
Configure Inventory Management product options

These configurations apply only to the edited product, overriding all configurations at the global website level. Modify these settings when editing a product, through the Sources section and Advanced Inventory page.

  • Configure product options by source
  • Configure product options for advanced inventory

Product options by source

Configure the quantities and additional settings per added source for the product.

  1. On the Admin sidebar, go to Catalog > Products.

  2. Open a product in edit mode.

  3. Expand Expansion selector the Sources section and configure product settings for each source:

    • Enter a Qty (quantity) amount.

    • Set the Source Item Status as In Stock or Out of Stock.

    • To modify the Notify for Quantity Below per source, clear or select the Notify Quantity Use Default checkbox.

      If cleared, enter the stock level amount that triggers the item鈥檚 out of stock notice. The amount entered is subtracted from the item鈥檚 Salable Quantity at the stock level.

      Select to use Default - Commerce checks the product Advanced Inventory options for configuration settings.
      Clear to Modify - Enter a value for the Notify Quantity, overriding Advanced Inventory and Store configuration settings.

    Sources Section for a product {width="350" modal="regular"}

  4. When complete, click Done, then Save.

Field descriptions

Source Code
The unique code for a source.
The unique name for a source.
Product is enabled or disabled in the catalog.
Source Item Status
Determines the current availability of the product. Options:
In Stock - Makes the product available for purchase.
Out of Stock - Unless Backorders are activated, prevents the product from being available for purchase and removes the listing from the catalog.
On-hand stock amounts for each source or location.
Notify Quantity
An amount for the Notify for Quantity Below for this specific source if Notify Quantity Use Default is not selected.
Notify Quantity Use Default
Indicates to use the default setting for Notify for Quantity Below in the product Advanced Inventory or global setting in the store configuration.

Advanced product options

  1. On the Admin sidebar, go to Catalog > Products.

  2. Open a product in edit mode.

  3. Expand Expansion selector the Sources section and click Advanced Inventory.

  4. To enable inventory control for your catalog, set Manage Stock to Yes.

    note note
    Manage Stock settings in child products override a configurable product.

    Advanced Inventory for a Product {width="600" modal="regular"}

  5. Enter an amount for the Out-of-Stock Threshold:

    table 0-row-2 1-row-2 2-row-2 3-row-2
    Value Description
    Positive amount With Backorders disabled, enter a positive value.
    Zero With Backorders enabled, entering 0 allows for infinite backorders.
    Negative amount With Backorders enabled, entering a negative value is recommended. The amount is added to the Salable Quantity. For example, enter -50 to allow orders up to this amount.
  6. Enter the Minimum Qty Allowed in Shopping Cart.

  7. Enter the Maximum Qty Allowed in Shopping Cart.

  8. Set Qty uses Decimals to Yes if customers can use a decimal value rather than a whole number when entering the quantity ordered.

  9. Set Allow Multiple Boxes for Shipping to Yes if the product can be sold separately, in many boxes. This option is visible when Qty Uses Decimals is set to Yes only.

  10. Set Backorders to one of the following:

    table 0-row-2 1-row-2 2-row-2 3-row-2
    Option Description
    No Backorders To not accept backorders when product is out of stock.
    Allow Qty Below 0 To accept backorders when the quantity falls below zero.
    Allow Qty Below 0 and Notify Customer To accept backorders when the quantity falls below zero, and notify the customer that the order can still be placed.

    For more information, see Configuring Backorders.

  11. To activate quantity increments for the product, set Enable Qty Increments to Yes and enter the number of the items that must be purchased to meet the requirement in the Qty Increments field.

    For example, an item that is sold in increments of six can be purchased in quantities of 6, 12, 18, and so on.

    Qty Increments field sets how many product items must be purchased as a single product, and as a child of configurable, grouped and bundle products.

  12. When complete, click Done and then Save.

Field descriptions

Manage Stock
Determines if inventory control is used to manage this product in your catalog. Set to enable or disable all Inventory Management features. When you complete a return or a credit memo, the product quantity is automatically returned to the affected source quantity. You may want to disable if using a third-party, ERP system.
Out-of-Stock Threshold
Determines the stock level at which a product is considered to be out of stock. Options:
Positive value - With backorders disabled, enter a positive amount.
Zero (0) - With Backorders enabled, entering zero allows for infinite backorders.
Negative value - With backorders enabled, entering a negative amount is recommended. The amount is added to the Salable Quantity. For example, enter -50 to allow orders up to this amount.
Minimum Qty Allowed in Shopping Cart
Determines the minimum number of the product that can be purchased in a single order.
Maximum Qty Allowed in Shopping Cart
Determines the maximum number of the product that can be purchased in a single order.
Qty Uses Decimals
Determines if customers can use a decimal value rather than a whole number when entering the quantity ordered. Options:
Yes - Permits values to be entered as decimals, rather than whole numbers. Decimals are suitable for products sold by weight, volume, or length.
No - Requires quantity values to be entered as whole numbers.
Allow Multiple Boxes for Shipping
Determines if parts of the product can be shipped separately. This option is visible when Qty Uses Decimals = Yes.
Determines how backorders are managed. Backorders do not change the processing status of the order. Funds are still authorized or captured immediately when the order is placed, regardless of whether the product is in stock. Products are shipped as they become available. When enabled, it is recommended that you enter a negative amount for the Out-of-Stock Threshold. Options:
No Backorders - Does not accept backorders when product is out of stock.
Allow Qty Below 0 - Accepts backorders when the quantity falls below zero.
Allow Qty Below 0 and Notify Customer - Accepts backorders when the quantity falls below zero, but notifies customers that orders can still be placed.
Enable Qty Increments
Determines if the product can be sold in quantity increments. Increments set how many product items must be purchased as a single product, and as a child of configurable, grouped and bundle products.
Simple product configuration overrides configurable product configurations for a specific product.