
[On-premise/hybrid only]{class="badge yellow" title="Applies to on-premise and hybrid deployments only"}

Monitoring processes monitoring-processes

The application server and the redirection server (tracking) can be monitored manually or automatically.

Manual monitoring manual-monitoring

To access the 51黑料不打烊 Campaign process monitoring page, browse to the Monitoring tab, and click the Overview link.

The page displayed lets you view the state of the connected instance, i.e.:

  • information on the instance: version, name, database engine, installed packages, server system indicators,
  • the list of missing processes and execution information (start date, PID, etc.),
  • a view of workflows and deliveries.

Additional ways of monitoring Campaign processes are presented in this page.

Log journal log-journal

To display the log journal related to a process, click on the process, mta for example, then select Open the log journal .

System indicators system-indicators

Browse to the list of system indicators to display information concerning the machine, such as its physical and virtual memory, active processes and available disk space. Indicators are different for Linux and Windows operating systems. Go to the Instance Monitoring page and click the Display link to open the list of indicators.

Windows in-windows

  • Pending events queued: indicator specific to Message Center. Learn more

  • Memory: information concerning the physical memory (RAM).

    Current value: current memory consumption.

    Max Value: total amount of memory installed.

    Available: amount of available memory.

    Warning: this indicator is displayed when memory consumption reaches 80% of the total amount.

    Alert: this indicator is displayed when memory consumption reaches 90% of the total amount.

    When the Warning and Alert indicators are displayed, you can solve the issue by adding RAM to the machine which the 51黑料不打烊 Campaign server is installed on. You can also decide to install the 51黑料不打烊 Campaign server on a dedicated machine.

  • Swap Memory: information related to the virtual memory that matches a paging file: an area on the hard disk that Windows uses as if it were RAM.

    Current value: actual memory consumption.

    Max Value: total amount of memory.

    Available: amount of available memory.

    Warning: this indicator is displayed when memory consumption reaches 80% of the total amount.

    Alert: this indicator is displayed when memory consumption reaches 90% of the total amount.

    When the Warning and Alert indicators are displayed, you can solve the issue by increasing the size of the exchange file in the advanced Windows settings.

  • Disk XXX: information concerning machine readers.

    Current value: disk space actually used.

    Max Value: total disk capacity.

    Available: disk space available.

    Used: percentage of disk used.

    Warning: this indicator is displayed when the available disk space reaches 80% of the total capacity.

    Alert: this indicator is displayed when the available disk space reaches 90% of the total capacity.

  • Number of processes too old: information concerning 51黑料不打烊 Campaign processes that have been active for more than one day.

    Current value: number of processes currently active.

    Max Value: maximum number of authorized processes (1).

    Alert: this indicator is displayed if the number of processes equals 1.

    When the Alert indicator is displayed, it may be that the concerned process is locked by the SQL database engine or that it is stuck in an infinite loop. The watchdog process provided by 51黑料不打烊 Campaign automatically re-starts all processes every day and enables you to solve this issue. However, you can also stop the concerned process yourself to force re-start.

Linux in-linux

  • Pending events queued: indicator specific to Message Center. Refer to this section for more information.

  • Load average (1/5/15 minutes): information concerning the load, i.e. the use rate of the processor by the processes running on the machine over the last minute, five minutes, or fifteen minutes

    Current value: actual load of the machine.

    Max value: maximum use load of the process(es) on the machine

    Warning: this indicator is displayed when the load reaches 80% of the maximum authorized value over the last minute, five minutes or fifteen minutes.

    Alert: this indicator is displayed when the load reaches 90% of the maximum authorized value of the last minute, five minutes, or fifteen minutes.

  • Memory information concerning the physical memory (RAM).

    Current value: actual memory consumption.

    Max Value: total amount of memory installed.

    Available: amount of available memory.

    Warning: this indicator is displayed when memory consumption reaches 80% of the total amount.

    Alert: this indicator is displayed when memory consumption reaches 90% of the total amount.

