Save audience save-audience
The Save audience activity is a Targeting activity. This activity allows you to update an existing audience or create a new audience from the population computed upstream in a workflow. The audiences created are added to the list of application audiences, and are made available via the Audiences menu.
This activity is essentially used to keep population groups computed in the same workflow, by converting them into reusable audiences. Connect it to other targeting activities such as a Build audience or a Combine activity.
Configure the Save audience activity save-audience-configuration
Follow these steps to configure the Save audience activity:
Add a Save audience activity to your workflow.
In the Mode drop-down, select the action that you would like to carry out:
Create or update an existing audience: define an Audience label. If the audience already exists, it will be updated, otherwise a new audience will be created.
Update an existing audience: choose the Audience you wish to update among the list of existing audiences.
Select the Update mode which will apply for existing audiences:
Replace audience content with new data: all audience content is replaced. The old data is lost. Only the data from the inbound transition of the save audience activity is kept. This option erases the audience type and the targeting dimension of the updated audience.
Complete audience with new data: the old audience content is kept and the data from the save audience activity鈥檚 inbound transition is added to it.
Check the Generate an outbound transition option if you wish to add a transition after the Save audience activity.
The content of the saved audience is then available in the detail view of the audience, which can be accessed from the Audiences menu. The columns available from this view correspond to the columns of the inbound transition of the workflow鈥檚 Save audience activity.
Example save-audience-example
The following example illustrates a simple audience update from targeting. A scheduler is added to run the workflow once a month. A query recovers all the profiles subscribed to the different applications available. The Save audience activity updates the audience by deleting profiles that have unsubscribed from the service since the last workflow execution and by adding the newly subscribed profiles.