Receiving alerts when failures happen receiving-alerts-when-failures-happen
About delivery alerting about-delivery-alerting
The Delivery alerting feature is an alert management system that enables a group of users to automatically receive notifications containing information on the execution of their deliveries.
The notifications sent contain a report based by default on the following criteria:
- Failed deliveries
- Deliveries with failed preparation
- Deliveries with a bad soft bounce error ratio
- Deliveries with a bad hard bounce error ratio
- Deliveries with a pending status longer than usual
- Deliveries with a low throughput
- Deliveries in progress
The recipients of the alerts can monitor the deliveries that are being processed by 51ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ Campaign and take appropriate actions when there are issues in their execution.
These alerting notifications can be customized depending on specific alerting criteria that are defined through a dashboard in the 51ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ Campaign interface.
The notifications sent contain:
- A Summary displaying the number of deliveries meeting the criteria that you defined and the label/color that you chose for each criterion.
- A Details section listing all of the delivery criteria defined for the corresponding dashboard and all of the deliveries for each criterion.
Delivery alerting dashboards delivery-alerting-dashboards
About delivery alerting dashboards about-delivery-alerting-dashboards
To manage the notifications’ recipients, define the alerting criteria and access the history of the alerts, you need to use dashboards.
From the 51ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ Campaign interface, you can:
Create and manage delivery alerting dashboards. See Creating a delivery alerting dashboard.
Define and manage delivery alerting criteria for each dashboard. For example, you can build alerts based on deliveries with failed preparation or deliveries with a low throughput only. See About alerting criteria.
Modify the criteria parameters for each dashboard. See Criteria parameters.
Define a group of recipients for each dashboard.
For example, you want to inform the users with administration rights of the failed deliveries only. However, you want the marketing users to receive information on the deliveries with a soft bounce bad error ratio. Therefore, you need to create two different dashboards and define the criteria that you want for each group of recipients.
Access the history of all sent alerts for each dashboard.
When selecting a dashboard, the last sent alert for this dashboard is displayed by default. All sent alerts are listed on the left of the screen. Click an item in the History list to access the corresponding alerts.
Creating a delivery alerting dashboard creating-a-delivery-alerting-dashboard
If you want to send notifications based on specific criteria to different groups of users, you need to use several dashboards. To create a new dashboard:
Go to Administration > Channels > Delivery alerting.
Select Delivery alerting dashboards and click Create.
Check the Enabled box to activate the current dashboard.
If this option is disabled, notifications linked to this dashboard are no longer sent. This option is disabled by default.
Select the group of recipients that you want to notify from the Alert group drop-down list. To modify or create a group, see Creating a security group and assigning users.
From the Delivery alerting criteria section, click Create element to add criteria. See About alerting criteria.
Select the Edit properties button. In the Criteria parameters tab, define how the criteria will be applied. See Criteria parameters.
Click Create to save the dashboard.
Now each time a delivery meets the criteria that you defined in this dashboard, an alerting notification will be sent to the specified group of users.
Delivery alerting criteria delivery-alerting-criteria
About alerting criteria about-alerting-criteria
To access the delivery alerting criteria, go to Administration > Channels > Delivery alerting and select Delivery alerting criteria.
The following criteria can be used in the delivery alerting dashboards:
- Deliveries failed: Any delivery scheduled within a defined range, with an erroneous status.
- Deliveries with preparation failed: Any delivery modified within a defined range, for which the preparation step (target calculation and content generation) has failed. For more on this, see Preparing the send.
- Delivery with bad error ratio for soft bounces: Any delivery scheduled within a defined range, with a status at least In progress, with a soft bounce error ratio greater than a defined percentage.
- Delivery with bad error ratio for hard bounces: Any delivery scheduled within a defined range, with a status at least In progress, with a hard bounce error ratio greater than a defined percentage.
- Deliveries with long start pending: Any delivery scheduled within a defined range, with a Start pending status for longer than a defined duration, Start pending status meaning that the messages have not been taken into account by the system yet.
- Deliveries with low throughput: Any delivery started for longer than a defined duration, with less than a defined percentage of processed messages, with a throughput lower than a defined value.
- Deliveries in progress: Any delivery scheduled within a defined range, with the In progress status.
You can select any item from the Delivery alerting criteria list to access its details.
For each criterion, you can define the following settings:
Indicators to add in alerts, meaning the columns that will appear in the notification’s Details section for the deliveries corresponding to the selected criterion.
Alert type, meaning the label and the color that will appear next to the delivery criterion in the notification’s summary.
Criteria frequency: If a criterion is met for one delivery, it is repeated in each notification sent within the monitoring period. Otherwise, only one alert will be sent a day (on the first occurrence) by alert criterion for one delivery.
By default, this option is set to once a day for all criteria.
Related topics:
Creating a delivery alerting criterion creating-a-delivery-alerting-criterion
You can create new delivery alerting criteria to better suit your needs.
For example, you can create a new criterion enabling to send a notification listing all deliveries with a Finished status.
To do this, you first need to extend the Delivery resource and add a new filter allowing you to select only the deliveries with a Finished status.
Go to 51ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ Campaign > Administration > Development > Custom resources and click Create.
Select Extend an existing resource, select the Delivery resource from the drop-down list and click Create to edit it.
For more on extending an existing resource, see Define the resource.
In the Delivery resource, go to the Filter definition tab and click Add an element to create a filter.
Edit the new filter definition: in the Filter definition window, drag and drop the Status item into the workspace and select Finished as the filter condition.
