
Computing the sending date computing-the-sending-date

You can define a formula to send the message to each recipient at a specific date and time.

Customizing date formula customizing-date-formula

For example, you may use send time optimization during the ramp-up process.

When emails are sent using a new platform, Internet service providers (ISPs) are suspicious of IP addresses that are not recognized. If large volumes of emails are suddenly sent, the ISPs often mark them as spam.

To avoid being marked as spam, you can progressively increase the volume sent by distributing large volumes of emails over different times. This should ensure smooth development of the start-up phase and enable you to reduce the overall rate of invalid addresses.

For example, you can segment your target audience randomly to send your delivery in five batches. You will send a first batch representing 10% of your target audience on June 1st at 10:00 AM, a second batch 24 hours later with 15% of the audience, and so on.

You can schedule this using a workflow.

  1. Access the marketing activity list and create a new workflow. See Creating a workflow.

  2. Drag and drop a Query activity into your workflow and open it. See the Query section.

  3. Select an audience, for example all your Gold customers and click Confirm to save the query.

  4. Drag and drop a Segmentation activity into your workflow and open it. See the Segmentation section.

  5. Define five segments. For each segment:

    • Fill in the Segment code field: manually enter the desired date and time for sending the message.

      For example, you want to send the first batch on June 1st at 10:00 AM GMT+1. Use the following format: YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss+tz.

      To send the next batch the day after, enter 2017-06-02 10:00:00+01 for the second segment.

      For the remaining segments, define the next batches as follows:

      • 2017-06-03 10:00:00+01
      • 2017-06-04 10:00:00+01
      • 2017-06-05 10:00:00+01
    • Make sure you select the Limit the population of this segment option.

      In the Limitation tab, select Random sampling and enter the desired percentage for each segment: 10 for the first batch, 15 for the second, and so on.

  6. Once all segments are defined, select Generate all segments in the same transition and click Confirm.

  7. Drag and drop an Email delivery activity into your workflow and open it. See the Email delivery section.

  8. Click the Schedule section in the email dashboard and select Messages to be sent automatically on the date specified below.

  9. In the Start sending from field, define a contact date.

  10. From the send time optimization drop-down menu, choose Send at a custom date defined by a formula.

  11. Click the Edit an expression button of the Custom date formula field.

  12. Create the following expression using the ToDateTime function and the Segment code field. You can also directly type in the expression but make sure to use correct syntax and spelling.

    code language-none

    The ToDateTime function transforms the segment code from a text string to a date and time value.

    Confirm the expression to return to the previous screen.

    In the Schedule window, the custom date formula is displayed as follows:

    code language-none

  13. Confirm the schedule, save your delivery and execute the workflow.

The delivery will be progressively sent to all targeted recipients over five days.

Make sure that all dates are in the future when confirming the send. Otherwise the message will be sent as soon as the send is confirmed.

Using an expression using-an-expression

Send time optimization is also useful for campaigns involving a call center. You can ensure that all messages are not received at the same time. This enables your organization to process the number of calls according to its capacity.

For example, you want to send an email inviting your customers to contact a call center in order to get a promotional offer. To avoid overwhelming the call center, you decide to segment your target audience randomly to send your email in four batches.

You can schedule this using a workflow.

  1. Access the marketing activity list and create a new workflow. See Creating a workflow.

  2. Drag and drop a Query activity into your workflow and open it. See the Query section.

  3. Select an audience, for example over 35 profiles and click Confirm to save the query.

  4. Drag and drop a Segmentation activity into your workflow and open it. See the Segmentation section.

  5. Define four segments. For each segment:

    • Define the segment codes as follows:

      • 8:00 AM - 10:00 AM: 0. The message will be sent to the first quarter of the target population at 8:00 AM (contact date).
      • 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM: 2. The message will be sent to the second quarter of the target population at 10:00 AM (contact date + 2 hours).
      • 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM: 6. The call center being closed between 12:00 PM and 2:00 PM, the message will be sent to the third quarter of the target population at 2:00 PM (contact date + 6 hours).
      • 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM: 8. The message will be sent to the last quarter of the target population at 4:00 PM (contact date + 8 hours).
      note note
      The contact date will be defined in the Email delivery activity later in the workflow.
    • Make sure you select the Limit the population of this segment option.

    • In the Limitation tab, select Random sampling and enter the desired percentage for each segment: 25.

  6. Once all segments are defined, select Generate all segments in the same transition and click Confirm.

  7. Drag and drop an Email delivery activity into your workflow and open it. See the Email delivery section.

  8. Click the Schedule section in the email dashboard.

  9. Select Messages to be sent automatically on the date specified below.

  10. In the Start sending from field, define a contact date.

    In this example, select May 25th at 8:00 AM.

  11. From the send time optimization drop-down menu, choose Send at a custom date defined by a formula and click the Edit an expression button.

  12. In the Expression editor, set the date and the segment codes to compute the data for each customer.

    In the list of functions, select AddHours.

    In the available fields, select Current delivery > Delivery scheduling > Contact date.

    This enables you to retrieve the date and time specified in the Start sending from field.

    In the list of functions, select ToInteger. In the available fields, select Additional data > Segment code.

    This enables you to retrieve the numbers that you specified in the segment codes.

    You should get the following formula:

    code language-none
    AddHours([currentDelivery/scheduling/@contactDate], ToInteger([targetData/@segmentCode]))
  13. Confirm to save your expression. Confirm the schedule, save your delivery and execute the workflow.

  • The first segment will receive the message on the contact date (May 25th at 8:00 AM).
  • The second segment will receive the message two hours later (May 25th at 10:00 AM).
  • The third segment will receive the message six hours later (May 25th at 2:00 PM).
  • The fourth segment will receive the message eight hours later (May 25th at 4:00 PM).