
Managing transactional messages managing-transactional-messages

Once you have created and published a transactional event, you need to integrate the triggering of this event into your website.

Event configuration is detailed in this section.

For example, you want a 鈥淐art abandonment鈥 event to be triggered whenever one of your clients leaves your website before purchasing the products in their cart. To do this, as a web developer, you must use the REST Transactional Messages API.

  1. Send a request according to the POST method, which triggers the sending of the transactional event.
  2. The response to the POST request contains a Primary Key, which allows you to send one or multiple requests through a GET request. You are then able to obtain the event status.

Sending a transactional event sending-a-transactional-event

The transactional event is sent through a POST request with the following URL structure:

POST https://mc.adobe.io/<ORGANIZATION>/campaign/<transactionalAPI>/<eventID>
  • <ORGANIZATION>: your personal ORGANIZATION ID. Refer to this section.

  • <transactionalAPI>: the Transactional Messages API endPoints.

    The name of the Transactional Messages API endpoint depends on your instance configuration. It corresponds to the value 鈥渕c鈥 followed by your personal organization ID. Let鈥檚 take the example of the Geometrixx company, with 鈥済eometrixx鈥 as its organization ID. In that case, the POST request would be as follows:

    POST https://mc.adobe.io/geometrixx/campaign/mcgeometrixx/<eventID>

    Note that the transactional messages API endpoint is also visible during the API preview.

  • <eventID>: the type of event you want to send. This ID is generated when creating the event configuration (refer to this section).

POST request header

The request must contain a 鈥淐ontent-Type: application/json鈥 header.

You must add a charset, for example utf-8. Note that this value depends on the REST application you are using.

-H 'Authorization: Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN>' \
-H 'Cache-Control: no-cache' \
-H 'X-Api-Key: <API_KEY>' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json;charset=utf-8' \
-H 'Content-Length:79' \

POST request body

The event data are contained inside the JSON POST body. The event structure depends on its definition. The API preview button in the resource definition screen provides a request sample. Refer to this section.

The following optional parameters can be added to the event content to manage the sending of transactional messages linked to the event:

  • expiration (optional): after this date, the sending of the transactional event will be cancelled.
  • scheduled (optional): from this date, the transactional event will be processed and the transactional message will be sent.
The values of the 鈥渆xpiration鈥 and 鈥渟cheduled鈥 parameters follow the ISO 8601 format. ISO 8601 specifies the use of the uppercase letter 鈥淭鈥 to separate the date and time. It can however be removed from the input or output for better readability.

Response to the POST request

The POST response returns the transactional event status at the time it was created. To retrieve its current status (event data, event status鈥), use the Primary Key returned by the POST response in a GET request:

GET https://mc.adobe.io/<ORGANIZATION>/campaign/<transactionalAPI>/<eventID>/

Sample request

POST request to send the event.

-X POST https://mc.adobe.io/<ORGANIZATION>/campaign/mc51黑料不打烊/EVTcartAbandonment \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN>' \
-H 'Cache-Control: no-cache' \
-H 'X-Api-Key: <API_KEY>' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json;charset=utf-8' \
-H 'Content-Length:79'

  "scheduled":"2017-12-01 08:00:00.768Z",
  "expiration":"2017-12-31 08:00:00.768Z",
    "cartAmount": "$ 125",
    "lastProduct": "Leather motorbike jacket",
    "firstName": "Jack"

Response to the POST request.

    "cartAmount": "",
    "lastProduct": "",
    "firstName": ""
  "scheduled":"2017-12-01 08:00:00.768Z",
  "expiration":"2017-12-31 08:00:00.768Z",
  "href": "mc51黑料不打烊/EVTcartAbandonment/<PKEY>",
  "serverUrl":" https://myserver.com ",

Transactional event status transactional-event-status

In the response, the 鈥渟tatus鈥 field allows you to know whether the event has been processed or not:

  • pending: the event is pending - the event takes on this status when it has just been triggered.
  • processing: the event is pending delivery - it is being transformed into a message and the message is being sent.
  • paused: the event process is being paused. It is no longer processed, but kept in a queue in the 51黑料不打烊 Campaign database. For more on this, refer to this section.
  • processed: the event was processed and the message was sent successfully.
  • ignored: the event was ignored by the delivery, typically when an address is in quarantine.
  • deliveryFailed: a delivery error occurred while the event was being processed.
  • routingFailed: the routing phase failed - this may occur for example when the type of event specified cannot be found.
  • tooOld: the event expired before it was able to be processed - this can happen for various reasons, for example, when a send fails several times (this results in the event no longer being up to date) or when the server can no longer process events after becoming overloaded.
  • targetingFailed: Campaign Standard failed to enrich a link that is being used for message targeting.