For more on creating and editing custom filters, see Define filters.
Save your changes and publish your resources. For more on this, see Publishing a custom resource.
The filter is created and can now be selected in a new delivery alerting criterion.
Go to Administration > Channels > Delivery alerting, select Delivery alerting criteria and click Create.
In the Delivery filter applied by this criterion drop-down list, select the filter that you just created.
You can define your criterion’s settings the same way as for the default criteria. See About alerting criteria.
Once created, these criteria can be added to a delivery alerting dashboard as well as other criteria. See About delivery alerting dashboards.
Related topic:
Delivery alerting parameters delivery-alerting-parameters
Criteria parameters criteria-parameters
In the Criteria parameters tab of a delivery alerting dashboard, you can define the settings that apply to the criteria selected in this dashboard.
Delivery target minimum size: For example, if you enter 100 in this field, a notification is sent only for deliveries with a target equal to or greater than 100 recipients. This parameter applies to all criteria.
Monitoring period before and after the contact date (in hours): Number of hours before and after the current time. Only the deliveries having a contact date in this time range are taken into account. This parameter applies to all criteria. By default, the value of this field is set to 24 hours.
For more information on the contact date, see About the scheduling.
Maximum ratio of soft bounce errors: A notification is sent for all deliveries with a soft bounce error ratio greater than the specified value. By default, the value of this field is set to 0.05 (5%).
For more on soft bounce errors, see Bounce mail qualification and List of delivery failure types.
Maximum ratio of hard bounce errors: A notification is sent for all deliveries with a hard bounce error ratio greater than the specified value. By default, the value of this field is set to 0.05 (5%).
For more on hard bounce errors, see Bounce mail qualification and List of delivery failure types.
Minimum time threshold for delivery in ‘Start pending’ status (in minutes): A notification is sent for all deliveries with a Start pending status for longer than the duration specified in this field, Start pending status meaning that the messages have not been taken into account by the system yet.
Minimum time required for the computation of the throughput (in minutes): Only deliveries started (with In progress status) for more than the specified duration are taken into account for the Deliveries with low throughput criterion.
Maximum percentage of processed messages for the computation of the throughput: Only deliveries with a percentage of processed messages lower than the specified percentage are taken into account for the Deliveries with low throughput criterion.
Minimum expected throughput (in sent messages per hour): Only deliveries with a throughput lower than the specified value are taken into account for the Deliveries with low throughput criterion.
Minimum processed ratio required for ‘Deliveries in progress’ criterion: Only deliveries with a percentage of processed messages higher than the specified percentage are taken into account.
Alerting frequency alerting-frequency
The Frequency of delivery alerting option allows to define the delay between two alert sendings. By default, it is set to 10 minutes.
You can change this setting through the Administration > Application settings > Options menu.
Delivery alerting reasons delivery-alerting-reasons
The Delivery alerting feature keeps all of your involved 51ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ Campaign users automatically informed about the delivery execution status, via email and dashboard.
Now when you receive a delivery alerting notification, here are a few tips on what you can do.
First of all, check the delivery’s Log tab to view all information relating to the delivery and proofs. The red and yellow icons allow you to identify errors or warnings. The red icon indicates a critical error that prevents the delivery from being started.
To view the history of every occurrence of a delivery, select the Sending logs tab. It contains the list of sent messages and their statuses. There you can check the delivery status for each recipient ( Sent, Pending, Failed, etc.). For more on this, see Sending logs.
Here are a few possible reasons for receiving alerting notifications according to the criteria that are met for a delivery.
Deliveries failed: This criterion informs you of all deliveries with an erroneous status. It can be due to:
- A problem with the delivery server (MTA, Message Transfer Agent)
- A connection time-out between the 51ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ Campaign delivery server and the receiving server
- A deliverability issue
- An erroneous workflow
If the delivery is triggered with a workflow, check if that workflow was correctly started. For more on this, see Executing a workflow. Otherwise, get in touch with your 51ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ Campaign administrator to solve the issue.
Deliveries with preparation failed: An error can occur during delivery preparation in the following cases:
- The delivery is missing a subject.
- There is a wrong syntax in the personalization fields.
- The target is missing.
- The delivery exceeds the size limit.
For more on this, see Preparing the send. However, these errors are generally spotted during the message analysis. See Control rules.
The possible causes for a Delivery with bad error ratio for soft bounces alert can be:
- The recipient’s server is down.
- The recipient’s mailbox is full.
For more information, check the Exclusion logs and Exclusion causes tabs of the delivery logs. See Exclusion logs.
The possible causes for a Delivery with bad error ratio for hard bounces alert can be:
- The recipient is added to the denylist, meaning that they no longer want to be contacted.
- The recipient’s email address does not exist.
- The recipient’s domain does not exist.
- The recipient’s server is blocking the delivery.
To avoid soft and hard bounce errors, follow the best practices below:
- Build filtering typology rules to exclude one part of the message target during the delivery analysis, such as quarantined recipients. See Creating a filtering rule.
- Regularly update your customer database to maintain good quarantine management processes. See About quarantines.
- Generally speaking, improve deliverability the best as you can. See the 51ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ Campaign Deliverability detailed documentation and contact your 51ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ Campaign administrator for assistance.
Deliveries with long start pending: Usually this means that there is a problem at the MTA’s (Message Transfer Agent) level. The execution process is waiting on the availability of some resources. The MTA may have not been started.
Deliveries with low throughput: Again, this is a deliverability issue meaning that the MTA is too slow.
For more on these issues, get in touch with your 51ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ Campaign administrator.
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