[Also applies to v8]{class="badge positive" title="Also applies to Campaign v8"}
Manage answers managing-answers
Store collected answers storing-collected-answers
In addition to the standard storage modes common to all Web forms in 51ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ Campaign (database field and local variable), surveys enable the dynamic extension of the data model using archived fields.
Store in an archived field storing-in-an-archived-field
It is easy to extend the data template by adding new storage spaces to save the responses provided in surveys. To do this, select the Store answers to a question option when creating the input field. Click the New field… link and give its properties:
Enter the label and name of the field and select the type of field: Text, Boolean, Integer or decimal number, Date, etc.
The type of field selected involves a control of the data when responses are entered by users. For text fields, you can add a constraint (case, format) or link to an existing enumeration to force selection.
To add a constraint, select it from the drop-down list. There are two types of constraints:
Character case
The information entered can be stored in the field in the following formats: all uppercase, all lowercase, or with initial uppercase. This constraint does not require the user to enter the data in the selected format, but the content entered in the field will be converted when saved.
Data format
If this field is used in a list, the values of the enumeration can be retrieved automatically in the table of values using the Initialize the list of values from the database link above the list of values.
For example, you can create a drop-down list for the user to select their native language. The corresponding archived field can be associated with the language enumeration which contains a list of languages:
The Edit link icon located to the right of the field lets you edit the content of this enumeration:
In the General tab of the field, the Initialize the list of values from the database link lets you automatically enter the list of labels offered.
Example: storing a recipient’s contracts in one field
To store different types of contracts in one field, create a Text input field and select the Store answers to a question option.
Click the New field… link and enter the field properties. Select the Multiple values option to enable several values to be stored.
Create entry fields for the other contracts, and store the data in the same archived field.
When users approve the survey, their answers will be stored in the Contracts field.
In our example, for the following answers:
The respondent’s profile will contain the four contracts entered.
They can be viewed in the Answers tab of the survey by displaying the relevant columns.
You can also filter recipients based on answers to display only the users that interest you. To do this, create a targeting workflow and use the Survey responses box.
Create your query based on the profiles you want to recover. In the following example, the query lets you select profiles with at least two contracts, including an A type contract.
For each form, the answers provided can be used in fields or labels. Use the following syntax for content stored in an archived field:
<%= ctx.webAppLogRcpData.name of the archived field %
Storage settings storage-settings
You can archive answers to surveys in XML format. This lets you save a raw copy of the answers collected, which can be useful in case of excessive standardization of the data in an itemized list. Learn more
To do this:
- Edit the survey properties via the Properties button of the Edit tab.
- Click the Advanced parameters link and check the Save a copy of raw answers option.
You can enable it by default for all surveys (this option is applied when the survey is published). To do this, create the NmsWebApp_XmlBackup option and assign value 1 to it, as shown below:
Score management score-management
You can assign a score to the options offered in the pages of the form. Scores can only be linked to closed questions: checkbox, value from a drop-down list, subscription, etc.
The scores are accumulated and saved on the server side when the page is confirmed, i.e. when the user clicks the Next or Finish button.
Scores can be used in tests or scripts.
To use scores in tests, use the Score field in the test calculation formula, as shown below:
You can use the score in a script.
Example: calculate a score and use it as a condition for the display of the next page:
In a survey, the next page lets you assign different scores to users depending on the value selected in the drop-down list:
You can combine this score with a second value, depending on the selected option:
When the user clicks the Next button, the two values are added up.
Conditions can be applied for the page to be displayed according to the score. This is configured as follows: