template Styles, enter the CSS聽declarations needed to format the content.

  4. Click Preview Template to see how it looks and make any changes that are needed.

  5. When complete, click Save Template.

    After you save a template, Save As appears the next time you edit the template. It can be used to save variations of the template without overwriting the original.

Convert the template to plain text

  1. At the top of the page, click Convert to Plain Text and click OK when prompted.

  2. To preview the plain text version of the template, click Preview Template.

    The preview opens in a new browser tab.

  3. To save the plain text version, click Save Template.

Restore the HTML

  1. At the top of the page, click Return HTML聽Version.

  2. To preview the HTML version of the template, click Preview Template.

    The preview opens in a new browser tab.

  3. To save the HTML version, click Save Template.

Delete a newsletter template

  1. On the Admin sidebar, go to Marketing > Communications > Newsletter Template.

  2. Find the newsletter template to be deleted and open it in edit mode.

  3. In the menu bar, click the Delete Template button.

  4. To confirm the action, click OK.

Grid columns

A unique numeric identifier that is assigned to each newsletter template
The name of template entity
The date when the template entity was created
The date when the template entity was last updated
Subject of newsletter template
Contact information for the sender
Template Type
The template type: html or text
Preview: opens a separate window to preview the template
Queue Newsletter: puts the newsletter template into the sending queue.