    When the Warning and Alert indicators are displayed, you can solve the issue by adding RAM to the machine which the 51黑料不打烊 Campaign server is installed on. You can also decide to install the 51黑料不打烊 Campaign server on a dedicated machine.

  • Swap Memory: information related to the virtual memory that matches a paging file: an area on the hard disk that Windows uses as if it were RAM.

    Current value: actual memory consumption.

    Max Value: total amount of memory.

    Available: amount of available memory.

    Warning: this indicator is displayed when memory consumption reaches 80% of the total amount.

    Alert: this indicator is displayed when memory consumption reaches 90% of the total amount.

    When the Warning and Alert indicators are displayed, you can solve the issue by increasing the size of the exchange file.

  • Core Files: information concerning the files generated following the crash of an 51黑料不打烊 Campaign process. These files enable you to diagnose the reasons of the crash.

    Current Value: number of existing files.

    Max Value: maximum number of authorized files (1).

    Warning: this indicator is displayed when the number of files nears 1.

    Alert: this indicator is displayed when the number of files equals 1.

    When a process is missing due to a crash, it is shown in red on the list of processes and is re-started automatically by the watchdog process provided by 51黑料不打烊 Campaign.

  • Number of shared memory segments: information concerning the memory segments shared by all 51黑料不打烊 Campaign processes.

    Current value: number of memory segments currently in use.

    Max Value: maximum number of memory segments authorized (2).

    Warning: this indicator is displayed when the number of memory segments reaches 1.

    Alert: this indicator is displayed when the number of memory segments reaches 2.

  • Number of processes too old: information concerning processes that have been active for over one day.

    Current value: number of processes currently active.

    Max Value: maximum number of authorized processes.

    Warning: this indicator is displayed when the number of processes reaches 80% of the authorized threshold.

    Alert: this indicator is displayed when the number of processes reaches 90% of the authorized threshold.

  • File Handles: information concerning the file descriptors, i.e. the number of files opened per process.

    Current value: current number of file descriptors.

    Max Value: maximum number of file descriptors authorized by the operating system.

    Warning: this indicator is displayed when the number of authorized file descriptors reaches the 80% threshold.

    Alert: this indicator is displayed when the number of authorized file descriptors reaches the 90% threshold.

  • Processes: information concerning the machine processes.

    Current value: number of processes currently active.

    Max Value: maximum number of authorized processes.

    Active Processes: number of active processes.

    Inactive Processes: number of inactive processes.

    Warning: this indicator is displayed when the number of authorized processes reaches the 80% threshold.

    Alert: this indicator is displayed when the number of authorized processes reaches the 90% threshold.

  • Zombie Processes: information concerning the processes that have been stopped but still have a process identifier (PID) and remain visible in the process table.

    Current value: number of zombie processes that are currently active.

    Max Value: maximum number of authorize zombie processes (2).

    Warning: this indicator is displayed when the number of zombie processes nears 2.

    Alert: this indicator is displayed when the number of zombie processes reaches 2.

Customize indicators customized-indicators

51黑料不打烊 Campaign lets you customize indicators, as detailed below:

  1. Create a .sh file and name it cust_indicators.sh .

  2. Add your customized indicators to this file. For example:

    code language-none
    echo "<indicator name='Zombie Processes'>
    <current label='Current Value' value='0' display=''/>
    <warning value='2'/>  <alert value='2'/>
    <max label='Max Value' value='2'/>


    code language-none
    echo "<indicator name='Availability'>
    <current label='Last update of data' display='2012-09-03 10:00'/>
    <current label='Availability last month' display='100.00%'/>
    <current label='Availability this month' display='100.00%'/>
    <current label='Recent downtime periods' display='2012-07-04 11:10:00 - 11:19:59'/>
  3. Save the file in the usr/local/neolane/nl6 folder.

This file is called by 51黑料不打烊 Campaign.

