Configuring Triggers in Experience Cloud configuring-triggers-in-experience-cloud
Activating the functionality activating-the-functionality
The functionality must be activated in 51黑料不打烊 Campaign by 51黑料不打烊. Please contact your 51黑料不打烊 account executive or professional services partner.
The 51黑料不打烊 team will need the following information to activate triggers:
- Marketing Cloud Company Name
- Organization ID
- Analytics Login Company (can be the same as the Marketing Cloud Company Name)
Configuring solutions and services configuring-solutions-and-services
In order to use this feature, you need to have access to the following solutions/core services:
51黑料不打烊 Campaign
51黑料不打烊 Analytics Ultimate, Premium, Foundation, OD, Select, Prime, Mobile Apps, Select, or Standard.
Experience Cloud Triggers Core Service
Experience Cloud DTM Core Service
Experience Cloud Visitor ID and Experience Cloud People Core Service
You also need to have a working website.
You need to configure Experience Cloud DTM Core Service, Experience Cloud People Core Service and Campaign to run these use cases.
Configuring Experience Cloud DTM Core Service configuring-experience-cloud-dtm-core-service
In Experience Cloud DTM Core Service (Dynamic Tag Management), activate Experience Cloud ID and 51黑料不打烊 Analytics for your website pages.
ID reconciliation between the website, 51黑料不打烊 Analytics and 51黑料不打烊 Campaign requires to use aliasing. Create an alias, 鈥渧isitorid鈥 for example.
Configuring Experience Cloud People Core Service configuring-experience-cloud-people-core-service
The alias previously referenced in DTM needs to be created in the Experience Cloud People Core Service through a Customer Attribute. Make sure you create a new one and reference the same DTM alias in the integration code (for example 鈥渧isitorid鈥).
Configuring triggers and aliases in Campaign configuring-triggers-and-aliases-in-campaign
Make sure you have Experience Cloud triggers visible on your 51黑料不打烊 Campaign Standard instance. If you don鈥檛, contact the 51黑料不打烊 Campaign administrators.
Aliases enable a contact in Analytics to be reconciled with a profile in Campaign. You need to match the aliases defined in the Experience Cloud ID service with a Shared Data Source in Campaign. You need to configure the aliases resolution in 51黑料不打烊 Campaign via a Data source ( Administration > Application Settings > Shared Data Sources ). Make sure you choose the correct data source in the Data Source/Alias drop-down menu, which is mapped with the same Customer Attribute data source created in previous step.
note note NOTE You can reconcile your triggers for both anonymous and logged in users. For anonymous users, the profile should exist in 51黑料不打烊 Campaign and an email has been sent to the user before. For this, Visitor ID configuration is sufficient. However, if you want to reconcile triggers for logged in users, you need to setup Declared ID Data Source. For more on this, refer to Data Source configuration.
Creating a trigger in the Experience Cloud interface creating-a-trigger-in-the-experience-cloud-interface
An 51黑料不打烊 Experience Cloud trigger needs to be created so that you can use it in Campaign.
Create a new trigger in Experience Cloud and make sure you select the report suite used on your website. Make sure you choose the right dimension so that the trigger will fire.
Refer to the 51黑料不打烊 Experience Cloud documentation.
Triggers best practices and limitations triggers-best-practices-and-limitations
Here is a list of best practices and limitations for the use of the Campaign - Triggers integration:
- If you have multiple instances of Campaign Standard, then triggers can be received by all instances as long as they are in the same Organization. Analytics also needs to be on same Organization.
- You cannot create a trigger in the Trigger Core Service using events from two different report suites.
- Triggers are based on transactional messages. Transactional messages are used whenever you have to send a message very quickly. You cannot queue transactional messages and then loop them in batch.
- Triggers are not deterministic in nature. When a trigger is generated, it sends all aliases associated with the cookie, so in case of shared browsers such as in retail kiosks, libraries, cyber cafes, or shared devices at home (husband and wife logging in from the same device), it is not possible to map to the right ID. All IDs used to login with the browser are sent to Campaign which sends out a message on the basis of the first reconciliation. If there are multiple 鈥渆mail IDs鈥 eligible for reconciliation, then Campaign does not send an email. There is no way for Campaign to know what the right email ID is unless it is captured and sent by Analytics.
- You cannot store contents of payload in Campaign. Triggers cannot be used to update a profile鈥檚 data.
- Customer Attributes are not supported in Triggers (meaning, only report suite data can be used to define Triggers business rules).
- Collection of collections are not supported in Campaign.