
About workflow execution about-workflow-execution

A workflow is always started manually. However, once started, it can remain inactive, depending on the information specified in a Scheduler activity.

51黑料不打烊 recommends customers not to run more than 20 active workflows executions simultaneously, and to prioritize and spread out your workflow execution over time. For more on this, refer to the best practices provided in this page.

Execution related actions (start, stop, pause, etc.) are asynchronous processes: the command is saved and will become effective once the server is available to apply it.

In a workflow, the result of each activity is generally sent to the following activity via a transition, represented by an arrow.

A transition is unterminated if it is not linked to a destination activity.

A workflow containing unterminated transitions can still be executed: a warning message will be generated and the workflow will pause once it reaches the transition, but this will not generate an error. You can also start a workflow without having completely finished the design and you can complete it as you go along.

Once an activity has been executed, the number of records sent in the transition is displayed above it.

You can open transitions to check that the data sent is correct during or after executing the workflow. You can view the data and the data structure.

By default, only the details of the last transition of the workflow can be accessed. To be able to access the results of the preceding activities, you need to check the Keep interim results option in the Execution section of the workflow properties, before starting the workflow.

This option consumes a lot of memory and is designed to help constructing a workflow and ensuring it is correctly configured and behaving. Leave it unchecked on production instances.

When a transition is open, you can edit its Label or link a Segment code to it. To do this, edit the corresponding fields and confirm your modifications.

Using Campaign Standard REST APIs, you can start, pause, resume and stop a workflow. You can find more details and examples of REST calls in the API documentation.
