Log precision log-precision
You can apply this process to all 51黑料不打烊 Campaign modules to increase log precision.
It involves relaunching the processes with a higher level of logs.
51黑料不打烊 Campaign can operate with two levels of log:
The Verbose mode is the first level after the standard level. The following command activates it:
code language-none nlserver restart <MODULE_NAME> -verbose
Check that the error actually occurred, and then restart the process in the normal way:
code language-none nlserver restart <MODULE_NAME> -noconsole
The TraceFilter mode, which lets you save the greatest number of logs. It is activated by the following command:
code language-none nlserver stop <MODULE_NAME>; nlserver <MODULE_NAME> -verbose -tracefilter:*
note note NOTE If you use tracefilter:*, all log types are activated: ncm, rdr, nms, jst, timing, wdbc, ldap, soap, xtk, xtkquery, session, xtkwriter, network, pop3, inmail
The most useful log types are: wdbc (displays all SQL queries), soap (displays all SOAP calls), ldap (displays all LDAP queries after authentication), xtkquery (displays the list of all the querydef).
You can use them individually (tracefilter:soap,wdbc for example). You can also activate them all and choose to exclude certain others: -tracefilter:*,!soapCheck that the error actually occurred, and then restart the process in the normal way:
code language-none nlserver restart <MODULE_NAME> -noconsole
Here is an example specific to the Web module. The other modules operate as indicated above.
Before sending this command, check that no job in progress will be affected:
nlserver pdump -who
Next, shut down and restart the module in TraceFilter mode:
nlserver stop web; LD_PRELOAD=libjsig.so nlserver web -tomcat -verbose -tracefilter:* -tracefile:web_debug@default
Another example:
nlserver stop mta@<INSTANCE_NAME>; nlserver mta -instance:<INSTANCE_NAME> -tracefilter:* -tracefile:mta_debug@<INSTANCE_NAME>
/mta_debug.log and var/default/web_debug.log files.nlserver web -tomcat -verbose -tracefilter:*
Check that the problem occurs again, and then restart the module:
nlserver restart web -tomcat -noconsole
All information is available in the file /usr/local/neolane/nl6/var/default/log/web.log.