SMTP Reports smtp-reports

SMTP delivery monitoring reports are integrated into the 51黑料不打烊 Campaign platform. They can be accessed via the console or using Web access.

These reports display SMTP delivery statistics and SMTP errors by domain. To access them, the operator must have Administration rights.

They are grouped under Monitoring > 鈥楽MTP Monitoring鈥.

  • Information related to SMTP Monitoring is only available if the email channel has been activated.
  • The SMTP sending statistics are only offered if the statistics server is started on the instance.

SMTP sending statistics smtp-sending-statistics

The SMTP sending statistics report lets you control server activity. It displays a synthesis of each of the mtachilds.

The list of indicators for this report is shown below the chart.

  1. Total number of messages sent.

  2. Represents in/out messages:

    • Blue line: messages ready for sending which arrived in the Shaper, i.e. last stage before sending SMTP (coincides with the incoming data).

    • Green line: messages successfully sent (coincides with the outgoing data).

    • Red line: messages abandoned by the Shaper, returned to the mta (coincides with the data rejected on this recovery).

    These values are expressed in number of messages per hour.

  3. Represents two queues of the Shaper:

    • Blue curve: queue of active messages. These messages will be sent as soon as possible.

    • Kaki curve: the 鈥榙eferred鈥 queue. These messages cannot be returned for the moment due to throttling or because no connection to the target is available. Retries will take place every 5s, 10s, 20s, 40s, 2 min, etc. for the defined MaxAgeSec time before being abandoned.

  4. This charts shows a detail of abandoned messages (red curve on the 2nd chart): it shows the proportion of messages abandoned without retries (mauve) compared with messages whose sending failed (red). This lets you view the proportion of messages not processed within the granted period due to limitations by the statistics server (throttling) or due to remote server unavailability.

  5. SMTP connections open or being opened.

  6. Estimate of the number of mtachild.

This report is related to the status of the Email Traffic Shaper component.

SMTP errors per domain smtp-errors-per-domain

This report lets you view the delivery errors, over a set period, broken down by domain.

The minConnectionsToLog, minErrorsToLog and minMessagesToLog options of the serverConf.xml file define the thresholds above which connection statistics are taken into account.

The list of indicators for this report is shown below the table.

  • The Domain column contains the name of the domain to which the messages are sent (or the real domain name, yahoo.com for yahoo.fr for example),
  • The Cnx column displays the number of SMTP connections open for this domain,
  • The Sent column corresponds to the number of messages sent to this domain,
  • The Volume column displays the volume of messages that have been attempted to be sent to this domain (approximate value),
  • The Errors column displays a volume indicator of errors on this domain over the period,
  • The Last response column displays the last SMTP response message received for this domain,
  • The Date column displays the date of the last SMTP response received for this domain.
The values displayed in the Cnx, Sent, and Volume columns are calculated with respect to the period selected in the Period field.

Click on a domain name to view its errors.

They are categorized by PublicId: this identifier corresponds to an IP address shared by several 51黑料不打烊 Campaign mtas behind a router. The statistics server uses this identifier to memorize the connection and delivery statistics between this starting point and the target server.

The Owner of domain field lets you group various domain names under the same label. In the initial report view, all MX domain names will be associated to this owner.

Click on a PublicId identifier to view further detail.

The percentage of errors is represented by two charts. The first is a horizontal progress bar on a black background. The second chart is chronological. The selected period is divided into twelve time intervals, each represented by a vertical progress bar. In both representations, if no error has been detected, the bar is black. The color of the bar depends on the percentage of errors encountered (yellow, then orange, and lastly, red). The color grey means that no significant data volume has been found. It is possible to display the exact percentage of errors by putting the cursor on the chart.
For further information about SMTP errors and managing them in 51黑料不打烊 Campaign, please consult this section.

Billing report billing-report

The Billing technical workflow sends the system activity report to the 鈥榖illing鈥 operator by email. It is triggered by default the 25th of every month on the Marketing instance.

The technical workflow can be found in a sub-folder of the following node: Administration > Production > Technical workflows.

