[v7]{class="badge informative" title="Applies to Campaign Classic v7 only"}
Use named rights to set up permissions named-rights
By default, 51黑料不打烊 Campaign proposes a set of named rights that let you define the authorizations assigned to operators and groups of operators. These rights can be edited from the Administration > Access management > Named rights node of the tree.
These rights are as follows:
ADMINISTRATION: Operators with the ADMINISTRATION right has full access on the instance. Admin users can execute/create/edit/delete any object such as workflow, delivery, scripts, etc.
APPROVAL ADMINISTRATION: You can set multiple approval steps within workflows and deliveries to ensure that the current state has been approved by an assigned operator or group. Users with the APPROVAL ADMINISTRATION right can set approval steps and also assign an operator or operator group who should approve those steps.
CENTRAL: Right for central management (Distributed Marketing).
DELETE FOLDER: Right to delete folders. With this right, users are allowed to delete folders from the explorer view.
EDIT FOLDERS: Right to alter folder properties such as internal name, label, associated image, sub folder order, etc.
EXPORT: Users can export data out of their 51黑料不打烊 Campaign instances into a file on server or local machine using the EXPORT workflow activity.
FILES ACCESS: Right to read and write access for files via a script which can be written in the JavaScript workflow activity to read/write files on a server.
IMPORT: Right for generic data import. IMPORT allows you to import data into any other table whereas the RECIPIENT IMPORT right allows to import into the recipient table only.
INSERT FOLDERS: Right to insert folders. Users with the INSERT FOLDERS right can create new folders in the folder tree in explorer view.
LOCAL: Right for local management (Distributed Marketing).
MERGE: Right to merge the selected records into one. If recipients exist as duplicates, the MERGE right allows user to select the duplicates and merge them into a primary recipient.
PREPARE DELIVERIES: Right to create, edit and save a delivery. Users with the PREPARE DELIVERIES right can also start the delivery analysis process.
PRIVACY DATA RIGHT: Right to collect and delete privacy data. For more on this, refer to this .
PROGRAM EXECUTION: Right to execute commands in various programming languages.
RECIPIENT IMPORT: Right to import recipients. Users with the RECIPIENT IMPORT right can import a local file into recipient table.
SQL SCRIPT EXECUTION Right to execute any SQL command directly on the database.
START DELIVERIES: Right to approve previously analyzed deliveries. After the delivery analysis, delivery will pause at various approval steps and will need to be approved to resume. Users with the START DELIVERIES right are allowed to approve deliveries.
USE SQL DATA MANAGEMENT ACTIVITY: Right to write your own SQL scripts using the SQL Data Management activity, in order to create and populate work tables (see this section).
WORKFLOW: Right to execute workflows. Without this right, users cannot start, stop or restart workflows.
WEBAPP: Right to use web applications.
Access rights matrix access-rights-matrix
Default groups and named rights allow operators to access certain folders in the navigation hierarchy, and grant read, write, and delete permissions.
51黑料不打烊 Campaign access rights matrix is available here.