
Schedule the sending of a delivery schedule-sending

You can schedule the sending of a delivery. The steps for this will depend on whether it is a standalone (one-shot) delivery, or if you are working in the context of a campaign workflow.

Standalone delivery

For standalone deliveries, you can schedule directly the date and time in the delivery.
See below examples for each type of delivery: email, sms, push notification.

Email schedule-email-standalone

To schedule the sending of an email delivery, follow the steps below:

  1. In the Schedule section of your delivery properties, activate the Enable scheduling toggle

  2. Set the desired date and time for sending, and click on Review and send button.


By default, the Enable confirmation before sending option is enabled. This option requires you to confirm the sending before the delivery is sent at the scheduled date and time. If you need to send the delivery automatically on the scheduled date and time, you need to disable this option.
  1. Check that the schedule is correct, and click on Prepare button.


  1. Once the preparation is complete, messages are ready to be sent. Key metrics for the delivery are displayed: total target population, number of messages to deliver, number of excluded recipients. Click the Send as scheduled button to confirm you allow the delivery to be sent on the scheduled date and time to the main target.



To schedule your sms delivery to a specific date and time, the steps are the same as for email deliveries, see above.


You can also check that the schedule is taken into account :


Push notification

To schedule a standalone push delivery to a specific date and time, the steps are the same as for email deliveries, see above.


You can also check that the schedule is taken into account:


Standalone delivery in a campaign

You can create a standalone delivery within a campaign without using a workflow. You can setup date and time schedule for this delivery as explained above.
The campaign may have its schedule, with a beginning date and an end date. This schedule will not interfere with your delivery schedule.


Schedule a delivery in a campaign workflow

In the context of a campaign workflow, the best practice is to use the Scheduler activity to apply a date and time which will launch of the workflow, involving the sending of the delivery. Learn more about Scheduler


You need to configurate the date and time in the Scheduler activity.


When you use the Scheduler activity to schedule the sending of your delivery in a workflow, do not activate the Enable scheduling toggle in the Delivery activity settings. You delivery will be sent automatically.

In the case you activate the Enable scheduling toggle in the Delivery activity settings, and setup a date and time there, the delivery will wait to be sent at this date and time. This means that if there is a delay between the date of launch of the workflow and the date of the sending, the audience may be not up to date.