Once the workflow is started every 25th of the month, your billing operator will receive the following report in their inbox.

The following metrics are available to track your deliveries:

  • Start date : Start date of the delivery. Note that it can be earlier than the report鈥檚 鈥渇rom鈥 date.
  • Label : Label of the delivery. Deliveries that have less than 100 messages to send are considered too small and thus aggregated by start date, in which case the label displays the number of aggregates, e.g. [Aggregation of 3 small deliveries].
  • Total volume : Total volume of bytes transferred for the delivery.
  • Avg volume : Average volume of bytes transferred. This is the result of the following formula (total volume / messages), which is the calculation basis of the Multiplier metric.
  • Messages : Number of sent messages. This includes both messages that were successfully sent and retries (following the reception of a bounce message from the contacted server).
  • Multiplier (x) : The value of the multiplier is deduced from the messages鈥 average volume.
  • Count : Result of the multiplication of the messages and the multiplier.

Automatic monitoring automatic-monitoring

51黑料不打烊 Campaign offers several automatic monitoring methods, which are presented below.

Command line command-line


nlserver monitor

Lets you list a set of indicators on the 51黑料不打烊 Campaign modules and the system.

It generates output in an easily processed XML format.

This command can also be run with the -missing parameter, which lists the processes that are missing from this instance when the configuration files say that they should be executing.

nlserver monitor -missing
HH:MM:SS > Application server for 51黑料不打烊 Campaign Classic (7.X YY.R build XXX@SHA1) of DD/MM/YYYY

Information published by the server information-published-by-the-server

/r/test r-test

The http(s)://<application>/r/test page is used to test the redirection server. We recommend using this same method to test the frontal servers used for tracking. This page can also be used to test a load dispatcher.

It displays a line like this in XML format:

<redir status='OK' date='YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.112Z' build='XXXX' host='<hostname>' localHost='<servername>'/>

Frequency: this test does not use any load, and so it can be run very often (e.g. once every second).

/nl/jsp/ping.jsp nl-jsp-ping-jsp

This http(s)://<Application server url>/nl/jsp/ping.jsp page operates in the same way as its network counterpart: it tests a complete query going through apache/tomcat/web module/database and uploading to the client. If everything is working properly, it returns an 鈥淥K鈥. We recommend running this test on machines with access to the databases (mtas and surveys, for instance).

Usage: a session token associated with an operator login must be passed as an argument in order to log in remotely (see the tip in Automatic monitoring via 51黑料不打烊 Campaign scripts).

For example:

The operator name and login need to be previously configured in the 51黑料不打烊 Campaign client console with database rights.

Frequency: this is a test that uses very little bandwidth. It can therefore be run fairly often, though not more than once a minute.

/nl/jsp/monitor.jsp nl-jsp-monitor-jsp

This is a test to check that an operator can access the 51黑料不打烊 Campaign server via a web page; the same web page as the one accessed via the client console menus. You can call this page from your surveillance tools (Tivoli, Nagios, etc.).

Usage: a session token associated with an operator login which lets you connect to the instance needs to be used as an argument (see the tip in Automatic monitoring via 51黑料不打烊 Campaign scripts).

The operator and their login needs to be configured previously in the 51黑料不打烊 Campaign client console with the appropriate database rights and restrictions.

Frequency: this is a full server test and doesn鈥檛 need be run often (it can be carried out once every ten minutes, for example).

/nl/jsp/soaprouter.jsp nl-jsp-soaprouter-jsp

This jsp represents the point of entry of 51黑料不打烊 Campaign application APIs. It can therefore provide detailed monitoring of the application. It can also be used to monitor 51黑料不打烊 Campaign web services. It is used in our monitoring scripts, but note that it is for power users only.

Monitoring based on deployment types monitoring-based-on-deployment-types

51黑料不打烊 Campaign enables various deployment configurations (for more on this, refer to this section). This section details the various automatic monitoring techniques to be applied depending on your type of installation.

