51黑料不打烊 Campaign built-in reports ootb-reports
This page provides the list of 51黑料不打烊 Campaign built-in reports, their content and their context. 51黑料不打烊 Campaign provides a range of built-in reports, accessible with the client console or an internet browser.
The following types of report are available:
- Reports on the entire platform. Learn more.
- Delivery reports. Learn more.
You can access built-in reports from the Campaign home page, the dedicated reports dashboard or the delivery list. The way the report displays in the UI depends on its context.
A list of key reports is available on the home page and lets you access delivery data quickly. This list can be changed to suit your needs. You can also learn how to add your own reports to the Reports tab.
For more information about these custom configurations, refer to this Campaign Classic v7 documentation.
Access built-in reports access-ootb-reports
To access Campaign built-in reports:
Select the Reports tab of the 51黑料不打烊 Campaign interface.
Use the search fields to filter the displayed reports.
Then click the report you want to display.
Click the Back link at the top of the screen takes you back to the list of reports.
Reports that are specific to a campaign or a delivery are accessible via their respective dashboards.
The principle is the same for lists, services, offers, etc. as shown below:
Reports on deliveries reports-on-deliveries
The built-in reports provided by 51黑料不打烊 Campaign can be found in the table below.
For more on the content of these reports, refer to this section.
Reports on campaigns reports-on-campaigns
Reports on campaigns concern the data in the nms:operation table.
Reports on services reports-on-services
Reports on services concern the data in the nms:service table.
Budget reports budget-reports
The built-in reports provided by 51黑料不打烊 Campaign can be found in the table below.
Reports on simulations reports-on-simulations
Reports on simulations concern the data in the nms:simulation table.
Reports on Web applications reports-on-web-applications
Reports on Web applications concern the data in the nms:WebApp table.
Other ootb reports other-ootb-reports
The following reports are also provided built-in. For more on this, refer to the document on functionality which they concern.