
External signal and data import external-signal-data-import

The following example illustrates the External signal activity in a typical use case. A data import is performed in a source workflow. Once the import is done and the database updated, a second workflow is triggered. This second workflow is used to update an aggregate on the imported data.

The source workflow is presented as follows:

  • A Load file activity uploads a file containing new purchase data. Note that the database has been extended accordingly as purchase data are not present by default in the datamart.

    For example:

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  • A Reconciliation activity creates the links between the imported data and the database so that the transactions data are properly connected to profiles and products.

  • An Update data activity inserts and updates the Transactions resource of the database with the incoming data.

  • An End activity triggers the destination workflow, which is used to update aggregates.

The destination workflow is presented as follows:

  • An External signal activity waits for the source workflow to be successfully finished.
  • A Query activity targets profiles and enrich them with a collection set to retrieve the last purchase date.
  • An Update data activity stores the additional data in a dedicated custom field. Note that the profile resource has been extended to add the Last purchase date field.
