
Managing typology rules managing-typology-rules

About typology rules about-typology-rules

Typology rules are business rules that allow you to perform checks and filtering on your message before sending it. Available types of typology rules are:

  • Filtering rules: This type of rule allows you to exclude one part of the message target according to criteria defined in a query, such as quarantined profiles or profiles that have already been sent a certain number of emails. For more on this, refer to this section.

  • Fatigue rules: This type of rules allows you to define a maximum number of messages per profile to avoid over-soliciting them. For more on this, refer to this section.

  • Control rules: This type of rules allows the user to check the validity and quality of the messages before they are sent, such as character display, SMS message size, address format, etc. For more on this, refer to this section.

Typology rules are available under the Administration > Channels > Typologies > Typology rules menu.

By default, several out-of-the-box filtering and control typology rules are available. They are detailed in the Filtering rules and Control rules sections.

According to your needs, you can modify existing typology rules or create new ones, excepted for Control rules, which are read-only and cannot be modified.

Creating a typology rule creating-a-typology-rule

The main steps to create a typology rule are as follows:

  1. Access the Administration / Channels / Typologies / Typology rules menu, then click Create.

  2. Enter the typology Label, then specify the Channel to which the rule should apply.

  3. Specify the typology rule Type, then configure it according to your needs. Note that typology rules configuration vary depending on their type. For more information, refer to the Filtering rules and Fatigue rules sections.

  4. Select the typologies in which you want to include the new rule. To do this, select the Typologies tab, then click Create element button.

  5. Select the desired typology, then click Confirm.

  6. Once all the typologies are selected, click Create to confirm the typology rule creation.

Typology rules execution order typology-rules-execution-order

Typology rules are executed in an order specified during the targeting, analysis, and message personalization phases.

In standard operation mode, the rules are applied in the following sequence:

  1. Control rules, if they are applied at the start of targeting.

  2. Filtering rules:

    • Native application rules for address qualification: defined address / non-verified address / address on denylist / quarantined address / address quality.
    • Filtering rules defined by the user.
  3. Control rules, if they are applied at the end of targeting.

  4. Control rules, if they are applied at the start of personalization.

  5. Control rules, if they are applied at the end of personalization.

However, you can adapt the execution order of the same type of rules in each typology. Indeed, when multiple rules are executed during the same message processing phase, you can choose the order in which they are applied.

For example, a filtering rule whose execution order is positioned at number 20 will be executed before a filtering rule whose execution order is positioned at number 30.

In the Properties of a typology rule, you can set its execution order. When several rules have to be applied, the execution order of each rule determines the ones to process first. For more on this, refer to the Typology rules execution order section.

A typology rule can be deactivated through its Properties if you do not want the rule to be applied at the moment that the messages concerned by the rule are analyzed.
