
Edit a profile editing-a-profile

To view information related to a profile, click on their name in the profiles list.

The profile details come up in a new tab.

The data concerning profiles is grouped in tabs.

Tabs and their content depend on your configuration and installed packages.

The XML schema and the form that concerns the fields in the profiles table are accessed via the Administration > Configuration > Data schemas node of the 51ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ Campaign tree. Only expert users may make changes to these schemas.
For further information, refer to this page.

General tab general-tab

This screen contains all general data about the selected profile. In particular, it contains the last name, first name, email address, email reception format, etc. It looks like this:

When the No longer contact (by any channel) option is selected, this means that the profile is on denylist, i.e. the profile has expressed a wish not to be contacted (for example, by clicking an unsubscription link in a newsletter). They will no longer be targeted by deliveries on any channel (email, direct mail, etc.). For more on this, refer to this page.

Contact information tab contact-information-tab

This screen contains the direct mail address of the selected profile. It looks like this:

This screen shows the quality index of the address, as well as how many errors the address contains. This information is used directly by the mail carrier based on the number of errors found during previous deliveries, and is not modifiable manually.

Other tab other-tab

This screen contains user-defined fields that can be personalized based on requirements. You can also change the names of the fields and define their format, via Field properties…, as shown below:

For more on field properties and on adding fields, refer to this page.

Lists tab lists-tab

This screen displays the group(s) to which the selected profile belongs. Click Add to subscribe the profile to a list. Click Detail to display the description and the list of profiles in the selected list.

For more on this, refer to Create and manage lists.

Subscriptions tab subscriptions-tab

This screen contains the information services to which the profile has subscribed.

The Detail button displays the properties of the selected subscription. The Add button is used to add a new subscription manually.

For more on this, refer to this page.

Deliveries tab deliveries-tab

This screen displays the delivery logs for the selected profile. You can also display the labels, dates, and status of the delivery actions addressed to the profile via all channels.

Tracking tab tracking-tab

This screen lets you view the tracking logs for the selected profile. This information is used to track profile behavior following deliveries.

This tab shows the cumulative total of all URLs tracked in deliveries.

The list is configurable, and usually contains: the URL clicked, date and time of click, and the document that contained the URL.

For more on tracking functionality, please refer to this page.