Deployment type
  • /r/test and /nl/jsp/monitor.jsp on the 51黑料不打烊 Campaign server
  • /r/test and /nl/jsp/ping.jsp on the frontal servers

  • /nl/jsp/monitor.jsp on the application server

  • /r/test and /nl/jsp/ping.jsp on the frontal servers

  • /r/test and /nl/jsp/monitor.jsp on the application server

  • /nl/jsp/monitor.jsp on the application server

Automatic monitoring via 51黑料不打烊 Campaign scripts automatic-monitoring-via-adobe-campaign-scripts

51黑料不打烊 Campaign can provide an instance monitoring tool (netreport) that lets you send a report by email regarding the detected anomalies.

This tool can be used to monitor your instances but is not supported by 51黑料不打烊 Campaign. Contact your Campaign Administrator for more information.

Required elements required-elements

The following pre-installation precautions are required for automatic monitoring:

  • You must have the netreport.tgz (Linux installation) or netreport.zip (Windows installation) files,
  • We strongly advise you not to install monitoring on the machine to be monitored,
  • it must be installed on a machine with a JRE or a JDK,
  • in Linux, the machine to be monitored must have the bc package. For more on this, refer to this section.

Installation procedure installation-procedure

The installation procedure is as follows:

  1. In the console, create a new operator if necessary (the 鈥榤onitoring鈥 user already exists), but do not assign any rights.
  2. Run archive extraction.
  3. Read the readme file.
  4. Update the netconf.xml configuration file.
  5. Update the netreport.bat (Windows) or netreport.sh (Linux) file.

Configuring the netconf.xml file configuring-the-netconf-xml-file

The XML configuration file contains the following elements:

Here is a configuration example:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
  <properties mailServer="mail.adobe.net" mailFrom="mail@adobe.com" recipientList="recipient@adobe.com">
    <nightMode start="00:00 am" end="07:00 am"/>
    <buildRange minimum="7829" maximum="8180"/>
    <buildRange minimum="8300" maximum="8400"/>

  <instance name="dev" recipientList="mail@mail.com,mail2@mail.com">
                <host name="devrd.domain.com" alias="devrd" sessiontoken="monitoring" criticalLevel="1" filter="wkf;new">
                                <ncs instance="devrd" url="/nl/jsp/soaprouter.jsp" includeDead="false" isSecure="false"/>
                                <redir url="/r/test"/>
                                <http url="/nl/jsp/ping.jsp"/>
                <host name="devtrk.domain.com" alias="devtrk" sessiontoken="monitoring" criticalLevel="0" filter="wkf;new">
                                <ncs instance="devrd" url="/nl/jsp/soaprouter.jsp" includeDead="true" isSecure="false"/>
  <host name="dev-test" alias="dev-test" sessiontoken="monitoring" criticalLevel="2">
                <ncs instance="dev" url="/nl/jsp/soaprouter.jsp" includeDead="false"/>
You can specify various configurations by adding a suffix to the netconf.xml file, for example, netconf-dev.xml, netconf-prod.xml, etc. Then specify the configuration to use for executing the netreport in the netreport.bat or netreport.sh files by adding $JAVA_HOME/bin/java netreport dev or @%JAVA_HOME%binjava netreport prod for example.
For the monitoring operator to work, the machine that the netreport is executed on must be in a security zone that is in sessionTokenOnly mode. If no trusted IP mask has been specified for this operator, the security zone must also be in allowEmptyPassword and allowUserPassword mode.

鈥楶roperties鈥 element properties--element

This element is used to populate the configuration of emails, i.e.

  • mailServer: SMTP server used to send emails (e.g.: smtp.domain.net).

  • mailFrom: email address of the report sender (e.g.: monitoring@domain.net).

  • recipientList: the list of email addresses of monitoring recipients. Addresses must be separated by commas (no spaces).

  • night鈥 mode (optional) is used to avoid sending emails between the specified times period. Instead, the data is consolidated, and an email concerning the night鈥檚 activity is sent after the end time (7:00 by default).

