
Create and delete customer segments

51ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ Commerce feature {width="20"} Exclusive feature only in 51ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ Commerce (Learn more)

Creating a customer segment is similar to building a cart price rule, except that the options include customer segment-specific attributes.

Customer segments list {width="700" modal="regular"}

Customer Segments grid

The unique ID of customer segment.
The name of customer segment.
Indicates whether the customer segment is Active or Inactive.
Indicates the website to which the customer segment belongs.

Prerequisite: Enable customer segments

  1. On the Admin sidebar, go to Stores > Settings > Configuration.

  2. In the left panel, expand Customers and choose Customer Configuration.

  3. Expand the Customer Segments section.

  4. Verify that Enable Customer Segment Functionality is set to Yes.

    Customers configuration - customer segments {width="600" modal="regular"}

  5. (Optional) To disable real-time validation for customer segments, set Real-time Check if Customer is Matched by Segment to No.

    When you disable real-time validation, customer segments are validated by a single combined condition SQL query. Disabling this function improves performance of segments validation if there are many customer segments in the system. However, the validation does not work with a split database or when there are no registered customers.

  6. When complete, click Save Config.

Create a segment

The following steps use an example for creating a customer segment that targets female customers in Los Angeles.

Step 1: Add a customer segment

  1. On the Admin sidebar, go to Customers > Segments.

  2. In the upper-right corner, click Add Segment.

  3. Enter a Segment Name that identifies the customer segment when working in the Admin.

  4. Enter a brief Description that explains the purpose of the segment.

  5. Set Assigned to Website to the website where the customer segment can be used.

  6. Set the Status to Active or Inactive.

  7. To identify the customer types that you want to use for applying the segment, set Apply to to one of the following:

    • Visitors and Registered Customers - Includes all shoppers, regardless of whether they are logged in to an account.
    • Registered Customers - Includes only shoppers who are logged in to an account.
    • Visitors - Includes only shoppers who are not logged in to an account.
    note tip
    If you are creating a segment based on customer attributes stored in a customer account, it is a best practice to apply the segment to registered customers only.
    note note
    If a segment applies to Visitors and Registered Customers, the Matched Customers displays only Registered Customers. This is the case even if visitors can be targeted based on conditions that apply to them. For Visitors only segments, no Matched Customers tab is displayed.
  8. Click Save and Continue Edit.

    After saving the segment General Properties, additional options become available in the left panel.

    Segment properties {width="600" modal="regular"}

General Properties

Segment Name
A name that identifies the segment for internal reference.
A brief description that explains the purpose of the segment for internal reference.
Assigned to Website
The single website where the segment can be used.
Activates and deactivates the segment. Any associated price rules and banners are deactivated when the segment is disabled. Options: Active / Inactive
Apply to
Defines the customer types to which the segment is applied. The selection influences the set of conditions available for creating the segment. The setting cannot be changed after the segment is saved.

Step 2: Define the conditions

For visitors, only the following conditions are applicable: Shopping Cart conditions (cart subtotal amount, cart line items, and cart products quantity), Product rules (products found in shopping cart and product history), and combinations of these items. If a segment should apply to both visitors and registered customers, the visitors are tracked based on the listed conditions only.
  1. In the left pane, click Conditions.

    The default condition begins with If ALL of these conditions are TRUE: on the page.

    Conditions {width="600" modal="regular"}

  2. Create a condition that targets female customers:

    • Click the Add icon to display the list of conditions and select Gender.

    • Leave the default is condition control option.

    • Click … and select female.

    Condition line 1 {width="600" modal="regular"}

  3. Create another condition that targets residents of Los Angeles:

    • On the next line, click the Add icon and select Customer Address.

      This action creates a parent condition where you can define one or more address fields to match.

    • Click the Add icon to display the list of address fields and select City.

    • Click is to display the condition control options and select contains.

    • Click … and enter Los Angeles.

    • On the next line, click the Add icon and select State/Province.

    • Leave the default is condition control option.

    • Click … and select United States > California.

    Conditions for females in Los Angeles, California {width="600" modal="regular"}

  4. Click Save and Continue Edit.

Step 3: Review the list of matched customers

  1. In the left pane, click Matched Customers to display all customers who match the condition.

    Matched customers {width="600" modal="regular"}

  2. If the list of customers meets your goal, click Save to complete the customer segment.

  3. The customer segment can now be used for targeting promotions, content, and mailings.

Matched Customers grid

The customer ID of a registered customer.
The name of a registered customer.
The email address of a registered customer.
The customer group to which the customer is assigned.
The phone number of the customer.
The ZIP or postal code of the customer.
The country where the customer is located.
State / Province
The state or province where the customer is located.
Customer Since
The date and time the customer account was created.

Remove a customer segment

  1. On the Admin sidebar, go to Customers > Segments.

  2. Find the segment to be deleted and select it.

  3. In the menu bar, click Delete button.

  4. To confirm the action, click OK.

Button bar

Returns to the Customer Segments page without saving changes.
Deletes the current customer segment. Customers or completed orders associated with the customer in the segment are not removed.
Resets any unsaved changes in the customer segment form to their previous values.
Refresh Segment Data
Refreshes the segment data to the most recently saved values. Relevant if any segment data is unavailable or out of date.
Save and Continue Edit
Saves changes and keeps the customer segment open.
Saves changes and closes the customer segment.

Customer segments demo

Watch this video for a demonstration of creating customer segments:
