
Customers segments

Customers segments allow you to dynamically display content and promotions to specific customers, based on various properties. Some examples are customer address, order history, and shopping cart contents. You can optimize marketing initiatives based on targeted segments with shopping cart price rules. You can also generate reports and export the list of targeted customers. Because customer segment information is constantly refreshed, customers can become associated and disassociated from a segment as they shop in your store.

To better understand the difference between customer groups and customer segments, note where they are used:

Customer segment
Customer group
Catalog price rule
Cart price rule
Tier price
Related product rule
Dynamic block
Reward exchange rates
Category permissions

Customers segment attributes

Customers segment attributes are defined in a manner similar to shopping cart and catalog price rules. For an attribute to be used in a customer segment condition, the Use in Customer Segment property must be set to Yes. Customer segment conditions can incorporate the following types of attributes:

Customer Address Fields
You can define any of the address fields, such as city or country. Any address in a customer鈥檚 address book can match these conditions for the customer to match. Or, you can specify that only the default billing or shipping addresses can be used to match a customer. Customer address attributes are available only for customers who are logged in to their accounts.
Customer Information Fields
Miscellaneous customer information can be defined, including Customer Group, name, email, newsletter subscription status, and Store Credit balance. Customer information is available only for customers who are logged in to their accounts.
Cart Fields
Cart properties can be based on either quantity (line items or total quantity) or the value (such as grand total, tax, and gift card) of the cart contents.
You can reference products that are currently in the shopping cart or wish list, or that have previously been viewed or ordered. You can also set a date range in which it occurred. The products are defined using product attributes.
Order Fields
Order characteristics for past orders can be defined based on the billing/shipping address in the order, the total (or average) amount or quantity of the orders, or the total number of orders. You can also set a date range for when it occurred, and the order status of the orders that match these conditions. Available only for customers who are logged in. Conditions that are set for shoppers who are not logged in stop working when they log in.

See Create and delete customer segments for more information about defining customer segments.


  • Customer segmentation 鈥 Get the to learn how to increase profits and overall customer satisfaction.
  • Segmentation tactics 鈥 Get the to improve the targeting of your messages and promotions to create meaningful conversations with your customers.