
About offers simulation about-offers-simulation

The Simulation module lets you test the distribution of offers belonging to a category or an environment before sending your proposition to recipients.

Simulation takes into account the contexts and eligibility rules previously applied to offers (refer to Offer catalog overview), as well as their presentation rules (refer to Managing offer presentation). This lets you test and refine various versions of your offer proposition without actually using an offer or over/under soliciting a target, since simulation has no impact on the targeted recipients.

To learn how to simulate an offer, read the steps below.

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Main steps for creating a simulation main-steps-for-creating-a-simulation

To run a simulation of your offers, apply the following steps:

  1. In the Profiles and Targets tab, click the Simulations link, then click the Create button.

  2. Save and edit the simulation which you have just created.

  3. Go to the Edit tab and specify the execution settings.

    For more on this, refer to Execution settings.

    note note
    Execution settings are only available if you are using Interaction with Campaign.
  4. Specify the simulation scope.

    For more on this, refer to Definition of the scope.

  5. Add reporting axes to enhance the Offer distribution by rank report (optional).

    For more on this, refer to Adding reporting axes.

  6. Click Save to record the simulation settings.

  7. Start the simulation via the dashboard.

  8. Check the simulation result and display the analysis report.

    For more on this, refer to Simulation tracking.
