Email delivery report email-report
The Email delivery report offers comprehensive insights and data specific to the email channel. It provides detailed information on the performance, effectiveness, and outcomes of your individual deliveries, providing you with a comprehensive overview.
Delivery summary delivery-summary-email
Initial target population email-delivery-targeted-population
The Initial target population graph displays data relative to your recipients. Metrics are calculated during delivery preparation and show: the initial audience, the number of messages to send, the number of recipients excluded.
Mouse-over a portion of the graph to display the exact number.
Initial audience: Total number of targeted recipients.
To deliver: Total number of messages to be delivered after delivery preparation.
Exclusion: Total number of recipients excluded from the target population.
Delivery statistics email-delivery-stats
The Delivery statistics graph details the success of your delivery. Metrics are detailed below.
Message sent: Total number of messages to be delivered after delivery preparation.
Success: Number of messages processed successfully in relation to the number of messages to be delivered.
Errors: Total number of errors cumulated during deliveries and automatic rebound processing in relation to the number of messages to be delivered.
New quarantines: Total number of addresses quarantined following a failed delivery (user unknown, invalid domain) in relation to the number of messages to be delivered.
Causes of exclusion email-delivery-exclusions
The Causes of exclusion graph and table show the breakdown per rule of messages rejected during the delivery preparation. Exclusion rules are detailed in the Campaign v8 (console) documentation.
User unknown: Error type generated during delivery to indicate that the email address is invalid.
Invalid domain: Error type generated when sending a delivery to indicate that the domain of the email address is wrong or does not exist.
Mailbox full: Error type generated after five delivery attempts to indicate that the recipients鈥 inbox contains too many messages.
Account disabled: Error type generated when sending a delivery to indicate that the address no longer exists.
Refused: Error type generated when an address is rejected by the IAP (Internet Access Provider), for instance following the application of a security rule (anti-spam software).
Unreachable: Error type which occurs in the message distribution string: incident on the SMTP relay, domain temporarily unreachable, etc
Not connected: Error type to indicate that the recipients鈥 mobile phone is switched off or disconnected from the network at the time of sending.
Delivery throughput delivery-throughtput
This report presents detailed information regarding the delivery throughput of the entire platform within a specified timeframe. The primary metric used to measure the speed of message delivery is the number of messages sent per hour.
Broadcast statistics broadcast-statistics
The Broadcast statistics table contains the available data for possible errors encountered with each domain. Metrics are detailed below.
Processed emails: Total number of messages processed by the delivery server.
Delivered: Percentage of the number of messages successfully processed compared to the total number of messages processed.
Hard bounces: Percentage of the number of 鈥渉ard鈥 bounces, permanent errors, such as a wrong email address, compared to the total number of messages processed.
Soft bounces: Percentage of the number of 鈥渟oft鈥 bounces, temporary errors such as a full inbox, compared to the total number of messages processed
Opens: Percentage of the number of targeted recipients who opened a message at least once compared to the number of messages processed successfully.
Clicks: Percentage of the number of people who clicked in a delivery at least once compared to the number of messages processed successfully.
Unsubscriptions: Percentage of the number of clicks on an unsubscription link compared to the number of messages processed successfully.
Non-deliverables non-deliverables-email
Breakdown of errors per type email-delivery-breakdown-type
The Breakdown of errors per type table and graph contain the available data for error type. Metrics are detailed below.
The errors shown in this report trigger the quarantine process. For more on quarantine management, refer to Campaign v8 (client console) documentation.
User unknown: Error type generated during delivery to indicate that the email address is invalid.
Invalid domain: Error type generated when sending a delivery to indicate that the domain of the email address is wrong or does not exist.
Mailbox full: Error type generated after five delivery attempts to indicate that the recipients鈥 inbox contains too many messages.
Account disabled: Error type generated when sending a delivery to indicate that the address no longer exists.
Refused: Error type generated when an address is rejected by the IAP (Internet Access Provider), for instance following the application of a security rule (anti-spam software).
Unreachable: Error type which occurs in the message distribution string: incident on the SMTP relay, domain temporarily unreachable, etc
Not connected: Error type to indicate that the recipients鈥 mobile phone is switched off or disconnected from the network at the time of sending.
