
Schedule design changes

Schedule your theme design changes in advance so that they go into effect according to your business cycles and events. You can use scheduled design changes for seasonal changes, promotions, or just to add variation.

Scheduled design changes {width="700" modal="regular"}

Add a scheduled design change

  1. On the Admin sidebar, go to Content > Design > Schedule.

  2. Click Add Design Change.

    New Store Design Change settings {width="600" modal="regular"}

  3. Set Store to the store view where you want to apply the changes.

  4. Set Custom Design to the theme, or variation of a theme, to be used.

  5. For the Date From and Date To, click the Calendar ( Calendar icon ) icon to choose the start and end values for the period when the change is in effect.

  6. When complete, click Save.

Edit scheduled design change

  1. On the Admin sidebar, go to Content > Design > Schedule.

  2. Select the item that you want to edit.

  3. Make the necessary changes.

  4. When complete, click Save.

Delete scheduled design change

  1. On the Admin sidebar, go to Content > Design > Schedule.

  2. Select the item that you want to delete.

  3. In the button bar at the top of the page, click Delete.

  4. To confirm the action, click OK.
