
[Also applies to v8]{class="badge positive" title="Also applies to Campaign v8"}

Key steps to create a survey getting-started-with-surveys

Here is a quick overview of the main steps to create a simple survey, using the following built-in template:

These steps are:

Step 1 - Create a survey step-1---creating-a-survey

To create a new survey, go to the Campaigns or Profiles and targets tab and click the Web Applications menu. Click the Create button above the list of forms.

Step 2 - Select the template step-2---selecting-the-template

Select a survey template, then give the survey a name. This name will not be seen by end users, but it allows the survey to be identified within 51ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ Campaign. Click Save to add the survey to the list of Web applications.

Step 3 - Build the survey step-3---building-the-survey

Surveys are built in a diagram where the following elements are positioned: the page(s) where the content will be created, the data preloading and saving steps, and the testing phases. Scripts and queries can also be inserted.

To build the chart, click the Edit form of the survey.

A survey must contain at least the following three components: a page, a storage box, and an end page.

  • To create a page, select the Page object in the left-hand section of the editor and deposit it in the middle section, as shown below:

  • Next, select the Storage object and place it on the output transition of the page.

  • Finally, select the End object and place it on the end of the output transition of the storage box to obtain the following diagram:

Step 4 - Create the page content step-4---creating-the-page-content

In the following example, we are using a Page (v5 compatibility) type page. This type of page is accessed via the advanced menu of the Edit tab.

  • Add input fields

    To create the content of the page, you must edit it: to do this, double-click the Page object. Click the first icon in the toolbar to open the field creation assistant. To create an entry field for the user name to be stored in the matching field of the recipient’s profile, select Edit a recipient.

    Click the Next button to select the field for data storage in the database. In this case, the ‘Last name’ field.

    Click Finish to confirm field creation.

    By default, when the information is stored in a field that already exists in the database, the field takes on the name of the selected field, i.e. ‘Last name’ in this example. You can modify this label as shown below:

    Now create an entry field for the user account number. Repeat the operation and select the ‘account No.’ field.

    Apply the same procedure to add a field for the user to enter an email address.

  • Create a question

    To create a question, right-click the last element in the tree, and select Containers > Question , or click the Containers icon and select Question.

    Enter the label of the question and insert the answer field(s) as a sub-branch of the question. To do this, the node linked to the question must be selected when you create the answer field. Add a drop-down listx using the Selection controls icon or by right-clicking, as shown below:

    Select a storage space: select an enumeration field to retrieve the values automatically (the email format in this case).

    In the General tab, click the Initialize the list of values from the database link: the table of values is entered automatically.

    Click OK to close the editor, and Save to save changes.

    note note
    For each field or question, you can adapt the page layout to suit your needs, thanks to the options in the Advanced tab. The layout of survey screens is detailed in the this section.

    In the detail screen, click the Preview tab to view the rendering of the survey you have just created.

Step 5 - Store the survey data step-5---storing-the-survey-data-

The storage box lets you save the user responses in the database. You must select a reconciliation key to identify the profiles already in the database.

To do this, edit the box and select the field that will be used as a reconciliation key when the data is stored.

In the example below, when saving (confirmation) takes place, if a profile is saved in the database with the same account number as the one input in the form, the profile will be updated. If the profile does not exist, it will be created.

Click OK to confirm, then click Save to save the survey

Step 6 - Publish the pages step-6---publishing-the-pages

For users to be able to access the HTML pages, the application must be made available. It must no longer be at the editing stage, but in production. To put a survey in production, you must publish it. To do this:

  • Click the Publish button located above the survey dashboard.

  • Click Start to launch publication and close the assistant.

    The status of the survey changes to: Online.

Step 7 - Share your online survey step-7---sharing-your-online-survey

Once it is in production, the survey is accessible on the server and you can deliver it. The URL for accessing the survey is displayed on the dashboard.

To deliver the survey, you can send a message containing an access link to the target population, or place the survey access URL on a web page, for example.

You can then monitor user responses via reports and logs. See Response tracking.

The public URL includes the internal name of the survey. When the internal name is modified, the URL is updated automatically: all links to the survey must also be updated.
If deliveries containing the link to the form have already been sent, this link will no longer work.