
In-App report in-app-report

Please note that you have to drag and drop the Message type metrics to your tables to split your data depending on your delivery types, in this case In-App deliveries.

The In-App report provides details related to In-App deliveries.

Each table is represented by summary numbers and charts. You can change how the details are shown in their respective visualization settings.

The first table In-App Engagement Summary is split into three categories: by day, by mobile app and by delivery. It contains the available data for recipient reactivity to the delivery:

  • Processed/sent: Total number of sends for the In-App delivery.
  • Delivered: Number of In-App messages successfully sent, in relation to the total number of sent messages.
  • Impressions: Total of In-App messages seen by recipients depending on whether trigger criterion was met.
  • Unique impressions: Number of impressions by recipient.
  • In-App click through rate: Percentage of users who clicked on Button 1 or Button 2 compared to users who saw the message.
  • In-App dismissal rate: Percentage of In-App messages that recipients dismissed.

The second table In-App Clicks & Dismissals is split into three categories: by day, by mobile app and by delivery. It contains the available data for recipient behavior per delivery:

  • In-App clicks: Total number of recipients who clicked on Button 1 or Button 2.
  • Unique In-App clicks: Number of times recipients clicked on Button 1 or Button 2.
  • In-App dismissal: Total number of messages that recipients dismissed either by clicking the close button or auto-dismiss.
  • Unique In-App dismissal: Number of time recipients dismissed an In-App message.