Breakdown of errors per domain email-delivery-breakdown-domain
The Breakdown of errors per domain table and graph display the available data for possible errors encountered with each domain.
Click the icon next to the name of each domain to see details.
Metrics available are the same as for the Breakdown of errors by type described above.
Tracking indicators tracking-indicators-email
Delivery statistics email-tracking-delivery-stats
The Delivery statistics report provides key performance indicators (KPIs) that give detailed information about data available for sent emails. Metrics are detailed below.
Success: Number of messages processed successfully in relation to the number of messages to be delivered.
Distinct opens: Total number of targeted recipients who opened a message at least once.
Opens: Number of distinct targeted recipients for this domain who have opened a message at least once.
Clicks on the opt-out link: Number of clicks on the unsubscription link.
Clicks on the mirror link: Number of clicks on the link to the mirror page.
Estimation of forwards: Estimation of the number of emails forwarded by the targeted recipients.
Open and click-through rate email-tracking-click-through
The Open and click-through rate table displays data relative to your recipients. Metrics are detailed below.
Sent: Total number of messages sent.
Complaints: Number of messages for this domain that have been reported as undesirable by the recipient.
Opens: Number of distinct targeted recipients for this domain who have opened a message at least once.
Clicks: Number of distinct targeted recipients who clicked in the same delivery at least once.
Raw reactivity: Percentage of the number of recipient who clicked in a delivery at least once compared to the number of recipients who opened a delivery at least once.
URLs and click streams url-email
The URLs and click streams report provides key performance indicators (KPIs) that give detailed information about the URLs that were clicked the most during a delivery.
Reactivity: Ratio of the number of targeted recipients having clicked in a delivery, in relation to the estimated number of targeted recipients having opened a delivery.
Distinct clicks: Total number of distinct recipients who clicked in a delivery at least once.
Clicks: Total number of clicks on links in deliveries.
Platform average: This average rate, displayed under each rate (reactivity, distinct clicks, and cumulated clicks), is calculated for deliveries sent over the previous six months. Only deliveries with the same typology and on the same channel are taken into account. Proofs are excluded.
Top 10 most visited links email-tracking-top10
The Top 10 most visited links graph and table contain the available data for recipient behavior per link.
Clicks: Total number of clicks on links in deliveries.
Percentage: Percentage of users who interacted with the delivery.
Breakdown of clicks over time email-tracking-breakdown-over-time
The Breakdown of clicks over time graph contains the available data for recipient behavior per link.
User Activities user-activities-email
The User activities report shows the breakdown of opens and clicks in the form of a chart. You can choose the time period to target data: last day or hour or 30 minutes.
Clicks: Total number of clicks on links in deliveries.
Opens: Number of distinct targeted recipients for this domain who have opened a message at least once.
Tracking Statistics tracking-statistics
The Tracking Statistics graph provides statistics on opens and clicks. You have the option to select the specific time frame for targeting data.
Clicks: Total number of clicks on links in deliveries.
Opens: Number of distinct targeted recipients for this domain who have opened a message at least once.
Breakdown of opens breakdown-opens
Breakdown of opens by device breakdown-opens-devices
The Breakdown by device report shows the breakdown of opens by device for the period: personal computers, Android devices, Apple devices, or others.
For each category, two charts are used. The first displays statistics regarding opens on a computer and mobile devices. The second displays the exact number and percentage for each device type.
Breakdown of opens by OS breakdown-opens-os
The Breakdown by OS report shows the breakdown of opens by operating system for the period: Windows systems, Android systems, iOS systems, or others.
For each category, two charts are used. The first displays statistics regarding opens on a computer and mobile operating systems. The second displays the exact number and percentage for each operating system.
Breakdown of opens by browser breakdown-opens-browser
The Breakdown by browser report shows the breakdown of opens by browser: Chrome, Safari, Internet Explorer, and more.
For each category, two charts are used. The first displays statistics regarding opens on a computer and mobile operating systems. The second displays the exact number and percentage for each browser.
Hotclicks hotclicks
This report shows the message content (HTML and/or text) with, on each link, the percentage of clicks on links. Personalization blocks, unsubscription links, mirror page links, and offer links are taken into account in the total cumulated clicks, but are not displayed in the report.