
Manage folder permissions manage-folder-permissions

Restrict access to a folder restrict-access-to-a-folder

Use permissions on folders to organize and control access to Campaign data.

Folder management is detailed in this page.

To edit permissions on a specific Campaign folder, follow the steps below:

  1. Right-click on the folder and select ±Ê°ù´Ç±è±ð°ù³Ù¾±±ð²õ….

  2. Browse to the Security tab to view authorizations on this folder.

  • To authorize a group or an operator, click the Add button and select the group or operator to assign authorizations for this folder.
  • To forbid a group or an operator, click Delete and select the group or operator to remove authorization for this folder.
  • To select the rights assigned to a group or an operator, select the group or operator, select the access rights you want to grant, and unselect the others.

Propagate permissions propagate-permissions

To propagate authorizations and access rights, select the Propagate option in the folder properties.

The authorizations defined in this window will then be applied to all the sub-folders of the current node. You can always overload these authorizations for each of the sub-folders.

Unchecking the Propagate option for a folder does not clear it for the sub-folders: you must clear it explicitly for each of the sub-folders.

Grant access to all operators grant-access-to-all-operators

In the Security tab, select the System folder to allow access to all operators, regardless of their permissions.

If this option is cleared, you must explicitly add the operator (or their group) back to the list of authorizations for them to have access.
