
Preview a campaign

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Any day or time period during a campaign can be previewed and shared with others.

  1. Use one of these methods to open a preview window:

    • From the Content Staging Dashboard

      • On the Admin sidebar, go to Content > Content Staging > Dashboard.
      • Click any item on the page, and then click Preview on the displayed summary information for the campaign.
    • From any page with scheduled changes

      • Open any page with a Scheduled Changes box at the top.
      • Click Preview.

    The preview opens in a new browser tab and shows how the product appears during the scheduled campaign.

  2. In the upper-left corner of the preview window, click Calendar.

    The calendar detail shows other campaigns that are scheduled for the same day. Each record in the list is a separate campaign.

  3. Preview a specific day or time:

    • Click the Date & Time calendar ( Calendar icon {width="10"}).

    • Choose a different date and/or time.

    • Click Preview.

  4. Change the scope of the preview for a different store view:

    • In the header of the preview page, click Scope.

    • Choose the website, store, or store view that you want to preview.

    note note
    Previews always start from the default store view which emulates the customer鈥檚 experience of navigating through the campaign. Single-stage campaigns may include changes that affect multiple store views and websites. Ensure that these views/websites display the campaign properly.
  5. Share a link to the preview:

    • Click Share and copy the link to the clipboard.

    • Paste the link into the body of an email message.

      note note
      An Admin user account is required to see a shared preview. If you have permission to create an Admin user account, you must create the account for a new user before the sharing.
  6. To return to the campaign calendar, click Calendar in the header of the Preview page.
