
[Also applies to v8]{class="badge positive" title="Also applies to Campaign v8"}

Validating validating

Global concepts when validating a delivery are presented in this section.

The output file of a direct mail delivery is generated during the delivery analysis. The file’s content depends on the selected output columns (refer to Extraction file).

The analysis phase is detailed in Analyzing the delivery.

During the analysis phase, the file is generated but information concerning recipients (i.e. delivery logs) is not updated. You can therefore cancel this job without running any risks.

Check the result of the analysis and the content of the output file before clicking Confirm delivery. A confirmation message lets you launch the delivery.

The send confirmation starts the data extraction in the specified file.

You can then close the assistant and look at the delivery logs via the Delivery tab, accessible via the delivery details.

You can configure the delivery logs retrieval mode from the Analysis tab of the delivery properties.

There are two modes:

  • Messages are considered sent after validation (default mode): in this function mode, all broadlogs are updated when the operator confirms the send (their status passes from ‘Pending delivery’ to ‘Sent’) and the delivery is automatically set to Finished.

  • A file of results determines the messages that are sent and those that have failed : this mode allows you to update the broadlogs via an external file sent by the service provider. In this case, a workflow to process this information needs to be used in order to update the broadlog status.

    note note
    In this case, the delivery’s status also needs to be changed to Finished by the user as soon as the broadlogs are updated.