Direct mail delivery report direct-mail-report
The Direct mail delivery report offers comprehensive insights and data specific to your Direct mail delivery. It provides detailed information on the performance, effectiveness, and outcomes of your individual deliveries, providing you with a comprehensive overview.
Delivery summary delivery-summary-direct-mail
Delivery overview delivery-overview-direct-mail
The Delivery Overview provides detailed insights into how your visitors interact with each direct mail delivery, showcasing essential key performance metrics (KPIs). The metrics are outlined below.
Messages to deliver: Total number of messages processed during the delivery preparation.
Targeted: Number of user profiles who qualify as target profiles for your direct mail messages.
To exclude: Number of user profiles, excluded from the targeted profiles, who will not receive your direct mail messages.
Initial target population direct-mail-delivery-targeted-population
The Initial target population graph displays data relative to your recipients. Metrics are calculated during delivery preparation and show: the initial audience, the number of messages to send, the number of recipients excluded.
Mouse-over a portion of the graph to display the exact number.
Initial audience: Total number of targeted recipients.
To deliver: Total number of messages to be delivered after delivery preparation.
Exclusion: Total number of recipients excluded from the target population.
Delivery statistics direct-mail-delivery-stats
The Delivery statistics graph provides a comprehensive overview of your delivery performance, offering detailed metrics to gauge success and effectiveness.
Message sent: Total number of messages to be delivered after delivery preparation.
Success: Number of messages processed successfully in relation to the number of messages to be delivered.
Errors: Total number of errors cumulated during deliveries and automatic rebound processing in relation to the number of messages to be delivered.
New quarantines: Total number of addresses quarantined following a failed delivery (user unknown, invalid domain) in relation to the number of messages to be delivered.
Causes of exclusion direct-mail-delivery-exclusions
The Causes of exclusion graph provides a detailed breakdown of the reasons behind messages being rejected during the process of delivery preparation. This breakdown is organized according to various rules, offering a comprehensive view of the factors contributing to message exclusion. Exclusion rules are detailed in the Campaign v8 (console) documentation.
Address in quarantine: Error type generated when address is placed in quarantine.
Address not specified: Error type generated when sending a delivery to indicate that the address does not exist.
Bad quality address: Error type generated when postal address quality rating is too low.
Denylisted address: Error type generated when the recipient was denylisted when the delivery was performed.
Double: Error type generated when the recipient was excluded because its keys values were not unique.
Control group: The recipient鈥檚 address is part of the control group.
Target limited in size: The maximum delivery size was reached for the recipient.
Exclusions direct-mail-exclusions
The Exclusions table provides an in-depth breakdown, categorized by specific rules, of messages that were rejected during the preparation phase of delivery. This comprehensive breakdown allows for a clear understanding of the reasons behind the exclusion of these messages from the delivery process.
Metrics available are the same as for the Causes of exclusion described above.