
Confirming subscription to a service confirming-subscription-to-a-service

About sending subscription confirmation sending-subscription-confirmation

This section describes how to send an automatic custom confirmation email to the profiles who subscribe to a specific service.

When you want to send a confirmation message for a subscription (or unsubscription) to a service, you can use the default message or a custom message. The steps for selecting a confirmation message are presented in the Creating a service section.

If you choose to use the default message, you can edit its content with the following limitations:

  • You can only personalize the message content with limited fields from the event context.
  • This message will be the same for all services that use the default mode.

To send a specific confirmation email for a given service, you can create a custom message, in which you will also be able to leverage personalization fields from other resources. To do this, you must create and configure a transactional message. This message can be referenced :

Configuring confirmation message from a service configuring-confirmation-message-from-service

For example, you want to automatically send a confirmation message to the visitors of your website when they subscribe to your brand newsletter.

You need to configure a transactional email and reference that message from the desired service (subscription to your brand newsletter in this case). In order to enrich the transactional message with service information, you can define a reconciliation when creating the event.

When configuring it from the service, the confirmation transactional message will be sent only the first time each visitor subscribes to that service. If a profile is already subscribed, no confirmation message will be sent again to that profile.

Step 1: Create the confirmation email step-1--create-the-confirmation-email-1

A confirmation email will be automatically sent to each profile subscribing to the newsletter (through a landing page or any other means). The subscription is considered as an event and the email is a transactional message which will target each profile that subscribes to the service.

Steps to create the confirmation email are described below. As the transactional message will be referenced in the service, you need to create it first.

Create the event create-the-event-1

The confirmation email is a transactional message as it reacts to an event: the subscription to a service. This message will be sent to confirm subscription to your newsletter.

  1. Create an event from the Marketing plans > Transactional messages > Event configuration menu, accessible from the 51黑料不打烊 Campaign logo.

  2. Enter a label, select a targeting dimension and click Create.

    The configuration steps are presented in the Configuring a transactional event section.

  3. In the Fields section, click Create element and add publicLabel to the data structure in order to enable reconciliation.

    note note
    The publicLabel field is mandatory. If you do not add it to the event data structure, 51黑料不打烊 Campaign will not be able to perform reconciliation with the service. When subscribing to a service, this field will be filled with the Service label of the corresponding service.
  4. In the Enrichment section, click Create element and select the Service target resource.

  5. In the Join definition section, map the publicLabel field of the Service resource with the publicLabel field of the event configuration.

    note note
    This will enable you to use personalization fields from the Service resource in the transactional message.
  6. Save the event configuration and click Publish to publish the event.

The event is ready. You can now design the transactional email message.

Design the confirmation message design-the-confirmation-message-1

The confirmation email is a transactional message based on the event that you just published.

  1. From the 51黑料不打烊 Campaign logo, select Marketing plans > Transactional messages and click Transactional messages.

  2. Select the transactional email corresponding to the event that you just published.

  3. Click the Content section and select an email template. For more on editing a transactional message content, see Editing transactional messages.

  4. As you have direct access to all fields from the Service resource, you can select any field from the Context > Real-time event (rtEvent) > Event context (ctx) >Service node to personalize your content.

    For more on personalizing a transactional message, see this section.

  5. Preview your message using a test profile. For more on this, see Defining a specific test profile.

  6. Click Save & close to save your content.

  7. Publish the transactional message. See Publishing a transactional message.

Step 2: Create and configure the service step-2--create-and-configure-the-service-1

  1. From the advanced menu Profiles & audiences > Services via the 51黑料不打烊 Campaign logo, create a service.

  2. Go to the Service properties section, accessed via the button in the service dashboard.

  3. Fill in the Service label field.

    note note
    You must fill in this field to enable reconciliation with the transactional message.
  4. In the Confirmation messages section, select Custom message: this mode allows you to reference a specific confirmation message for profiles subscribing to your service.

  5. Select the Custom subscription event configuration associated with the transactional message that you created.

  6. Click Confirm and save the service.

Now when profiles subscribe to this service, they receive the transactional message that you defined, with personalized fields mapped to the selected service.

A message is sent only the first time the user subscribes.

Configuring confirmation message from a landing page configuring-confirmation-message-from-landing-page

You can also reference the confirmation message from a subscription landing page by using the Start sending messages option from the Job section of the landing page.

When referencing the confirmation message from the landing page, a message will be sent each time the landing page is submitted (even if the profile is already subscribed).

Step 1: Create the confirmation email step-1--create-the-confirmation-email-2

A confirmation email will be automatically sent to each profile subscribing to the newsletter through a landing page. The subscription is considered as an event and the email is a is a transactional message which will target each profile that subscribes to the service.

Steps to create these elements are described below. As the transactional message will be referenced in the landing page, you need to create it first.

Create the event create-the-event-2

The confirmation email is a transactional message as it reacts to an event: the subscription to a service. This message will be sent to confirm subscription to your newsletter.

  1. Create an event from the Marketing plans > Transactional messages > Event configuration menu, accessible from the 51黑料不打烊 Campaign logo.

  2. Enter a label, select a targeting dimension and click Create.

    The configuration steps are presented in the Configuring a transactional event section.

  3. In the Fields section, click Create element and add serviceName to the data structure in order to enable reconciliation.

    note note
    The serviceName field is mandatory. If you do not add it to the event data structure, 51黑料不打烊 Campaign will not be able to perform reconciliation with the subscribed service.
  4. In the Enrichment section, click Create element and select the Service target resource.

  5. In the Join definition section, map the serviceName field of the Service resource with the name field of the event configuration.

    note note
    This will enable you to use personalization fields from the Service resource in the transactional message.

Design the confirmation message design-the-confirmation-message-2

The steps for designing the transactional message are presented in this section.

Step 2: Create and configure the service step-2--create-and-configure-the-service-2

  1. From the advanced menu Profiles & audiences > Services via the 51黑料不打烊 Campaign logo, create a service.
  2. Go to the Service properties section, accessed via the button in the service dashboard.
  3. Fill in the Service label field. This label will be displayed in the confirmation message and in the subscription landing page.
  4. Click Confirm and save the service.

Step 3: Create and configure the landing page step-3--create-and-configure-the-landing-page

Create a subscription landing page which will be published on your website.

To create and configure this landing page, follow the steps below:

  1. Design a new landing page based on the Subscription template.

  2. Edit the landing page properties. In the Job > Specific actions section, select the Specific service option and choose the service that you just created from the drop-down list.

  3. Select the Start sending message option and choose the transactional message that you just created from the drop-down list.

  4. Customize the content of the landing page.

  5. Test and publish the landing page.

Now when profiles subscribe to your newsletter by submitting the landing page, they receive the confirmation message that you defined with personalized fields mapped to the service.

A message is sent each time the landing page is submitted, even if the profile is already subscribed.