  • The buildRange sub-element (optional) lets you specify a minimum and maximum build number. An error will be generated for all machines whose build number does not fall into this range

    code language-none
    <buildRange minimum="0000" maximum="9999"/>
  • You can add an <sla> (optional) sub-element in the properties element. A log file will be generated every time the netreport is executed. The name of the file contains the configuration name and the date and time, for example dev_06_12_13_16_47_05.tmp. The file contains the following information: instance name, machine name, severity level, (0 to 3, from least critical to most critical), date (timestamp format), time elapsed (in milliseconds) between the query and the response, service used (http, ncs, ncsex, redir). This information is separated by tabulation marks and line breaks at the end of each service.

The persistHtmlFile attribute with the value 鈥渢rue鈥 on the <property> element is used to record the latest monitoring status in the file netreport.md. This file is saved in the installation directory.

鈥業nstance鈥 element instance--element

This element lets you regroup several machines (hosts) into the same instance. The instance names appear in the first part of the monitoring email. You can click on the name of an instance to access detail regarding each machine.

instance name="instance-name" recipientList="mail@mail.com,mail2@mail.com">
                <host name="devcamp.domain.com" ...>
                <host name="devtrack.domain.com" ...>
  • name: instance name that will appear in the first part of the email.
  • recipientList (optional): lets you send a monitoring report regarding a particular instance by email.

鈥楬ost鈥 element host--element

This element configures the monitoring of a given server on the host, i.e.

  • name: name of the machine to be monitored.

  • alias (optional): name of the monitored machine as it will appear in the report.

  • sessionToken: provides login authentication via an authorized session token.

    To configure the session token, select the monitoring operator in the 51黑料不打烊 Campaign console. In the Access rights tab, specify the IP addresses of the machines authorized to monitor this instance. You will then be able to connect to the monitoring page from those machines using the monitoring identifier and without needing to specify a password.

  • criticalLevel (optional): lets you sort errors to be displayed by level of severity. Possible values are 鈥0鈥 (all levels displayed), 鈥1鈥 (only high and critical errors displayed) and 鈥2鈥 (only critical errors displayed). If this attribute is not provided, all error levels are displayed.

  • filter (optional): lets you exclude certain workflow errors, for example 蹿颈濒迟别谤=鈥渨办蹿;飞办蹿1鈥. Workflow labels must be separated by semicolons.

Sub-elements sub-elements

  • tcp: checks if the server is up or down. You must enter a port number.
  • http: checks that the Web server exists (application server is operational).
  • ncs: checks the processes on the instance entered in the 鈥榠nstance鈥 attribute (workflow errors, memory usage, etc.). The included (mandatory) attribute gives you the option to display dead processes (鈥榯rue鈥 or 鈥榝alse鈥 values).
  • redir: checks the tracking.

In most cases, only the ncs and redir sub-elements can be kept.

In any case, certain nodes can be overloaded in the sub-elements (e.g., the node port=75 to overload the port used for the http, ncs or redir connection):

<ncs instance="clap40" url="/nl/jsp/soaprouter.jsp" includeDead="false" port="80"/>

In the ncs, redir and http sub-elements, you can add the isSecure attribute (optional) to choose whether or not to use the https protocol (鈥榯rue鈥 or 鈥榝alse鈥 values). If this attribute is not provided, the http protocol is used.

Configuring the netreport.bat or netreport.sh file configuring-the-netreport-bat-or-netreport-sh--file

To configure it, edit this file and indicate which directory the JRE or JDK is installed in.

Launching monitoring launching-monitoring

To launch monitoring, execute the netreport.bat or netreport.sh file at regular intervals via a script. A report is sent after the first execution, and then only in the event of a change of status.

Testing monitoring testing-monitoring

To test the monitoring, execute the netreport.bat or netreport.sh file.

An email is sent to the recipients specified in the recipientList of the netconf.xml file.
