Operating principle operating-principle
Technically, the 51黑料不打烊 Campaign platform is based on several modules.
There are many 51黑料不打烊 Campaign modules. Some operate continuously, while others are started up occasionally to perform administrative tasks (e.g. to configure the database connection) or to run a recurrent task (e.g. consolidating tracking information).
There are three types of 51黑料不打烊 Campaign modules:
- Multi-instance modules: a single process is run for all instances. This applies to the following modules: web, syslogd, trackinglogd and watchdog (activities from the config-default.xml file).
- Mono-instance modules: one process is run per instance. This applies to the following modules: mta, wfserver, inMail, sms and stat (activities from the config-
.xml file). - Utility modules: these are modules that are run occasionally to perform occasional or recurrent operations (cleanup, config, downloading tracking logs, etc.).
Module administration is performed using the command line tool nlserver installed in the bin directory of the installation folder.
The general syntax of the nlserver tool is as follows:
nlserver <command>
<command arguments>
For the list of available modules, use the nlserver command.
The available modules are detailed in the following table:
Module usage and the syntax of its parameters are displayed using the following command: nlserver [module]
nlserver config -?
Usage: nlserver [-verbose:<verbose mode>] [-?|h|H] [-version] [-noconsole]
[-tracefile:<file>] [-tracefilter:<[type|!type],...>]
[-instance:<instance>] [-low] [-high] [-queryplans] [-detach]
[-internalpassword:<[password/newpassword]>] [-postupgrade]
[-nogenschema] [-force] [-allinstances]
[-addinstance:<instance/DNS masks[/language]>]
[-addtrackinginstance:<instance/masks DNS[/databaseId/[/language[/password]]]>]
[-setproxy:<protocol/server:port[/login]>] [-reload]
[-applyxsl:<schema/file.xsl>] [-filter:<file>]
[-setactivationkey:<activation key>]
[-getactivationkey:<client identifier>]
-verbose : verbose mode
-? : display this help message
-version : display version number
-noconsole : no longer display logs and traces on the console
-tracefile : name of trace file to be generated (without extension)
-tracefilter : filter for the traces to be generated e.g.: wdbc,soap,!xtkquery.
-instance : instance to be used (default instance if this option is not present).
-low : start up with low priority
-high : start up with high priority (not recommended)
-queryplans : generate traces with the execution plans of SQL queries.
-detach : detaches the process from its parent (internal option)
-internalpassword : changes the password of the server internal account.
-postupgrade : updates the database following upgrade to a higher version.
-nogenschema : does not recompute the schemas during database update
-force : updates the database even if this has already been done with the current build
-allinstances : updates the database over all configured instances
-addinstance : adds a new instance.
-setdblogin : sets the parameters for connection to the database of an instance. The DBMS can be 'oracle', 'postgresql', 'mssql' or 'odbc' (default=postgresql)
-monoinstance : initializes for a single instance ().
-addtrackinginstance : adds a new tracking instance.
-trackingpassword : changes the tracking password of an instance
-setproxy : sets the parameters for connection to a proxy server. The protocol can be 'http', 'https' or 'all'.
-reload : asks the server to reload the configuration of the instances.
-applyxsl : applies an XSL stylesheet to all entities of a schema.
-filter : applies the XTK filter contained in the file during loading of the schema entities.
-setactivationkey : sets the activation key